Chapter 129

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Title: Thoughts on Life... Part 2


What's with the people and their contemplation about life? Nah... It's just these people. Back in the time of the warring states, who gave two fucks on the meaning of life?

All they knew was kill, kill and kill some more. They only had death on their mind. Although barbaric, they were more direct. They knew where their loyalties lie.

As of now, the two people who have asked me about the meaning of life would become rouge Ninjas. One would've potentially gone on to kill his entire clan just to preserve some fake peace while the other would've gone on to take so many infant lives just to prove his theory on life.

Both are mentally sick but who could blame them? It was this world's fault... Nah... Who am I kidding? It's all their fault for failing to understand that the world had a whole lot in store for them.

"Before I answer that Orochimaru-san, what is your take on that question?" I asked him.

"I dunno. And it's precisely because I do not know, that I am asking." He said and for a split second, I felt a sad emotional fluctuation from him. "A friend of mine,"

He's now using the 'A friend of mine' excuse when talking about himself.

"During the Second Shinobi war, he came upon a small Mountain Village. This village was filled with civilians all through. They tilled the earth to get their meal, they dug the wells they got their water from. They even picked the Herbs they used to treat their ill."

"There was this girl who was always kind to him despite knowing he was a killer with so much blood in his hands. She was so kind that she personally taught this man everything there is to know about living as a civilian."

"For a moment, this man thought of giving up everything just to stay and protect this little village. From time to time, there would be rogue ninjas attacking this Village, demanding for food taxes in the name of protection fees."

"This was a painful ordeal for these villagers who had to toil day and night to get these food products. For the first time, this friend saw hate and anger in this girl's eye. This sight angered him and he promised to do something about these bandits who insulted the name of Shinobi."

"However, this girl in her kindness stopped him in fear that something would happen to him, however, as confident as this friend was, he smiled and reassured her that he'll always be there to protect them."

"After that, he left to address these bandits peacefully. He had learnt that not everything could be solved with violence and killing. Sometimes, talking and conversing could go a long way...or so he thought. After going to the many Bandits camps and addressing them with a little show of force, he returned, determined to actually start a life here..."

Damn... I can feel this story Is going to take the cliché side-villain route. I can just feel it.

"However..." His voice got darker as he paused again. "Returning to this village, he saw nothing but dead bodies loitered around. Men and women, old and young. Children weren't even spared. The women, raped to death and the very kind girl...dead with he legs disfigured.... However that wasn't the end of it... What haunted this friend of mine wasn't the fact that the villagers were dead. No... It was the fact that this girl died with her eyes open, facing the village entrance with a look of expectancy."

His face hardened as he said that but outwardly, he still maintained his indifferent expression.

"He said he instinctively knew. He knew she was waiting for him to come back as he had promised. However, he betrayed that expectation. He betrayed the only girl that he had made a promise to... And that haunted him for sometime." Orochimaru said.

"He, however, used that guilt, anger and sadness to inflict even more pain on all Shinobi on that mountain area. Now young Tengoku, tell me, what is your take on this? Was he weak or was strong?" Orochimaru asked.

Huff... So this was a part of his life that was never shown, hmm? And if I'm not wrong, this had something to do with the initial battles on Kagero Village in the land of mountain.

It was wiped out roughly 18 years ago. Normally, I wouldn't know how to answer this question but alas... Being so old, what haven't I seen?

"He was both mentally strong and weak at the same time." I answered.

"Can you explain that?" He asked.

"Of course."

"This friend of yours was strong since he was able to listen to the words of the girl he had grown to love. Yes. He had grown to love her, whether he accepts that fact or not." I said. "the fact that he resorted to peaceful means was an improvement, but he failed to account for the vileness of humans."

"It's a pity something of that nature happened to a woman such as that, but the fact that she had her eyes open while still filled with hope, means she was one strong woman. One of the strongest to actually walk this world."

"Human life is precious. She understood that fact. The whole Village understood it too, but it's a pity not many do." I said and sat up. "I once told Itachi over there that life is like a journey, you meet trials, tribulations and obstructions on your path. Both physically, mentally and emotionally. How you deal with it describes the type of person you are. Simple as that."

"Is that so...?" He asked while looking at me.

"That's just how it is. I once asked... What was the difference between the Hero and the Villain of a story... Do you care to answer?"

He shook his head and I smiled. "I believe a hero would sacrifice the few for the many... While the Villain would sacrifice the many for the few."

"The few? What defines the few in this context?" Orochimaru asked.

"I dunno, might be a goal, a person, a family, a loved one. I personally would see this world burn should my family be hurt. If others see me as a Villain, so be it. But the idea of killing my loved ones for people I do not even know... Heh, that's just plain stupid." I answered causing Orochimaru to raise his eye in shock before chuckling

"You just contradicted yourself right there." Orochimaru said.

"I know, I answered your question while giving you a glimpse of my own. Whatever you make of it is up to you." I said with a smile of my own.

