Chapter 164

Title: Jounin Exams End 4


"Well ain't that surprising?!" Ay slammed his palms on his chair again and laughed boisterously at the gloomy Ohnoki.

"That brat!" Ohnoki ground his teeth as he glared at the figure of Deidara leaving the arena with tattered clothes. "Humph!" He snorted. 'As far as you end that Shun brat...'

"Well, we should be taking a short break for all fighters to rest a bit. Why don't you all follow me to the reception hall." Keshiro asked as he stood up and left the room.

Hiruzen stood and followed behind immediately with his two guards following behind. The other Kages followed right behind them.

(A/N: No one want to read up on some stupid old men chatting and roasting themselves, so I'm gonna be doing a one hour Timeskip.)


"Who do you think will be your next opponent?" Kimizu asked as she ate from her Benton box. All three of them were actually having launch in the area allocated to them.

Kimizu and Kitsume were understandable as they were already out of the competition but Shun...

"Well, anyone of them would do. Though Yugito would probably help me digest this food quicker." Shun said noncommittally causing the two girls to chuckle.

"Aren't you looking down on Deidara a little too much?" Kitsume asked causing Shun to snort. "I never look down on anyone. I always state facts. If I meet him next, we'll both fight from a distance. How would that help me digest my food?"

"Hmm? You're going to fight him long-range?"

"Well yeah. He doesn't seem like someone who has any Taijutsu skills. Even from the way he talks, you'd know he's all action now, think later kinda guy." Shun shrugged and replied.

"Hehe. But I feel he's cute that way though. He portrays a kind of endearing personality." Kimizu said.

"Oh? Endearing?" Shun raised an eyebrow to that.

Kimizu chuckled. "Well, if I was meeting him for the first time, I would think he's Strong. You know, his confidence and the way he carries himself sends out that message."

"That true. Plus, he's Strong." Kitsume nodded. "You too would make quite the combination. With the sound waves generated from his explosion, you could literally end anyone that hears it... Wow!"

"Hehe, unfortunately, I don't think a time like that will come." Kimizu said regretfully.

"Hahaha. You two are funny. But for what you said Kimizu... Who knows? Maybe today's foes would be tomorrow's frenemies."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"Nope, frenemies are enemies who come together to fight a common foe... I think." Kitsume answered her.

"Hehehe. Who knows. I better get going. Seems like it'll be me against the Cat." Shun said and looked at the screen displaying his name and Yugito's

'I wonder how I should approach this fight. I haven't even used my domain yet, not to talk of my nihility.' Shun sighed as he thought along this line.


Shun Vs Yugito.


Looking at the names on the screen sent the crowd into another fit of exclamation. They could already imagine how the clash between these two would end up.

Shun a genius, acknowledged by all present and Yugito, a Jinchuriki. A weapon of mass destruction if pushed to the limit.

The arena crackled with anticipation as the crowd watched with bated breath. The Exams had reached a pivotal moment - a duel between Shun and Yugito Nii, both formidable competitors in their own right.

Shun stood confidently on his end of the arena, his white hair shimmering like a halo. Yugito Nii, the Jinchuriki of the two-tailed beast, looked determined but a bit weary as she clenched her fists, her blonde hair dancing in the wind.

Shun's eyes narrowed as he studied Yugito. He had studied every detail of her fighting style, her chakra flow, and the patterns of her movements.

He knew that her control over the two-tailed beast's chakra was incomplete. As the battle commenced, he kept his distance, gauging her reactions.

Yugito lunged forward, her chakra-infused punches striking the air with a fierce intensity. Shun deftly sidestepped, his movements fluid and precise. He initiated his assault with a calculated strike [Wind Palm Strike!]

His palm erupted in a gust of wind, aiming to disrupt Yugito's balance.

Yugito barely managed to dodge, her eyes narrowing in frustration. She quickly followed up with a series of **Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu**.

The flames roared toward Shun, but he calmly lifted his hand - **"Water Release: Water Wall!"** A wall of water surged from the ground, extinguishing the flames with a hiss.

