Chapter 137

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Title: Back home and Timeskip 1


A few days of uninterrupted sailing had us arriving at the port town of the island. I had to say, I expected an attack or two on us... Danzo can be very scheming afterall.

However, it seems he still had his thinking faculties straight... Which is weird.

Anyways, as soon as we touched down on land after so long, before I could even take in the fresh breath of land... "Shun-chan!!" I was swept off of my feet so fast that my Haki didn't even notice it.

"Wha- Kaa-san?!" I exclaimed as I took in the familiar scent of the woman threatening to suffocate me. "Unhand me this instant!" I ordered, but this only added to my misery.

"Kyaa! Shun-chan doesn't love Kaa-san anymore! Hayaken, look what has become of our son after only a year of separation." Chiaki complained to the man who was smiling fondly behind her.

"Of course he would, considering the fact that you're trying to kill him." Hayaken said with a shake of his head.

"Wha-! Shin-chan! Are you okay?" Realizing her mistake, Chiaki pulled me away and only then discovered my normal healthy skin was now pale.

"Was! Don't die on me Shun-chan, Kaa-san can't live without you." She said and began shaking me so much that I would've snapped in two.

"Sshtop isht Kashan!" I managed to say but I'm sure it came out blurry.

"Kaa-sama, I think he's telling you to stop it." Yusano finally decided to make herself known.

"Really?" Chiaki asked and stopped shaking me. "Finally!" I shouted. "Kaa-san! I'm not talking to you!" I declared, only then finding out that my blindfold was gone and tears were pooling in my eyes.

"Hahaha, Shun, you're looking more feminine as you grow." Father just stood there laughing like an idiot.

"Tou-san! You too!" I said, ignoring my mother who was looking at me with a betrayed expression, tears threatening to fall down. "Nee-sama, let's go!" I said, picked up my blindfold and walked past the frozen duo that were my father and mother.

What kind of parents would nearly kill their son in a fit of joy? I get the killing due to anger or something, but joy? Humph. I'm not talking to them for a whole day!

That was my childishness talking and I knew it. But still, I wasn't going to go back and apologize.


Fast forward a little and we were back to the main village of Hanagakure. The beautiful skyline is sprinkled with stylish mixture of both Chinese and Japanese buildings.

Their beauty is only matched by each other. Development flourished in Hanagakure, just as I had envisioned, and it has attracted a lot of attention.

A few cultures had left their mark not just on business, but also upon the city's identity. What historically was an ancient and lackluster city of predictability has grown into a hub and it's this that unites the thousands of people to this day.

Neither Violence, war nor destruction has left its mark on this city which was still being called a village for some reason... Maybe they were following the trend?

Whatever. Right now, we were on our way to meet the Hanakage, Keshiro, to report my return to the village. Mother and father were still sulking by the side which I totally ignored.

"We're here." Father said after a series of twists and turns. Damn, this mansion sure is something. If I didn't have prior knowledge of the place, I sure would've gotten lost here.

"Humph!" Still ignoring the man, I pushed the door open and walked in.

"Well, look who decided to finally come back." Keshiro jested as he saw me.

"Kage-sama." I greeted with a traditional salute. Attack on Titan style.

"Haha, no need to stand in ceremony with me, young one. You're one of this villages' future protectors. You could even be sitting where I am now."

Like hell I would. I've already had my share of that position and l would have to go to hell and back to sit down there again.

"Surely you jest, Kage-sama. There would be a more suitable candidate after you..."

"Is that so?" He chuckled. "I'm sure you'll come around... How was your stay in Konoha? Enjoyed it?"

"Well, I did. Up until the Fourth Hokage was killed."

"Oh that. I heard. A pity. He was one of the best to ever come out of that village. Given a few years, I'm sure he could even reach heights surpassing some of us." Keshiro lamented and I couldn't help but agree with him.

Minato was really one of the best Shinobi to ever live. He was strong, kind, and ruthless all in the perfect ratio. Can't wait to see how much he would've grown inside the Shinigami's world.

