Chapter 124

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Title: The Night 3


"You're worthy of your title... Fourth Hokage. Inflicting injury upon me and separating the Kyuubi from me... But he WILL be mine for good one day." The masked and injured man said with a tone of finality.

The space around him began folding as he left his last words. "I shall rule this World... There are plenty of ways to go about it." At the end of his sentence, he was already gone.

'Given his tone, he is not joking around.' Minato thought with a grim look on his face and immediately teleported.

Meanwhile, in the battlefield... "Keep him occupied until Lord Fourth gets here!!" One random Shinobi shouted as he and the other Jounins around him spat one elemental technique or the other.

If Shun was here, this scene would be reminiscent of the time Indra attacked the village. The only difference being... There were actually death counts.


"What do you mean!?" An angry Kunoichi asked a middle aged man in Jounin flak jacket amidst a group of Shinobi in the Forest

"Calm down, Kurenai." A calm young man beside the kunoichi said.

"You're also a Shinobi. You're not going to live forever, however daughter, you're a woman too." The Jounin addressing them said. "Bequeath the will of fire upon my future grandchildren! Make that oath to your father... For I do believe in you." The man said seriously.

"But father..." The kunoichi said sadly but a hand tapped her shoulder in assurance.

This was Asuma Sarutobi, the last born son of Hiruzen Sarutobi and Biwako. He was still a Chunin but he had a calm to him that made others listen.

"HM. I promise." Kurenai nodded and swiped away the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Hmm. I believe you." The man said and shushuined away. {A/N: I coined the word. It's not really one but I guess it will be soon... In my book.}



The enraged tailed beast roared angrily at the humans throwing their attacks at it despite not knowing what it was doing here.

One moment he was trying to escape the seal that had been holding him away for decades, the next, he was being assaulted by humans.

Where was his right?

At one time, he contemplated turning human to escape but the Justus these humans used didn't allow him the time and space to do so.

With no other option, he began gathering Yin-Yang Chakra in its mouth to unleash a Bijudama on this flock of humans to give himself some space, however... [Kuchiyose no Jutsu]


From nowhere, a gigantic beast fell on it causing an imbalance to the chakra he was gathering and making it explode in his mouth.

"It's Lord Fourth!!" Several excited shouts rang out.

'It's that accursed human?' Kyuubi thought in anger as he tried to push off the beast on his back.

"Hold the Kyuubi down!!" Minato said to the gigantic toad he was standing on.

"That's gonna be difficult even for me." Gamabunta said. "I'm going to need a lot of Chakra to transport such a large object away." Minato said, unconcerned by his worry, but at that moment, the Kyuubi began forming another Bijudama, but this time, his mouth was closer to the humans.

"Brace yourselves!!" Hiruzen shouted as he began forming a series of hand signs...but at that moment...FWIP.

"Minato...?" He asked as he let out a breath of relief. "You teleported the Kyuubi with you?"


A massive explosion resounded as a cloud of white light lit up the night sky a distance away from the village. "Over there!" He said and prepared to run towards the location.



"Nii-san." Shun called out as he felt Minato appear inside his domain.

"Huff. Huff. There's no time, come with me." Minato, breathing heavily, said as he gently lifted up his wife and son. Handing the baby over to Shun, he touched his head and... FWIP.

"I've got to erect a barrier right away." Minato said as soon as he came back to the place he dropped off the Kyuubi.

"" Kushina, who was startled awake by the sudden movement, called out.

"Kushina!" "Nee-san."

"I it... Minato." She said, and without waiting for Minato to dissuade her, several long bundles of Golden chains erupted from her lower back and wrapped around the Kyuubi.

"GRRR!!" The infuriated Kyuubi growled as his eerie presence spilled out.

"WAAH. WAAH." Little Naruto was shaken up by the burst of aura and began wailing.

"Kushina." Minato called out while. "Shush now, Naruto." Shun tried calming Naruto down by blocking off the aura with his domain. ""

"No need for thanks Nee-san, he's my family too you know." Shun said with a bright smile. "Hehe... sorry Naruto." She said with a gentle and motherly smile.

"Kushina..." Minato clenched his fist looking at this scene.

"I'll take...the Kyuubi...with my... that...the interval... until he...emerges delayed..." Kushina told them her plan. "That's all I can manage...right now... With my remaining chakra... To help you... Thank you...for everything up till now."

Still holding her in his arms, Minato tightened his grip around her and said. "Kushina... You're the one who made me the fourth Hokage! How made me your man. And made me this child's father. You let me be a father, Kushina. And yet... I'm so useless."

"Minato...don't look so sad... I'm happy. I am. You love me... Plus." Kushina said and looked at the baby in Shun's hands. Shun, reading the room, passed Naruto over to her. "Thanks..." She said to him and then looked at Minato. " this child's most of all...if I were to imagine... He's alive and our future a family of three then... I can't see us being anything but happy..."

Minato was already in tears and Shun too. He had taken off his blindfold during the entire debacle and tears were gushing out. He knew he had to save one and the one he had in mind was Kushina, however... Letting someone as kind as Minato die truly was painful.

"If I were allowed... Just one wish..." Looking dotingly at Naruto, she said. "I wish I could have seen Naruto...grow up."

Hearing this, Shun wanted to tell her he could grant her wish but Minato beat him to it.

"Kushina, there's no need for you to die to kill the Kyuubi. Preserve what little Chakra remains for your Reunion with Naruto." He said as he cleaned his eyes.

"Huh?" "Huh?" Kushina and Shun both said at the same time. "Shun, I'll be troubling you to look after my son's and wife for me." He continued with a smile. "I'm going to seal the rest of your Chakra inside Naruto. It'll be part of the Eight Trigram Seal. And then, I'll take the Kyuubi with me.."