Shun pressed forward, the ground beneath him rippling as he activated his **Earth Release: Earthquake** technique. The arena trembled as his feet stumped on the ground, sending shockwaves toward Yugito.

She leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding the attack, her eyes scanning for an opening.

Not one to let up, Shun shifted his tactics. He began a series of hand seals, his chakra surging - **"Lightning Release: Thunderstrike Jutsu!"**

A bolt of lightning crackled down from the sky, but Yugito countered with her own jutsu - **"Gale Palm!"**

A powerful gust of wind dispersed the lightning before it could reach her.

Yugito landed gracefully, a fierce determination in her eyes. She knew she had to up the stakes. She had watched all his fights and knew that she couldn't possibly win him in a battle of elements.

Gathering chakra, she let out a roar her Tailed Beast Transformation was in progress. Her body expanded, taking on the appearance of a feline creature with two tails and blazing chakra.

Shun's eyes widened slightly, but he remained calm. He analyzed the changes in Yugito's chakra flow, assessing her new capabilities.

As Yugito pounced, her chakra-infused claws extended - ["Two-Tails Claw Slash!"] Shun moved with a dancer's grace, evading the attack just in time.

With precision born of experience, Shun weaved through the battlefield. He unleashed a flurry of quick jabs - ["Gentle Fist: Swift Strike!"]

Each hit was calculated to disrupt Yugito's chakra flow, making it difficult for her to maintain control over her enhanced form.

"He can use the gentle fist?" Hiruzen's eyes widened at the familiar stance and jabs being executed by Shun.

Looking to his left, he saw that Keshiro didn't have much of a reaction causing him to shrug. It wasn't his clan in the first place so he shouldn't bother about it.

Yugito grunted in pain, blood trickling from a gash on her arm. Her movements became less fluid as fatigue set in. "What did you do?"

Shun smiled. "I just blocked off the unnecessary chakra pouring into your body. You'll feel a little fatigue at first, but you'll get used to it."

She didn't particularly trust him, and her instinct weren't exactly warning her if any danger, yet, she wasn't giving up. With a roar, she gathered chakra for her ultimate technique - ["Two-Tails Firestorm!"]

Flames erupted from her body, forming a vortex of fire and chakra.

Shun's mind raced as he calculated the trajectory of the flames. In a flash, he initiated his [Water Release: Tsunami Surge], a colossal wave of water rose to meet the inferno.

The two elements clashed, steam and smoke billowing into the air.

When the smoke cleared, Yugito stood on shaky legs, her transformation receding. Her breath was ragged, and her injuries were evident. Shun, on the other hand, was unscathed.

"Did that really tire you that much?" Shun asked in confusion before shaking his head in disappointment. "Seems like your seal was wrongly placed in the first place."

Yugito's chest heaved as she caught her breath, her amber eyes locked onto Shun. Blood stained her clothes and dripped from her wounds, but her spirit remained unbroken. She knew that giving up was not an option.

No... It was an option, just not for her right now.

Shun remained composed, his gaze unwavering. He had anticipated Yugito's transformation and had effectively resisted her strongest attacks. He also recognized the resilience in his opponent's eyes, a trait he inwardly admired.

With a deep inhale, Yugito summoned her remaining strength. Her chakra surged anew, this time more controlled, causing Shun to nod.

As she lunged, her movements took on a graceful fluidity that seemed to harmonize with the elements around her. She had tapped into the power of her tailed beast with greater finesse.

Shun tracked Yugito's movements. He could sense the subtle shifts in her chakra, the way she blended her own abilities with those of the two-tailed beast caused him to nod at her genius adaptability.

With a precise motion, he formed hand seals - [Earth Release: Stone Bind!] The ground beneath Yugito's feet erupted in stone tendrils, aiming to ensnare her.

But Yugito's agility had reached new heights. She flowed like water, evading the stony restraints with a dancer's grace. As she closed the distance, she unleashed a barrage of taijutsu strikes - [Wildcat Flurry!]

