Chapter 140

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Title: Sound Ninjutsus.


"What!? You're going on a mission!? But we're still in the academy!" A brown haired girl shouted in shock as she heard what her first and best friend just said.

"Sigh... What can I say, Kimizu? It's the perks of being..." "Don't even say it!" Shun said but was interrupted by the angry banshee.

"C'mon girl, it's just a low rank mission to deliver a message. Nothing much." Shun said lightly to assuage her worries.

"But it's a mission. You could get hurt outside you know?" Kimizu said with a sad tone as tears began pooling in her eyes.

"Heh. What are you talking about? I'm the strongest, you know." Shun smirked and said smugly, but before the girl could refute, he continued. "Here, I brought you a gift." Shun said and tapped the box he was sitting on

"A gift? What's it?" Kimizu asked as her attention was pulled toward the wooden box Shun was sitting on.

"It's something I came up with to help you better conduct your soundwaves." Shun said and sat up. Opening the box, he pulled out a well crafted Violin and bow.

"Wow! It's beautiful. What's that?" She cried in shock.

"As I said, it's a violin, similar to the zither of the entertainment district, but this one is portable." Shun said as he casually waved the Violin.

{A/N: Zithers are not really not portable, it's just that the strings need your two hands to play, hence, you'd have to place them down... Except you have telekinesis like cultivators or something.}

"So... How does it work?" Kimizu asked curiously. She was thrilled at the idea of getting a gift from Shun, but honestly, she didn't know a thing about it.

Shun had given her ideas of musical instruments capable of boosting her sound Ninjutsus but she wasn't well off to actually purchase them.

"Like this." Shun began. "First, you tighten the bow. The hair shouldn't be too limp or too tight, just normal. The hair should not be parallel to the wooden part of the bow, but with the wooden part curving slightly toward the hair."

As he taught her, he showed her the process. "Then you rosin it, tune the Violin, then pick it up by its neck with your left hand and bring the butt of the instrument up to your neck. Rest the lower back of the violin on your collar bone and hold it in place with your jaw. Then you play..."

Shun said and began playing. The tube was very slow, like the gentle breeze of the night. It was a strange rhythm to music, yet it was discordant.

Kimizu who was listening to it suddenly felt like she had been brought into an Illusory world. In this Illusion, She was actually dancing with Shun to the tune of the music like a pair of young lovers.

As the tempo of the music rose, the days of romance passed between the two lovers.

If there was any spectator, they would feel their hearts thump with the rise of the music. The two danced together, their different social status tried to separate them.

Shun is a son of an accomplished Gold level father and mother, Kimizu, an orphan. The ones with no one to have their backs.

One day, the boy was called up to leave on a mission. Bidding farewell, he promised to return in three months with enough merits to shut up the public.

At that time, they would definitely get married.

However, the time suddenly changed. It made one have this unique sense of foreboding. 'They would reunite after three months, right?


The scene in the illusion showed the boy fighting on a bloody battlefield while the girl remained in her sheltered house.

Slowly the music reached its peak as the boy finally returned, being a gold rank Jounin with one foot into the Black Ranks. With a heroic smile, he returned to his village, however....

What was this? Why was the girl's house decorated for marriage?

Suddenly the music dropped, along with the sword he held tightly in his hands.

In front of him, his lover got married to some other person of higher rank in the village.

The girl, alongside her husband, left walking beside the boy who just returned with a smiling face. The boy turned crazy as he wandered aimlessly.

Finally, he decided to sneak into the girl's house at night to demand an explanation.

But then, the moment he snuck in, she gave him one last glance before falling to the ground with a piece of paper in her hands.

Reading the letter, the boy understands that she actually loved him, but got forced into the marriage.

Along with her abuse, she finally took poison and died. But she was happy. She died in the arms of the boy. The only boy she ever loved.


The music stopped and the Illusory world immediately shattered with Kimizu regaining her consciousness.

"So... What do you think?" Shun asked with a smug smile as he watched the conflicted mess of emotions swirling inside the girl.


It took Kimizu some time to regain her wits, and when she did, she bawled out her eyes in Shun's embrace, Shun not understanding what was going on hugged her and consoled her.

He had just played that music while inducing a Genjutsu on the girl. The music was meant to stir up one's emotional state of mind, influencing them to the music's tempo.

If it was soothing, they would feel soothed.

If it was aggressive, they would feel enraged.

If it was melodramatic, they would feel emotionally conflicted.

That's why he changed the tempo on so many occasions. He didn't know what she saw in there as the music was meant to offer you what you desire most.

The only thing it controls,was the outcome.

If you wish for a happy married life at the beginning of the song, you'd get it, however, depending on the mood of the person who cast the Genjutsu, you would either live happily ever after, or face a nightmare that would scar you for life.

"Are you okay now?" Shun asked as he noticed the girl's calmness returned.

