Chapter 147

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Title: Kakashi


In a dimly lit room, two figures sat across from each other at a worn-out wooden table, the tension in the air almost palpable. The conversation that unfolded between them was as weighty as it was grave, revolving around a decision that would determine the fate of countless lives.

As the first person, a tall and stern-looking individual with graying hair, leaned forward, their voice carried a sense of authority. "We have to carefully consider the number of people we send to this life and death competition," they began, their words deliberate and measured. "We can't afford to underestimate our opponents, but we also can't recklessly sacrifice our resources."

The second person, visibly younger and dressed in a mix of casual attire and standard Jounin flak jacket, nodded in agreement. Their expression reflected a mixture of determination and apprehension. "I understand the importance of being cautious," they replied, their voice tinged with a hint of urgency. "But we can't forget that this competition is not just about survival; it's about proving our worth and securing our place."

The first person leaned back in their chair, their eyes fixated on the second person. "I'm well aware of the stakes," they responded, their tone softening slightly. "But we can't ignore the fact that each individual we send is a potential loss. We need to strike a balance between strength and preservation."

A brief silence settled in the room as both individuals weighed the gravity of their choices. The second person finally spoke up, their voice resolute. "Perhaps we should focus on quality over quantity. Selecting a smaller, elite group of individuals who excel in various skills could give us the edge we need."

The first person nodded thoughtfully. "Agreed. We must identify those who possess not only physical prowess but also strategic thinking. This competition will test not only their strength but also their ability to adapt to unexpected challenges."

As the conversation continued, the two individuals delved into the complexities of the decision they faced. They debated the merits of different approaches, ranging from sending a large contingent to overwhelm their opponents to sending a select few with specialized skills. The room grew warmer as ideas flowed back and forth, each perspective considered and analyzed.

Hours passed, and the conversation began to take on a philosophical tone. "Are we responsible for the lives of those we send?" the second person asked, their gaze distant. "Should we view them merely as pawns in a larger game?"

"Aren't we all." The first person leaned forward again, their eyes reflecting a mix of weariness and resolve. "We are leaders, entrusted with making the most difficult choices. We must consider the greater good while never forgetting the value of individual lives."

Their words hung in the air, a reminder of the heavy burden they both carried. The conversation circled back to practical matters, as they discussed the logistics of training, equipping, and supporting the chosen individuals.

As the afternoon's light filtered through the windows, the conversation drew to a close. The second person leaned back, a sense of clarity in their eyes. "We may not have all the answers, but we will make the best decision we can," they said, a hint of determination in their voice.

The first person nodded in agreement, a somber understanding passing between them. "It's not just about the competition itself, but the legacy we leave behind. Our choices will shape the narrative of our people for generations to come."

With a final, shared understanding, the two figures rose from the table, their conversation having reached its conclusion. In a world where life and death hung in the balance, they would carry the weight of their decisions and the hope of their people as they moved forward into an uncertain future.


"Sigh, why won't the Hokage see me?" Iruka asked in a melancholic tone as he sat down on a chair in the walkway.

-But, why?- he had asked the Anbu guarding the door to the Hokage's office and he replied. -Lord Hokage is performing official duties right now.-

Thinking back to that conversation, he sighed deeply once more.

"Hey. Hey." A deep voice called out interrupting his internal monologue. Looking up, he saw a white haired man reading a book seated comfortably on a tree branch. "You know, this is my special seat." The man said, and then looking down, he continued. "I can't concentrate on my reading when someone is making such a long sigh next to me."

"Oh... I'm sorry. I'll move right away." Iruka said and stood up to leave. He recognised that flack jacket and knew the person talking was superior to him in both position and strength.


"No, wait. I was just about to leave." The person seated on the tree instantly appeared in front of him, his book still held in his hand. Closing the book in his hand and putting it in his pouch, he said. "Be seeing you..." And walked away.

Iruka sighed once more in relief and sat down back on the chair, causing the man earlier to stop and ask. "What's wrong? You look so depressed. If you feel like talking, I'll listen." He said and walked back to sit beside him.



" your name, right? Well, I happen to be Naruto... You know the one... Uzumaki Naruto's homeroom teacher." Iruka began and the now named Kakashi threw his hand behind the chair to get comfortable.

"I see..." He remarked.

"But I went to the Hokage to ask him to relieve me from being his homeroom teacher... However, The Hokage wouldn't see me. I just don't know..." Iruka sighed. "I don't know how to deal with Naruto. I'm not qualified to be his teacher. " Iruka said as he grabbed his head in frustration.

It was unknown whether what he was feeling was confusion, frustration or just plain lack of ability to handle himself around the boy.

"I see... So that's why you look so dead, huh?" Kakashi said plainly.

"What?" Iruka shook and looked at him.

"I'm talking about your eyes." Kakashi said and seemingly seemed to be in his mind. Iruka kept silent and waited for him to talk. "Your eyes were so full of life back then, now, they're dead."