"I enjoyed their company. I even have a little brother." I said with a genuine sad smile. "Unfortunately, he was born on the day his parents died."

"Ah, Naruto Huh?" Keshiro asked.

"Hmm?" I hummed in curiosity... I would've asked how he knew but then... I created this village so...

"He still has his mother though. We had sent one of our best to check up on her, unfortunately, we also couldn't find her soul... Not even a flicker of it. It was weird." He said.

This was one of the rare moments I was grateful for having a blindfold. Else, my eyes would've told them everything.

"And then, after that, what happened?" He asked and I went on to tell him how I manhandled some of their gold ranked Shinobi as well as threaten their council meeting.

"Not bad. I really want to see if they would dare attack us? We've been at peace for so long you see." Keshiro said sadly. Wait, was he intoning that he would like for war to break out against us?

This motherfu-

"Anyways, how would you rate their threat level?"

"Threat level?" I asked suspiciously. Was this guy really thinking of starting a war against Konoha at this point in time?

"Yeah, I know the Kyuubi has done them some harm but their younger generation shouldn't have been harmed right? How are they in your own words?"

"Well, they certainly are something..." I started but paused and then continued. "Minato did tell me something sometime ago..."

"Oh? The Fourth did?"

"Yeah. He said his Sensei, Jiraiya, made mention of something about the child of prophecy when the world would be at the brink of collapse."

"Hmm, I heard. Jiraiya came here looking for a student some years ago..." Keshiro said. "Something about destiny."

"Yeah, that's what he said. Destiny of the world destruction or revolution."

"So..? What's this got to do with anything?"

"Everything. Minato told me that he could feel it... When he was handing his son over to me, he said that he felt like the man that attacked would be the one to bring about the Destruction."


"Yeah. And he hoped that his son would be the one to stand up against this person in the future."

"And you believed him."

"Of course. That's why I think that Konoha, being the place where it all began, would usher in an era of prosperity in terms of Geniuses... I already met like five around my age, and I have no doubt geniuses from all over the other nations would emerge."

"You don't say!" He said with an exaggerated expression making my eyes twitch.

"You already knew this didn't you?" I sighed.

"Of course I did, we have eyes all over the world, Young Shun. Wouldn't you like to experience that kind of power?"


"Damn. So quick to reject." He said in mirth. "You know, I could train you to become the next after the one coming after me."

"My answer remains unchanged." I said as annoyance began creeping up my face.

"Alright. Alright." He waved his hands at me. "What do you plan to do then?"

"Me? Hmm... I plan on entering the academy..."

"Oh? Just that?"

"No... I actually plan on changing the entire structure of the academy." I told him. The standard of the academy, despite being good in terms of education, lacked in bringing out the Shinobi quality of children.

Back when I was Kage, it was already obvious. Out of a thousand that graduate, less than a hundred go on to become Gold Level Shinobis.

It was deplorable to think that this was the level we are able to reach. The only upside was that those hundred could make up for the lack in quantity with quality.

Yusano was a prime example. I have no doubt that she could take on all those Jounin gathered in that meeting in Konoha. Of course, she'd die but that was still winning as she'd take up a chunk of their total battle power.

"Changing the entire structure? Young Shun, you shouldn't reach more than your reach." He said with a small laugh. "You're still young so you wouldn't know, but this has been how the academy has been since the beginning."

"I know, which is why there is a need for change. Change is something that is needed for development. A lack of change leads to stagnancy. Stagnancy leads to deterioration. Which also leads to internal destruction."

"Wow... That's...deep. How did you come up with that? You almost sound as wise as me."

"It's nothing, I just read a lot." I told the old man.

"Yeah, I heard. Anyways, to do that, you'd need to be the principal.."

"I know, that's the plan."

"Gasp. So that's why you didn't want to become the Kage. Should've known."

