Chapter 150

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Title: Jounin Exams 1


The air in Hanagakure was charged with anticipation as the esteemed Chunin from four of the Five Great Shinobi Villages converged upon Hanagakure for the highly anticipated Jounin Exams. The village, known for its stunning cherry blossom trees and lush gardens, was abuzz with excitement and tension.

As the sun began to cast its golden glow across the horizon, the delegates from Sunagakure, Kumogakure, Iwagakure, and Konohagakure arrived one by one.

Their attire bore the symbols of their respective villages, proudly displayed on their forehead protectors and garments. A sense of camaraderie was evident despite the impending competition.

From Sunagakure, a group of Chunin led by Pakura. She was a fairly tall kunoichi, fair-skinned with pupiless brown eyes. She had green hair that she tied in a bun on top of her head with a hair needle running through it and one short and long strands of hair with orange tips framing each side of her face.

She wore a sleeveless, backless top and short tight pants, with two lapels on the front and the back with an obi around her waist, as well as purple arm-warmers which extend up to her shoulders, and has bandages around her tights and ankles.

She carried a certain level of authority with her. Her eyes were firm, showing that she was one with a code.

The Kumogakure delegation, spearheaded by the sturdy Raiko, showcased their mastery over lightning-based jutsu. With crackling energy swirling around them, they exude an air of power that was hard to ignore.

Representing Iwagakure, Chisaki led a group of earth and stone manipulators. Their tough, stubborn and unyielding demeanor mirrored the rocky terrain they hailed from.

Their unique and trained ability to manipulate the earth around them showcased their resourcefulness in battle.

Finally, the Konohagakure Chunin, led by the unenthusiastic Jounin Kakashi, whose expression seemed eternally fixed in an unenthusiastic half-frown. His tired eyes scanned the surroundings with a mix of indifference and resignation.

The Chunin trailing behind him, however, were anything but disinterested. Yugao, the purple-haired kunoichi with a penchant for kenjutsu, couldn't contain her excitement, her eyes gleaming with anticipation as she studied the various participants and their unique abilities.

Next in line was Takeshi, a laid-back and easygoing Chunin with a natural talent for wind manipulation. He ambled along, his hands casually shoved into his pockets, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of the upcoming challenges.

Hisako, not to be confused with the renowned kunoichi of Konohagakure, was a medical-nin with vibrant pink hair. She exuded a sense of calm amidst the chaos, her analytical gaze assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their fellow contenders.

Lastly, there was Itachi, a quiet and introspective Chunin who preferred to keep to himself. His keen observation skills and knack for strategy often went unnoticed, but those who underestimated him were in for a surprise.

As Kakashi and his team sauntered through the crowd, their presence did not go unnoticed. While Kakashi's lack of enthusiasm was palpable, the Chunin radiated a mix of determination and curiosity.

It was evident that despite their Jounin leader's attitude, they were eager to prove their mettle on this grand stage.

With their own unique abilities and personalities, this group of Konohagakure Chunin added a layer of unpredictability to the upcoming exams. As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow on the blossoming cherry trees of Hanagakure, the journey of these shinobi was about to take an intriguing turn—one that would challenge their skills, forge new bonds, and perhaps even awaken a spark of enthusiasm in their unenthusiastic Jounin leader. (A/N: Alright, this wasn't me. I directly copied it as it seemed to go well with the Village.)

However, it was apparent that Kirigakure's absence due to internal conflicts left a void in the gathering. Whispers of the village's troubles circulated amongst the participants, adding a somber undertone to the otherwise festive atmosphere.

Whether it was fate at work or the fabled plot, the participants seemed to meet with themselves. And if not for the repetitive warnings they had gotten to behave themselves in the village, all hell would've been let loose.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange hue across the village, the Chunin participants and their unique abilities had left an indelible mark on Hanagakure. The anticipation for the ensuing Jounin Exams grew stronger, promising fierce battles, displays of exceptional skill, and bonds forged in the heat of competition.