"What are you talking about?" Iruka asked.

"That day on the roof, when the Hokage granted your wish to be a teacher. Your eyes...they were so bright, but now..." Kakashi said but didn't finish but Iruka got the message he was trying to pass along.

"Perhaps you've forgotten the basic rule of teaching. 'You cannot open the mind of others if you yourself don't have an open mind.' Or perhaps, you're trying to forget." Kakashi said as he looked at the skies.

Iruka sighed once more. "The Kyuubi sealed inside Naruto is responsible for the death of my parents." Clenching his fist, he continued. "I'm fully aware that Naruto is not to blame. But, whenever I see him, I can't stop remembering the Kyuubi inside of him."

"I don't think Naruto will open up to someone like me." Iruka concluded.

Kakashi hummed. "You're the only one that can reach and open up Naruto's heart, not the other way around. That... That is your personal ordeal." He stood up after saying this.

"Personal Ordeal?"

"Yes. One that lord Third has given you. Just hang in there for a little while and you'll find the way. Rise up to his expectations... Well then, see-"

"Oh-ya? Is this Kakashi-san I spy?" A childish voice interrupted as Kakashi was about to give his signature 'See you' wave.

"Geh!" Kakashi instinctively let out as he immediately recognised the owner of that voice.

"Yo, Kakashi." The voice greeted as the figure of a boy appeared In Front of the departing Kakashi.

"Shun..." Kakashi greeted, but from his tone, one could tell he was anything but pleased right now.

"Oh my, you don't seem so pleased to see me. How sad..." The boy, Shun, said sadly as he shook his head.

"Hey!" Iruka shouted, "It's you!" He said as he pointed at Shun.

"Yeah, it's me... Who else is here but me?" Shun asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

"No, I mean, it's you from yesterday's night." Iruka corrected. "The one who threatened to kill me."

"Hmm?" Shun pretended to be confused for a while before his face lit up in realization. "Ah! The one who wanted to kill Naruto!"

Iruka and Kakashi's face, despite it being a portion of it, fell as he heard that. "You wanted to kill Naruto?" Kakashi asked in Shock.

"It was in the spur of the moment." Iruka said, thinking Kakashi was angry with him.

"Yeah. A Kunai to the heart would've ended my dearest little brother. Can you imagine that Kakashi?" Shun asked, causing Kakashi to roll his one eye.

"Then why is he still alive?" He asked. "Oh, I felt a tini tiny bit of kindness sweep away all that hate he was accumulating for a split second so I assumed something must be clouding his judgment."

"Oh.." Kakashi said. "I understand."

"You do? You know the guy?" Shun asked curiously.

"Yeah. He made us fail a mission due to his unnecessary act out of emotions." Kakashi said and sat back down.

"You still remember that?" Iruka asked in embarrassment.

"Of course, I don't forget a mission. Failure or otherwise." Kakashi said. "That's also why lord Third comfortably made him Naruto's teacher."

"Hmm, I see. Hopefully that incident yesterday was only due to the spur of the moment." Shun hummed and nodded his head.

"So... What are you doing here?" Kakashi asked. "It isn't time for your yearly visits,"

"Oh that? Hehe," Shun chuckled and immediately, his aura changed to that of an arrogant young master. "This Genius in front of you was so outstanding that he was directly promoted to Gold rank after graduating from the academy."

"Eh..?" Kakashi intoned in an obvious tone causing Shun to pout in annoyance. "What's with that reaction?"

"Hmm? Were you expecting me to be surprised? Sorry, I don't think you're normal. I mean, your friends from back then are already Chunin so..."

"Humph, of course they'd be Chunins. It's practically impossible to be close to this young master and not rub off a bit of my Genius." Shun said smugly.

"So... That still doesn't answer my question."

"Oh, we're here to invite Konoha to our yearly Gold rank promotion exams." Shun said. "We decided to involve all the villages in this one exam, so here we are."

"Then aren't you supposed to be with lord Third?" Kakashi asked.

"What? No. Never. Those types of talks bore the living daylight out of me. Nee-san is handling it, I've been with Naruto since yesterday." Shun said.

"So that's why he wasn't at the academy today." Iruka murmured.

"Yup. I really should kill you now, considering how much he cried in my arms yesterday...." Shun said as he looked at Iruka, and despite being blindfolded, Iruka still felt the piercing glare from the younger white haired boy.

"I'm sorry about that." Iruka apologized.

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me. The person you should be apologizing to will be in school tomorrow, make sure to do the needful."

"I will." Iruka nodded with a resolute gaze. Shun snorted and looked away.

"Guess what Kakashi?" He asked excitedly.

"What?" Kakashi asked back.

"You're supposed to guess, not ask me."

"Well, I have no idea what got you so excited."

"Humph, then I'll tell you now lest your feeble mind collapse from shock when you see it."