Each hit was precise, each strike imbued with the strength of the two-tailed beast.

Shun deftly defended, his arms moving with calculated precision to block and parry. But Yugito's strikes were relentless, each blow testing his limits.

She had found a rhythm that disrupted his momentum, leaving him to rely on instinct and training.

With a sudden spin, Yugito delivered a sweeping kick - [Two-Tails Cyclone Kick!]

Her foot met Shun's guard with a resounding impact, sending him skidding back. For the first time, a hint of surprise flickered across Shun's features.

Yugito's eyes gleamed with a fierce determination. She channeled her chakra, her body glowing with an ethereal light - [Two-Tails Chakra Surge!]

Her wounds began to close, and her strength renewed. The chakra of the two-tailed beast enveloped her, granting her a surge of power that Shun had anticipated, causing him to crack a smile.

As she charged once more, her speed was blinding, her attacks a blur. She unleashed a flurry of jabs, her chakra-infused fists striking like bolts of lightning. Shun seemed to be struggling to keep up, his eyes darting around to predict her movements.

In a bold move, Yugito propelled herself into the air, her chakra forming wings of fire - [Two-Tails Flame Wings!]

"Oh?" Shun exclaimed in genuine surprise.

She soared above Shun, the scorching heat of her wings searing the air around her. With a triumphant roar, she unleashed her jutsu - [Inferno Tempest!]A spiraling vortex of fire and chakra descended toward Shun.

For a moment, Shun's analytical mind faltered. 'This wasn't in the script,' he thought.

The sheer intensity of Yugito's attack was overwhelming. But then, with a calm resolve, he steadied himself. He tapped into his own well of power, weaving together multiple elements - [Fusion Release: Elemental Barrier!]

A shimmering dome of wind, water, earth, and lightning formed around him, neutralizing the inferno.

"What is...that?" The Kages couldn't help but ask in shock at the sight of the barrier conjured up by the mixture of four elements.

"That's a thing?" Rasa couldn't help but ask.

"Of course. Similar to how your sand, a Kekkai Genkai formed by lightning and earth can create a barrier, why can't other do so independently?" Keshiro asked.

"But...four?! Not even this dwarf can do that!" Ay shouted.

"Hey! Who are you calling dwarf?!" Ohnoki shouted back.

"Now. Now. All these are indeed possible. Your lifetime of wars has blocked off your minds to the world chakra could open up to you." Keshiro said and directly ignored them as he focused on the fight.


The explosion of elemental power rocked the arena, sending shockwaves through the ground. When the smoke cleared, Yugito stood panting, her transformation fading once more. Shun remained standing, his defenses intact.

With a mixture of exhaustion and respect, Yugito looked at Shun. Despite the odds, she had pushed herself to her limits and beyond, discovering new strengths within herself. Shun's gaze met hers, conveying an acknowledgment of her growth.

"You should perfect this new form of yours." He said and then chuckled. "Don't worry. No need for thanks. You'll thank me some other time."

The crowd erupted into cheers, recognizing the incredible display of skill and determination from both competitors.

Shun's POV.

Damn. That last technique of hers wasn't in the script. That fire was probably even hotter than Amaterasu. Doesn't she know her attacks in that form has a bit of Senjutsu mixed in?

I dread to think what would've happened to me if I took that head on as usual...


General POV.

In Iwagakure participants area, the two Chunins that came with Deidara glanced at him with mocking smiles.

Just earlier, he had been boasting that if he was serious, he'd have beaten her in their previous battle.

However, to think that she too wasn't even serious. Those techniques she just used in that form were not something his explosion could even hope to compete against.

"Humph." Deidara snorted. "I could still take her." He said in defiance not minding the mocking smiles of his temporary teamates.

"I'm sure you can. Can you take this Shun?" Goro asked.

"That you couldn't best him doesn't mean I won't. I'm not as weak as you two." Deidara said and walked out to fight his next opponent. Uzuki Yugao.


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