"With the Fuinjutsu that I can do, not being a Jinchuriki... The Shiki Fūjin Reaper Death Seal."

"But...that Jutsu... results in the casters Death.." Kushina said.

"Furthermore... I'm only going to be sealing away half of the Kyuubi... Partly because it's physically impossible to seal away such a large amount of power, but also because it's not strategically wise." Minato continued reasoning without paying any heed to Kushina's warning.

"If you take the Kyuubi with you, there will be no Jinchuriki until he re-emerges. And the balance will be upset which isn't good. With the Reaper Death Seal, we can at least seal away half of the Kyuubi forever and the other half..."

-Perhaps you're the Child of prophecy.- Jiraiya had said to him.

-Huh? The what?-

-In the future, terrible things are likely to befall the Shinobi world. And the savior that shall emerge is this child of prophecy.-

Remembering this little conversation he had with Jiraiya he said in conviction. "I'm going to seal inside Naruto! Using the Eight Trigram Seal."

"WHAT!?" The weakened Kushina found the strength to shout at the top of her lungs but Minato continued.

"I know what you're going to say, but remember what Jiraiya-sensei said about the world's upheaval? The calamity that will accompany today!" Minato said.

"There are two things that I've become convinced of today. That masked man who attacked you... He will bring catastrophe to this world." Picking up Naruto, he continued. "And this child will be the one to stop him! He will open up a future as a Jinchuriki. I don't know how, but I'm sure of it."

"But... Minato..." Kushina called out but Minato had already begun forming hand signs. -Snake. Boar. Sheep. Rabbit. Dog. Rat. Rooster. Horse. Snake, and finally, clapping his hands a greater eerie presence spilled out from the void behind him.

"Let's believe in this child! He's our son after all."


Shun's POV

Damn, this body sure is making me overly emotional... However, that goes to show I truly am a human being. It would've been weird if I didn't have these emotions as a child.

Looking at Minato forming the hand signs for the Reaper Death Seal, I knew it was time for me to begin my plans too. Despite the fact that Naruto became who he was due to knowing the pain of orphan-hood, pain, and rejection, I still believe a son shouldn't be separated from their parents... Their mothers even more so.

However, I also know that with Kushina's personality, there's no way she would allow Naruto to be bullied carelessly without doing something about it... Eventually destroying the Known reality I already envisioned.

Since that's the case, I can only allow her to survive as a ****** until a special point in time.

I called out to her telepathically.

She asked back in her mind vigilantly. Thankfully, she was already used to talking with Kurama so she didn't panic outwardly.

I corrected.

I asked

She immediately replied.

I said, sounding like someone selling some fake products on the street.

She took some time to think and then asked.

I said.

She said,

I asked as the Ghostly Figure of a Demon began licking its knife.

She said,

I said and then said to Minato. "I have another way, Nii-san."

"Hmm?" He asked and I nodded. "Your idea of splitting the Kyuubi in two is good as Naruto can't possibly handle it all at his age. However, Kushina can still be saved."

"Really?" He asked. For some reason, he didn't analyze what I said and went to ask If I was sure. I guess that's what any caring husband would do.

"Yes, but she's already sustained a good amount of damage, but she'll live." I said with seriousness.

"Then I'll leave them in your hands then." Minato said. His trust in me was something I didn't foresee. Is this the power of plot trying to please Naruto? Or was it trying to please me?

Either way, just this once, I appreciate it.

"Do tell him... I'm sorry. I died as it was my duty, both as father and Hokage." He said and at that time the Demon behind Minato raised his hand and stretched it through Minato's stomach.

"SEAL!" Minato said and... RAWR!! Kurama shouted in pain at having his being ripped into two.

Damn... I can imagine the pain.

I looked over at Minato to see him trembling. Kurama's chakra isn't something normal humans should be able to bear. Uzumaki and Senju are already rare but a normal human like Minato? Impossible.

If not because he would be sealed alongside the chakra, he would have exploded.

"It's the Reaper Death Seal! I didn't think he'd really use it." I heard Hiruzen say all the way outside the barrier Minato made.

"But the Kyuubi is still alive. He couldn't seal all of him away?" Another random voice said.

"... Although it does appear smaller." Another said and immediately tuned them off to look at Kurama and damn. He had been dwarfed in both height and Chakra.

Where the full Kurama had left a paw print, the hand of the now halved Kurama was so small that five of such paws wouldn't even cover it up.

And this was the half that Naruto had a hard time trying to control? If he had the full Kurama, could he even be able to control it back in the anime?

Damn... This is part of the reason why I thank that God for sending me back in time.

"Alright. Now for the Eight Trigram Seal... To seal the Kyuubi inside Naruto." Minato said as he Summoned a sacrificial altar.

'A Ritual Altar? He's planning to seal me up again? Not inside that baby!!' I felt Kurama's thoughts and couldn't help but feel pity for him. The most arrogant of the Nine siblings being sealed into a child... A baby at that.

At that moment, Kushina coughed and both she and Minato lost concentration, effectively weakening the chains around Kurama.

"THERE YOU ARE!!" He shouted and raised his hand to slam down at Naruto.

Now I appreciated the fact that someone else understands the appeal in finishing up your enemies with one gigantic palm but... Killing an infant... Ashura's reincarnation at that, was not something I could condone despite being his elder brother.

I shouted in his mind making him halt for a split second, however, Kushina had already seen the hand falling and blocked, Minato too followed and blocked her and Kurama, not seeing the person he thought was calling him, proceeded to slam his hand down.


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