And so, the stage was set for the first chapter of the Jounin Exams in Hanagakure, a testament to the unity and rivalry that defined the world of shinobi.

"They sent only this much?" Keshiro couldn't help but frown at the low turn out of Shinobi.

"Apparently..." One of the current captains, Takeshi Mizuki. He is a tall and imposing figure, with a strong build and a stern expression. He has short black hair and wears the standard police uniform of Hanagakure, which includes a dark blue jacket with the village symbol on the shoulder and black pants and a Haori.

Captain Mizuki is known for his unwavering dedication to maintaining law and order in the village and is respected by both his subordinates and the villagers. He was also the Vice captain while Keshiro was Captain.

"Normally, I would think they're looking down on us..." Keshiro frowned deeper Before sighing. "But it's to be expected... This is a supposed life and death exam... No one would send their Chunin to die unnecessarily."

"Agreed. But I do think this outcome is okay." A female voice agreed. Yatsuyo, the current and longest reigning captain of the village said.

"How so?" A buff man from the side asked.

"Well, isn't it obvious they all sent their genius to participate?" She asked. "Konoha and Kumo to be exact. Send a Jinchuriki and an Uchiha, the only one Shun's actually acknowledged at that, heh." She finished with an amused scoff.

"You're right... Suna's Jounin leader is actually something. For them to send her over should mean something..." Another captain said only for a scoff to be heard. "You have something to say, Kurotsume?"

Everyone's eyes were drawn to a figure seated at the dark part of the table. Whether that place was originally dark, or his presence made it dark was unknown. As for the figure sitting there, it was the Squad captain of the assassination unit. Tengoku Kurotsume.

The Assassination Squad captain of Hanagakure had an imposing presence with a tall, lean frame. He had striking silver hair that cascaded down to their shoulders, contrasting against their deep crimson eyes that seemed to hold an air of mystery.

He often wore a fitted, dark violet attire adorned with intricate black patterns that hinted at their expertise in stealth and deception. A delicate silver mask covered the upper half of their face, leaving only their eyes exposed, adding an enigmatic allure to their appearance. Across their back, a pair of sleek, curved daggers were holstered, hinting at their deadly prowess in close combat.

"You may not know, but she was initially fated to die a couple years back-"

"Huh?!" The burly man interrupted.

"I'm speaking, you boar." Kurotsume said in annoyance, but his voice didn't actually change. "Raza, being the greedy and shortsighted man he was and is still, saw her as an eyesore and schemed to have her killed."

"She was lucky enough to have survived, although she still doesn't know she was plotted against by him. He merely demoted her and banned her from taking missions for five years that followed." Kurotsume explained.

"Yeah. I heard about that. He did that in a bid to weaken her popularity." Yatsuyo chimed in.

"She was popular?" Mizuki asked. He was the police captain and his duty was centered in the village and island at large. He rarely had the time and opportunity to pay attention to matters of the outside.

"Yeah. Following the Third War, she was known as the Hero who managed to defeat an Iwa battalion of Jounins. In a way, she was more deadly than Minato of the leaf." Kurotsume answered.

"Her scorch release is that brutal. Without subsequent preparation, you'd be mummified before you'd even know what's going on." Another captain nodded with a serious expression.

" dangerous." Mizuki said.

"Yeah. She's also the natural enemy of the Sand release, hence Rasa's paranoia." Kurotsume said.

"I see, so sending her here might also be a ploy... On the off-chance that we'll probably kill them off." Keshiro summarized.


"I see... And the others?" Keshiro asked. "I know of Kakashi and Itachi. That alone can be explained as Konoha trusting our promise. Raiko and Chisaki however..."

"Ratio is a seasoned Jounin, nothing special about him other than him being from the same clan as the Raikages. Chisaki is also nothing special, safe for the fact that she possesses the Explosion Release. The kid with her also has the same release." Yatsuyo explained.

"Hmm... The kid, which of them?" Keshiro asked.