"Interesting. You truly are an interesting fellow." He stood up and said. "I'll like to see where this ideology would take you in years to come."

"Then you'll have to be sure to be alive for that long." I said.

"Kukuku. As you already know, snakes are hard to kill." Saying that, his body turned into numerous little snakes and scattered all over the place.

"Neat trick." I commented. I was sure as hell that was his real body and not a clone.

"Now then..." I said and turned to my little friends who were giving me even weirder looks than before. "What?"

"You... Are you really a child the same age as us?" Izumi-chan asked.

"Of course my dear Izumi. I told you, Geniuses like me live in a whole different world.... Plus I read a lot of books." I said.

"A lot? You're only six years old." Hana said. "So? Does that mean I can't send a clone to read up everything I need?"

"A clone?" Hana asked.

"Ah! Your clan probably doesn't learn this for obvious reasons but... You really should try asking your mom about it. Itachi, Izumi you both too." I said and they all nodded and proceeded to stand up too.

"But!" I shouted grabbing their attention once more


"It's a very dangerous technique. Learn to create one and then after feeling the effects, you can decide on what to do afterwards." I said.

"Is it that dangerous?" Itachi asked.

"Of course. But it's also not that dangerous.... Agh... Whatever, any and all techniques are dangerous if used wrongly. Decide after feeling it once." I said. "Now. Let me see the results of your training these past few days."


"Damn! Those eyes of yours are cheats!" A frustrated Hana said while pounding her fists into the ground.

They had just been shown another cruel reality. Despite their improved strengths, they were still unable to actually force me to fight them seriously.

But I do know for a fact that they could beat up any random Genin around. Izumi especially. She was once afraid of physical combat but now, it seems she wants to thrive more in it.

"I'm telling you. I don't even think the Sharingan has this much capability." Izumi said with a pout while Itachi was looking grim.

"Hehehe. This isn't even the least of it. Do you know how many Dojutsus there are in the world?" I asked

"Aren't there only four Great Dojutsu?" Itachi asked back.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"It's in the clan's records. The Byakugan, Rikugan, Sharingan and the Mythical Rinnegan." He pointed out the obvious.

"Is that all? Because if that's all then I would be disappointed in the Uchiha clan as a whole." I shook my head in disappointment.

"Hey! Don't say bad things about my clan!" Izumi's pout intensified. Guess she really drives great pride in the Uchiha clan.

"I'm not really saying bad things about your clan, I'm just pointing out that it's disappointing how little a clan as old as yours knows about the Dojutsu in general." I said while rubbing her head in consolation.

"So there are others?" Itachi asked.

"Of course. In the long anals of history, close to Ten Dojutsus has been seen."


"Yup. Why would I lie to you? They just aren't popular because the possessors all end up dying before their full potential can be excavated."

"The Uchiha clan, even, has tethered on the brink of extermination more than once in the past."

"Tethered?" Hana curiously asked. "What's that mean?"

"It means they were so close to being exterminated."

"My word! How did they manage to survive then?"

"Probably due to the protection alliance between the Clan and your clan... Right? " Itachi asked.

"Yup... I figured your father would've told you a thing or two since he knows we're hanging out." I replied

"Then what about these Doujutsus? Why weren't they protected?" Izumi asked.

"It's an alliance between only three clans. The Senju, Uchiha and Tengoku. However, if the Uchiha and Senju clan were to fight against themselves, the Tengoku clan had nothing to do with it." Itachi answered her.

It's good to have someone do the talking around you sometimes.

"Exactly. We weren't inclined on protecting random clans with Dojutsus so we left them to their devices." I said.

"Then what are these Doujutsus?" Hana asked

"Well, other than the four already mentioned... There's the Ketsuryugan. The Sōzōgan. The Yōgan. The Yuraigan. The Teiōgan and finally, the Tenseigan."

"Wow! All these names are Dojutsus? Are they really real?" Izumi asked.

"Of course. Do you think I would make things up?"

"No. No. It's just..."

"I know, no one's heard of them so it's understandable to not believe it." I said. "However, they are or were real once upon a time."

"What are their abilities?" Itachi asked but I chuckled... "That's for me to know and you to find out my friend."

"I can only tell you that the Ketsuryugan is a common Dojutsu in Hanagakure. Their abilities consist of blood manipulation and precise Genjutsu." I said.

"Hmm. I've read about them before." Itachi said. "It's written that their Genjutsu is so powerful that even the Mangekyou Sharingan stands no chance against it. Is that true "

"Afraid so..." I said and then smirked. "However, standing above all these Dojutsu is one... The Rikugan!"

"Yeah. Yeah. We know. You're a genius and all." Hana said from the side in a bored tone.

"What? No. I'm being serious. The Rikugan has the ability of both the Sharingan, Byakugan and the rumored Rinnegan!" I said before realizing something. Why was I trying to explain myself to these children?

Guess the childish hormones are getting to me even at critical moments.

Sigh. Whatever man. Just gotta live my life, one day at a time.


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