"Hehe. Anyways, if there's nothing else, I'd like to take my leave. The Journey back has been hectic."

"Of course..." He said and motioned for me to leave. As I reached the door. "Oh! And Shun?"


"Welcome home." He said with a warm smile which also caused me to smile.

"It's good to be back."


After the meeting, I followed my parents back home with Yusano staying behind to report whatever it is she was initially sent to do in Konoha.

As we walked, I honestly couldn't keep being angry at my parents, and with my six year old hormones, I was quick to forgive and forget.

What actually hit the final nail on the coffin was mother's cooking that night. Not gonna lie, Kushina was a great cook. Biwako too. They were women who aspired to be housewives afterall... But, my mother's meal was still the best.

It was just too good. I honestly felt I could cook more than her but... It was just psychology. She was my mother so her food just tasted heavenly...

After the meal we were already all on laughing terms. I told them all about my stay in Konoha on a more personal basis. I told them about Kushina, Minato, Mikoto, Itachi, Izumi, Hana, Shusui and even Kakashi.

Yusano was trying to dodge that particular subject but I made sure we talked about the White-haired Emo.

We talked for so long that we all forgot the time. I guess having to spend an entire year apart from family really was something. Especially my mother who had to part with her then five year old son.

"It's really good to be back." I said as my mother placed me in my bed.

"It's good to have you back." She said with a fond smile and rubbed my cheeks. How heavenly it was to have a mother. I didn't have one when I reincarnated so I sure as hell would cherish this one.


And so, time passed. I entered the academy with my mates as First Years. Sic years old was the minimum age of admittance into the academy after all.

Konoha was just weird. Due to their need for young blood, anyone of any age could enter, as long as they had chakra, could read and write.

What a weird ass place indeed.

In the academy, depending on your results, you'd get placed in a class. It wasn't like the Konoha procedure of putting clan kids in one class.

Luckily...or rather, as expected, I was out in class 1-A. I aced all the exams put. Thankfully, the teachers here showed no signs of favoritism to anyone.

I would've been forced to report them if I had seen it. A school was a place for everyone to come together and learn, challenge themselves and grow.

Not a place where some are out down just because others have some form of connection, had greater early potential or looked pleasing to the eye.

That's right. I looked too pleasing in the eye but there wasn't any female teacher in charge of the entrance exams so I still had to put in my best.

I'm not saying I would've used my face to my advantage... No, I was just saying I would've checked how effective it was on young females.

There's a difference mind you.

My class was a mixup of so many clan kids as well as various civilians.

Normally, the clan kids would be the people to Watch out for, but... It was the normal kids who are able to stand on the same level as clan kids that were to be watched.

In our class the most eye-catching people were of course me and one lady who had headsets? over her head. I didn't know that technology had been invented...

Oh. This is Hanagakure, not Konoha, my bad... But why was she covering her ears? Don't tell me she has super hearing or something.

"Yes I do." I heard a tiny girly voice in my ears. I was damn sure it wasn't telepathy so she must have transmitted her voice over.

Wait a minute! Was this Xin transformed into a little girl? I didn't pay her much attention after so long... Could this be her...?

Nah... She's immortal, she won't miss me all that much. Even if I don't answer her feelings, she'd just wait for me for a while. She's that subservient, but how did this girl transmit her voice to my ears?

"So you really have super hearing?" I muttered trying to test out a theory.

"Like I said earlier." I heard once again. Damn. One had to know that the entire class was rowdy today so this girl must be special. "But the doctor called it something like Hyperacusis. Whatever that means."

"Oh, that's the same thing. Hyperacusis is a disorder of loudness, but you being able to send your voice over suggests otherwise." I muttered back. "I'm Shun by the way."

"Kimizu. Himuro Kimizu."


I know. I know. I'm introducing another OC. Boring. But she won't last long. She'll just be mentioned here and there.

I just want to create a life for the MC in Hanagakure. Plus something that'll be a spoiler if I said it here.


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