"The blond one, Deidara. He's the Iwagakure equivalent of Itachi, the only difference being that he's normal. No clan bloodline whatsoever." Yatsuyo answered.

"That's amazing. So unlike the explosion squad, his explosion is his Kekkai Genkai... Interesting, truly, I wonder how he'll turn out after these exams." Keshiro smiled. "How about us? How prepared are we?"

"We've already nine silver rankers with Shun included, but with the turnouts from the other villages, we'll cut them down to six." A different voice replied this time.

This was Haibara, the current captain of the analytical squad. This captain has a distinguished look with a perpetually tired expression due to his droopy eyes.

He is almost always seen wearing glasses, which he uses to help him see clearly. Despite his tired appearance, there's an air of authority and experience about him that commands respect, afterall, he was actually the smartest man in the village so far.

"I see... Ah, make sure that girl, Kimizu, also participates. I haven't seen someone use the sound release the way she does." Keshiro asked.


"She was actually taught by Shun, right?" Kurotsume asked.

"Yeah, apparently, the kid could also generate sound waves. Truly, a genius." Keshiro praised. "He also will be joining your squad after this, take care of him will you?"

"Of course." Kurotsume said with his usual plain voice but anyone could sense the internal feelings of pride and expectations. 'However, I feel like I'll be learning a lot from him.' He thought.

"Alright, this meeting is dismissed. I'll be leaving the process of the exams to you lot... however, make it intriguing. We'll be expecting a lot of visitors. We can't let them go without.. making some profits, now can we?" Keshiro smirked, causing the captains to have varying reactions.

Some smirked in expectation, some shook their heads and some rolled their eyes.

It was true that times like this were when the village made the most money but Keshiro had made it a point to drain everyone so expertly that there won't be any regrets even after spending so much.

However, with the magnitude of this year's Exams, dignitaries from all over the world would also arrive. They could already see themselves owning the financial world without even trying.


In a plain field in the heart of a tranquil meadow, under the open sky, a person lay gazing upward. Their form is relaxed, nestled among the grassy expanse. With arms crossed behind their head, they marvel at the ever-shifting tapestry of clouds, lost in a world of daydreams and contemplation.

The gentle breeze rustles through the surrounding flora, accompanying this serene moment of connection with nature and soothing melody of a violin wafting through the air, played by a skilled violinist seated nearby, adding a touch of melodic magic to the serene scene.

"Why do you like cloud gazing so much?" The girl seated beside him asked as she stopped playing.

"Why'd you stop? You just ruined the moment." The boy groaned out.

"The piece is finished. You were so engrossed in it." The girl said with a soft smile.

"Is that so, start again then. Or play another one." The boy asked.

"Nope. The melody has found its rest, just like the day's last light." She said, confusing the boy.

"The fuck?"

"Nothing. You haven't answered my question though. Why do you like it so much?"

The boy sighed and looked back at the cloud. "Don't you find them interesting? They're Free to do whatever they wish. In fact, I could call their freedom laziness."

"I can sense a but coming right up." The girl said.

"But still, they still have a part to play to maintain the ecosystem. They still have to absorb all the water the sun attracts and pour them back down....don't you find them sad?"

"Why would I?" She asked, confused.

"The same cloud I see now, won't be the ones that I'll see after the rain or storm. Those ones will be long gone, dead, beneath my feet or deep into the ocean. No one to remember them... Just gone."

"Sigh. You're beginning to scare me Shun."

"Haha. I would do nothing of the sort." The boy, Shun said and stood up. "Come, let me introduce you to friends of mine."

Standing up and packing her Violin, the girl asked. "Uh... Haven't I seen all your friends? You literally have no other friends other than Chino-chan and I."

"Wha- How can you say that? I have tons of friends. Come I'll show you two of them." Shun snorted and walked away angrily amidst Kimizu's laugh.


That's it guys. Stay tuned for the 9± Chapters of the Jounin Exam. NB: Pakura isn't dead. I didn't want to kill her for certain reasons... Stay tuned to find out.