Chapter 166

Title: Reactions and Interlude


Amidst a dense foliage, White and Black Zetsu remained concealed, hidden from prying eyes as they watched the conclusion of the Jounin competition.

Their twisted forms blended seamlessly with the shadows, their mismatched eyes glinting with intrigue as the final battle unfolded before them. The air was thick with anticipation, and their whispered conversation reflected the depth of their interest.

"Black Zetsu, have you noticed?" White Zetsu's voice held a hint of curiosity as he observed the combatants below.

"Of course, I have," Black Zetsu replied, his tone laced with a mixture of bitterness and fascination. "The winner of this competition possesses a chakra signature that stirs memories that date back for centuries."

White Zetsu's tendrils shifted, his gaze flickering between the fighters. "It's remarkable, isn't it? The convergence of destinies, the threads of fate intertwining."

Black Zetsu's tendrils twitched, betraying a hint of frustration. "Don't speak of destiny. Destiny is merely a web woven by those with the power to shape it."

A silence settled between them as they continued to watch the competition's victor being hailed by the crowd. The air was charged with excitement, the cheers of the spectators a stark contrast to the tension that gripped the two Zetsu.

"Black Zetsu, your hatred is palpable," White Zetsu mused, his tone contemplative. "The chakra signature of the victor... it resembles the one you've despised for so long."

Black Zetsu's tendrils tightened, his voice a venomous hiss. "You speak of the Six Star Sage, the one responsible for your repeated failure."

A chilling smile crept across White Zetsu's mask-like visage. "Indeed. And now, centuries later, his legacy lives on in the winner of this competition. A curious twist of fate, wouldn't you say?"

Black Zetsu's tendrils writhed, a mixture of fury and anticipation coursing through him. "I've waited for this moment, for the chance to see if history will repeat itself. The victor's chakra may be reminiscent of of that abomination, but I won't be fooled. The past will not be allowed to dictate the future."

White Zetsu's tendrils swayed in the breeze, his gaze fixated on the competition's aftermath. "And yet, Black Zetsu, there is a certain poetic justice in witnessing the very chakra now emerge as a force to be reckoned with."

The two Zetsu fell silent once more, their focus on the unfolding aftermath of the competition. As the crowd continued to celebrate, the Zetsu remained hidden in the shadows, their twisted machinations and ancient grudges adding layers of complexity to the world they observed.


The dimly lit room in Amegakure was heavy with tension as the trio of Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato's puppet body faced the masked figure who had taken on the guise of Madara Uchiha.

The air was charged with an air of expectation, for they had just received crucial news about the Jounin Exam that had taken place in Hanagakure.

Yahiko's brow furrowed as he broke the silence, his voice a mixture of curiosity and concern. "Madara, the winner of the Jounin Exam in Hanagakure is a force to be reckoned with, even at such a young age. This... could change our plans."

Konan's gaze was unwavering, her eyes reflecting a sense of caution. "Our Eye of the Moon plan hinges on an intricate balance of power and control. If this young Jounin is indeed a formidable opponent, we must consider how it will affect the outcome."

Madara's... Or rather, Obito's masked visage remained impassive, his tone laced with a touch of dismissiveness. "A single Jounin hardly poses a threat to the grand scope of our plan. We have the Rinnegan. Our dominion over the world is inevitable."

Nagato's puppet body remained silent, his eyes gazing into the distance as if lost in thought. A sense of unease permeated the room, a reminder that their ambitions were intertwined with the delicate balance of power in the shinobi world.

Yahiko's voice carried a note of urgency. "Obito, we must not underestimate the impact of a powerful adversary. We are close to realizing our vision, but one misstep could lead to our downfall."

Konan's voice was steady as she spoke, her words a testament to her unwavering resolve. "Yahiko is right. We cannot afford to be complacent. We must assess the situation carefully and adapt our strategy accordingly."

Obito's mask shifted slightly, his gaze narrowing as he absorbed their words. "Very well. We will gather more information about this young Jounin and evaluate the extent of the threat. But remember, our goal remains unchanged: to bring about a world free from pain and suffering."

As the room fell into a contemplative silence, the trio understood the weight of their decisions. Their Eye of the Moon plan held the potential to reshape the world, but its success hinged on their ability to navigate the intricate web of alliances, conflicts, and unexpected challenges that the shinobi world presented.

The masked figure of "Madara Uchiha" observed them, his true intentions hidden behind the guise he had adopted. 'It couldn't be that kid from back then...could it? Obito thought to himself.

As they deliberated on the impact of the young Jounin's victory, they were acutely aware that the choices they made now would determine the course of their revolution and the fate of all shinobi.


In a serene and tranquil building in Kirigakure, the soft rustling of leaves mingled with the distant sound of crashing waves. Amidst this symphony of nature, a white-haired young man sat in meditation, his form exuding an air of calm and contemplation.

His eyes, the color of a stormy sea, snapped open, fixated on a particular direction as if guided by some unseen force.

His name was Takeshi, an apparently, he was a civilian. However, less than three people knew he actually was.

He had been alive for least his was, and just now, his senses tingled with an uncanny familiarity that sent shivers down his spine.

The chakra signature he sensed was hauntingly reminiscent of his father's, a presence from his distant past that he thought he had long left behind.

His brow furrowed, his mind racing to decipher the enigma before him. Could it be possible that his father's chakra was now returning to the present?

'I knew he couldn't possibly die, but this... After so many years...' He thought with his mind moving at light speed to come up with a plan of action.

Before Takeshi could delve deeper into his thoughts, a melodious voice, like a siren's call, broke his concentration.

Beside him, a woman with cascading Auburn hair stirred, her eyes fluttering open like a waking dream. She reached out and hugged Takeshi from behind, her lithe form pressed against his back.