Already used to Shun's speaking antics, Kakashi rolled his eyes while Iruka just stood there confused. Wasn't this guy from outside the village? How was he Naruto's big brother? Why was he so friendly with Kakashi? This was the Very person he wanted to report to the Hokage... Was there something he was missing?

"You know our clan's Domain Expansion right?" Shun asked and Kakashi couldn't help but sigh in frustration.

"You never let me forget, Shun. You never. C'mon, out with it, I've better things to be doing right now."

"You know, saying that will only make me want to pester you more, right?" Shun asked with a smirk only to receive Kakashi's deadpan face.

"Alright. Alright. I'll say... You're probably going to get the latest Icha Icha paradise release, humph, pervert." He muttered loud enough for Kakashi to hear him.


"Hai. Hai. Here comes the big release... Nee-san has unlocked her Domain Expansion!!" He shouted excitedly, and immediately, fireworks and cheers came from the area behind him, shocking Iruka but annoying Kakashi who was trying to process what he just heard.

"What?" He asked in horror. The Yusano he knew was already one hell of a fighter... one he wouldn't want to fight twice, and that's just her normally.

With her Domain, known to be the Tengoku clan's strongest ability with the ability to make one's fighting prowess elevate to a higher form, wouldn't his dream of catching up to her be futile?

"Yup. You heard right, and I must say, she's one hell of a fighter. I couldn't even beat her with my domain activated." Shun nodded with pride while observing the older man.

A moment of silence descended on them before Kakashi sighed and said. "What a pain."

"Indeed. You have to make sure to keep the ladies at a distance now... Wouldn't want to anger that Ice mistress." Shun said with a meaningful tone.

Seeing his opportunity to act like Shun, Kakashi smirked and said. "Who asked me to be such a hottie, am I right?"

Shun just stared at him blankly. "That won't help you bro. That won't help you."

"Sigh..." He sighed and deflated once again. "But cheer up my dear future elder brother, for you have the ultimate hax Dojutsu in the world right now."


"Yup. You do have the Mangekyou Sharingan right? Have you tried out the ability that came with it?" Shun asked.

"Yeah, but so far, it only helps to delete things I set my eyes on. As for where the deleted object goes, I have no idea." Kakashi shrugged.

'Of course you don't.' Shun thought to himself. "And how long can you do that?"

"Two three times before my chakra bottoms out." Kakashi replied and shook his head. "That won't help me against your sister...or you even."

"Don't sweat it bro. You just need to increase your chakra capacity and everything will balance out. Currently, even my chakra is higher than yours." Shun said.

'Are you consoling me or adding salt to my injury?' Kakashi thought. "You're a monster kid."

"Fufufu. That I do happily acknowledge... A pity you lower lifeforms wouldn't be able to reach my state of existence." Shun said with an otherworldly look on his face.

"Alright, I'm out of here." Kakashi said and made to leave.

"Hahaha. Sorry. Sorry. It just happens." Shun laughed and apologized.

"So... Do you have any advice on how to use this ability?" Kakashi asked.

"Of course. Who asked me to be a genius?" Shun scoffed before saying with a melancholic tone.

Ignoring the look of annoyance appearing on Kakashi's face, Shun continued. "Have you tried redirecting the object instead of deleting it?"

"Redirecting? I believe I have?"

"Why are you asking me? You should know better right?" Shun asked and sighed. "Well, I'm just gonna Level with you. That ability of yours is not actually deleting, but removing."

"Is there a difference?" The ever silent Iruka asked, causing Shun and Kakashi to look at him.

"You're still here?" Kakashi asked before turning to Shun, "but really... What's the difference?"

"Hmm, deleting is the permanent removal of something. You're probably thinking 'move this thing out of here' when you use your technique right?"

Kakashi nodded with a thoughtful look. "Then what if you think, 'move this object from here to there.'?"

Kakashi looked confused at that analogy. "Think about it. Your ability is actually related to space, you're moving those objects to somewhere your subconscious deems a dump. What if you change your perspective... To move things from one place to another."

"I see." Kakashi looked contemplative as he thought about it. "It's an interesting possibility, I'll try it out later."

"You better. Not even I with my Mastery over space can beat nee-san, you'd have to try harder if you want to accomplish that." Shun jeered.

"Heh, in case you forgot Shun, I'm actually an older genius, so it's safe to say I can accomplish what you can't." Kakashi said with a smug smile.

How Shun knew it was a smile was up to him but internally, he was glad that Kakashi was actually better than he was in the anime.

He was brighter, stronger and more conversational than he was portrayed. This way, Naruto and Sasuke would be better trained than they were in the anime.

"Then I'll be expecting that day to come..." Shun said and his figure fizzled out of existence. Kakashi tried sensing him but couldn't, causing him to shake his head.

'This kid.


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2.8K words. Enjoy.