"Hmm... What was that?" She asked. "One moment everything was okay, and the next, I was dying in..." She blushed as she remembered the entire thing.

Not understanding the meaning of that particular blush, Shun placed his hands on her forehead and asked worriedly. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if that was too much for you."

"No! No... It's.. okay. I'm just... You know." She said and took a deep breath. "But seriously, what was that?"

"Well..." Shun smiled and smugly explained the concept of the song to her.

"So I could achieve that level of Genjutsu?" She asked in amazement.

"Of course! And the interesting part of all this is that... Genjutsu created through sounds are the hardest to actually break out of." Shun nodded. "With preparations and precautions, one can escape a Genjutsu cast through hand signs or Doujutsus, however, you can't really break away from one made from sound."

"Yeah... You can decide what to look at but you can decide what you hear. It just comes flowing in." Kimizu added.

"Exactly." Shun nodded and looked at her in admiration. She was picking up nicely. "And that's not even the least of it. Watch this."

This time, Shun placed the Violin and in a swift and violent movement, struck a string with the bow before slashing the bow at a nearby tree.

A white arc materialized from the bow and swept towards the trees in the area, bisecting them smoothly.

"Wha-!" Kimizu cried out in shock.

"Shocking right?" Shun asked.

"What did you just do!? How did you do that!?" Came the girls' questions.

"Well, sound is a form of wave as I've already told you in the past. Wave is then a form of energy. There's water wave, fire wave, earth wave, air wave and even lightning wave." Shun explained and then struck the string again, this time gently, enabling Kimizu to notice the way tiny particles were hitting each other, generating vibrational frequencies she was so familiar with.

"This is the origin of sound, if you can go back to basics and learn how to influence the air around you, this little trick of mine would look like child's play to what you could achieve." Shun said as the air generated around him turned into water droplets before turning into mist and then snow before forming Ice flowers.

"This, my dear, is the pinnacle of Elemental manipulation." Shun to the dazed Kimizu.

Her expression was as though she was looking at a stranger. She had known Shun for three years now, and although she knew he was strong, she didn't expect this.

He was always so easy going. Prideful to those who didn't know him but warm to those who knew him. He welcomed everyone without a trace of arrogance, yet, he seemed to disdain interacting with those around him.

If one didn't muster up the courage to approach him, they wouldn't know... But despite spending so much time by his side, she just felt like she didn't know this person at all.

"Don't worry, Kimi. I'm plenty strong. Just make sure you don't lag behind too much, Eh?" He said as he placed the bow and violin in the box.

Seeing she was still dazed, Shun sighed and walked up to her before tapping at her forehead. "Don't look at me like that."

"Ouch! That hurt!" She said as she was brought out of her stupor.

"How strong are you really?" She asked.

"Well, I think I'm the strongest." Shun smiled and waved her goodbye.


"Are you done with your goodbyes?" Yusano asked as soon as she felt Shun step inside the house.

"Yeah. I don't have many friends anyways. Kimizu is enough, she'd tell the others tomorrow." Shun said from the door as he removed his sandals.

"So... When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow, at first light." Yusano said before her voice turned serious. "But let's make one thing clear."

"Yeah?" Shun asked curiously as he walked towards her.

"From Tomorrow, I'm In charge. You're aware of that right?" She asked and Shun nodded. "Of course."

"That's good, I wouldn't want your genius getting in your head and jeopardizing our mission... The outside world is really scary." She said sternly and Shun could feel her worry for him.

"Don't worry about this sis. The fact that you know I'm a genius should also tell you that I should know things." Shun said and sat beside her.


"Yeah. Things like not to go out of line when it really matters. Trust me on that." Shun said with a convincing tone.

"I guess I should." She said and looked away not noticing the slightest curve that appeared on Shun's lips.

"When it really matters..." She muttered to herself Before her eyes widened. "Wait Shun!"

Unfortunately, Shun was already gone from the couch leaving her there to wallow in her anger... How could she not notice the slight word play he used there.

Now, no matter what he does, as far as nothing goes wrong, he wasn't at fault.

"Cheeky brat." She fumed and spat out in anger.

"Ara~, Yusano-chan, what got you so heated up?" A matured voice sounded from the door as their mother came back home.

"It's nothing, just Shun messing around." Yusano said. There's no way she was going to admit to being outsmarted by Shun. As a gold ranker, she couldn't possibly admit to being outsmarted by an academy student.

Even if that academy student was the enigma of the clan. Shun.

"I see, come and help me with these things. Gotta prepare enough food and rations for the two of you."

"Hai." Yusano said with a grumble and stood up.


Don't worry guys, I would just make Shun terrorize Kumo a bit and then we resume our Timeskip.

As for Hinata's personality... She will be the confident type, strong and dependable. She also won't be overly shy around Naruto.

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