"Are you worrying about the civil war again, Dear?" she purred, her lips curving into a knowing smile as she nuzzled her lips against his neck. Her chakra, warm and familiar, intertwined with his in a dance of intimacy.

Takeshi's tension seemed to melt away at her touch, his focus shifting from the enigma of his father's chakra to the woman he cherished.

He leaned into her embrace, his fingers entwining with hers. "Mei," he sighed, his voice a mixture of affection and gratitude. "You always know how to bring me back from the depths of my thoughts."

Mei's fingers traced gentle patterns on his skin as she nestled against him, her voice a soft caress. "Our people need you, Takeshi. This civil war threatens to tear Kirigakure apart. Your leadership is the beacon of hope that they need in these tumultuous times."

Takeshi's eyes softened as he gazed out into the horizon, the waves crashing against the shore in a rhythmic chorus. "I know," he whispered, his voice carrying a heavy sense of responsibility. "But it's your presence that actually brings this people together."

Mei's lips found his neck again, a gentle kiss that held both reassurance and passion. "We carry the burdens of our village, Takeshi, but we also have the power to shape our future. Together, we can overcome any challenge."

Takeshi turned to face her, his stormy eyes locking onto hers with unwavering determination. "You're right, Mei. As long as we stand together, we can weather any storm."


The same scene played out in different places. Izanami, the founder and leader of the Nadeshiko Village smiled brightly at the presence of that chakra.

She couldn't help but anticipate their meeting after so many years. She knew her father wouldn't come to meet her just to chat or out of parental love.

She just knew he cared in his own way and as he always said, "What is meant to be will be."

"Did you say something Izanami-sama?"

"Nothing... The world is soon to enter a great uproar. How's the little girl you're grooming to fight that pervert's disciple?" Izanami asked the woman.

"She's growing up nicely. I promise she'd be able to get back the revenge we were meant to get back then."

"Oh? I look forward to it then..." Izanami said and kept her eyes on the woman for some seconds. "I know you feel a little bit reluctant with my attitude back then, but you see, even if had kept that man locked up, his fate was too strong to keep him locked up."

The woman faced Izanami with a complicated feeling in her eyes. She didn't understand this thing their patron always says about fate, but she knew she had never been wrong before.

"Don't mind it too much. You'll come to understand soon. This world is a whole lot mysterious than you could ever imagine."



"Hmm? I thought that man left this planet a few years ago? I didn't even feel his chakra around this planet... How could he suddenly return?" A White skinned man frowned as his sense picked up on that familiar and dreadful chakra.

It wasn't as dreadful as it was in the past, but the Presence alone was enough to make him feel uneasy.

"Oh well, it's not like I've meddled with your precious human yet." He said to himself and fell back into his slumber.

Truthfully, he hadn't meddled with the affairs of human... He had just taken a few who sought refuge in him and trained them to be his loyal surbodinates.

After all, that man did say that Humans did have a lot of room to grow. And while he hadn't seen it yet, they were amusing toys to play with... So why not gather a few.

Who knows, maybe they'd play a part in his recovery and return.


"Damn!! Little brother. I didn't know you were that dominating!" An excited voice broke through the noise of the crowd and entered Shun's ear as he was walking back to his teammates.

"Nee-san?" He asked in surprise. "What are you doing here? What if mom and dad?"

"Those two? They were frozen in shock at seeing your spectacular form. I took that opportunity to slip away." Yusano said as she hugged and touched Shun all-over.

"Stop that nee-san." Shun protested, though weakly as he knew if he did so strongly, he'd only motivate her to do more.

"Never. What was that form? Were you going easy on Nee-san during our spars?" Yusano asked poutingly.

"Not at all nee-san, I've just not needed to go that far against you." Shun said in a bid to assuage her only to discover he might have misspoken. "Wait! Nee-san-"

"So you're saying I'm weak?" Yusano asked as she took a step back as though she had just discovered one horrifying secret.

"How is that possible? You're one on Hanagakure's strongest and youngest Gold Ranker. How could you be weak?" Shun hurriedly explained. "I just meant that as it was a friendly spar, I didn't see the need for Lethal attacks. I'm sure nee-san also didn't use her lethal attacks on me, right?"

Shun asked with a confident look in his eyes. However, he was sure as hell that she used all her Lethal moves during their spars, only to the minimum.

"Ye- yeah. How could I go all out against my own little brother?!" She declared in a bid to convince herself and Shun.

"As I thought. So you see. That was a technique I've been trying out. A form that will givee access to the five elements in their natural forms and not the ones converted from our chakra." Shun said.

"I see. But you looked so cool." Yusano squealed once again before bringing out a black coloured blindfold. "Here, you'll need this."

"Thanks." Shun collected the blindfold and put it on. "Looks like my decision to join that squad is really the best."

"Hmm. I suppose it is. With you being exposed like this, that squad will be the best to make the population forget you." Yusano nodded.

"But I'm sure mother will have a thing or two to say about that. Talk to her for me?" Shun asked with a charming smile.

"That won't work on me little bro. I grew up with you after all." Yusano snorted and bonked his head. "However, I'll try. No promises though."

"That's enough. With us three against her, she'd be likely to agree."

"Heh. You're overestimating that father of ours. Mom has him around her little pinky." Yusano snorted causing Shun to laugh.

"Don't mind it. That just shows he loves her enough. But, everything will work out. This is my life we're talking about here. She wouldn't do something that will cause us to have any form of dispute."

"You're right. She's always been that way. She's like the judge, jury and executioner of the family."

Saying that, the two siblings burst into a fit of laughter at the nature of their unique family.


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