Chapter 170

Title: Uchiha Massacre and Awakening End


As the barrage of redirected shurikens came to an end, Obito's voice echoed from within the wooden dome, a chilling reminder of his presence. "I don't believe that ability of your can last forever, Uchiha," he taunted, his tone dripping with malice.

Izumi and the remaining Uchiha officers knew they couldn't afford to stay put. They had witnessed the devastating power of Obito's abilities, and they had to find a way to counter his relentless assault.

With a determined resolve, Izumi activated her Mangekyou Sharingan once more, her eyes radiating an intense crimson glow. She knew that her "Shattered Reflection" ability had the potential to turn the tide of this battle, but she needed to refine her strategy.

She had just awakened but that wasn't an excuse.

As Obito prepared to emerge from the wooden dome, he could sense the determination of the Uchiha officers outside. They had regrouped, and they weren't ready to give up.

Izumi shouted orders to her comrades. "Stay spread out and keep moving! We can't let him corner us!"

Obito's voice echoed from within the dome, mocking their attempts. "You can run, but you can't hide from me."

Izumi's heart raced as she felt the immense strain on her body and chakra. Doubts crept in. Could she really stop his relentless assault? Could she protect her comrades?

With these thoughts racing through he mind, she used her "Shattered Reflection" ability once more, creating a network of mirrors that covered the entire area. These mirrors not only reflected light but also sound.

As Obito phased out of the wooden dome, he was met with a disorienting array of reflections, each one slightly distorting his appearance and movements.

The mirrors also reflected his taunting words, creating a cacophony of voices that seemed to come from all directions.

This sensory overload disrupted Obito's concentration for a brief moment, giving the Uchiha officers the opening they needed. They launched a coordinated assault, hurling shurikens and unleashing jutsus in Obito's direction.

Obito, caught off guard by the barrage of attacks and the disorienting mirrors, attempted to use his Kamui to evade, but the mirrors seemed to interfere with his intangibility. He phased in and out of reality, his form flickering erratically.

Izumi's plan had created a chaotic and unpredictable battlefield, and Obito found himself on the defensive. The Uchiha officers, fueled by their determination to defeat this man, pressed their advantage.

As the battle raged on, Izumi knew that she couldn't rely solely on her Mangekyou Sharingan abilities. She had to conserve her strength and find a way to outsmart the masked man.

If her sensory field was right, the man Infront of her hand more chakra reservs than even the Third Hokage.

With quick thinking, she signaled to her comrades to continue the assault while she disappeared into the shadows. Obito, still struggling to maintain his intangibility amidst the mirrors' interference, didn't immediately notice her absence.

Izumi moved silently, using her natural Uchiha stealth to her advantage. She positioned herself strategically, ready to strike when the opportunity presented itself.

As the Uchiha officers continued their relentless assault, Obito's frustration grew. He couldn't maintain his intangibility for long amidst the sensory overload caused by the mirrors.

And that's when Izumi struck. With a sudden and precise attack, she targeted Obito's blind spot, aiming for his exposed eye. Her kunai sliced through the air, a glint of determination in her own Sharingan eye.

Obito, sensing the imminent threat, attempted to phase, but the mirrors' interference delayed his reaction. The kunai found its mark, and a cry of pain escaped Obito's masked lips.

Izumi's strike had hit its mark, damaging Obito's lone Sharingan eye. It was a critical blow that sent shockwaves through the enigmatic Uchiha.

As Obito staggered back, clutching his injured eye, the Uchiha officers pressed their advantage. They saw a glimmer of hope, a chance to overcome the seemingly invincible foe.

But Obito, his rage and annoyance burning brightly, refused to be defeated so easily. With a bloodthirsty determination, he unleashed a devastating jutsu, creating a swirling vortex of darkness that threatened to engulf them all.


In the midst of the chaotic battle, a scenario unfolded that forced Izumi to tap into the depths of her Mangekyou Sharingan abilities once more.

As the swirling vortex of darkness threatened to consume them all, Obito's Kamui ability reached its zenith, creating a nightmarish realm of shifting dimensions.

The Uchiha officers found themselves trapped within this malevolent vortex, their senses distorted and their movements restricted.

The officers struggled in vain against the oppressive force of Obito's Kamui, but it was clear that their conventional tactics and abilities were ineffective in this surreal battlefield.

Izumi's Mangekyou Sharingan blazed with intensity as she realized the dire situation her comrades were in. With a deep breath, she focused her chakra and tapped into the true potential of her "Shattered Reflection" ability.

Mirrors materialized around her, not as physical objects but as ethereal barriers between dimensions. These mirrors could reflect not only light but also the very fabric of reality itself.

Izumi reached out with her mind, using her Sharingan to synchronize the reflections with Obito's Kamui dimension. This intricate manipulation of space allowed her to breach the boundaries of his otherworldly realm.

Suddenly, the trapped Uchiha officers found themselves able to move, their senses returning to them. Obito's control over the dimension was slipping.

In a desperate attempt to regain control, Obito cast powerful genjutsu, trapping a few Uchiha officers in nightmarish illusions. Their tormented cries echoed within the vortex.

Izumi knew she couldn't let Obito continue this assault. She focused her Mangekyou Sharingan on the central mirror, the anchor to her newfound dimension-bending technique. With immense concentration, she shattered it.

The ripple effect was immediate. The mirrors within Obito's Kamui dimension fractured and shattered as well, causing immense feedback and disorientation. Obito howled in pain as his control crumbled.

As the vortex dissipated, the masked man was no where to be seen. Izumi, drained of chakra and physically exhausted, couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

She had successfully injured Obito and trapped him within her dimension-bending technique. It was a temporary victory, but it bought them precious time.

She knew, or rather believed, somewhere deep down, that someone with that level of dimension manipulation, wouldn't be trapped in a parallel dimension.

After all, she only reflected what her Mirror could see.


A Few Minutes Ago

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie red glow over the streets of Konoha. Itachi Uchiha moved silently through the darkness, his Sharingan eyes ever watchful.

He was on a mission that weighed heavily on his heart, a mission that would forever alter the course of his life.

His steps led him to the homes of those Uchiha clan members who had been consumed by the thirst for power and rebellion against the village.

Itachi's conscience however, were clear - they had to be eliminated to prevent an all-out war that would endanger Konoha and the innocent.

As he approached the first house, the dim light from a lone lantern revealed the silhouette of a man, his anger and hatred etched on his face. Itachi knew that there was no turning back now.

Swiftly and silently, Itachi entered the house. The man barely had time to react before the lethal power of the Sharingan was unleashed.

Itachi's Tsukuyomi genjutsu ensnared the rebel's mind, subjecting him to an excruciating torment that felt like an eternity in a matter of seconds.

When the illusion finally released its grip on the man, he was broken and compliant. He had confessed his involvement in the rebellion and revealed the names of his co-conspirators. Itachi's duty was to ensure that the threat was neutralized completely.

As Itachi moved through the house, the man's wife, eyes filled with fear, clutched her young child in her arms. Itachi paused for a moment, torn between duty and compassion. He couldn't bear to harm a child.

With a heavy heart, Itachi spared the child, who was no older than five, and left the house. He knew that this decision would haunt him, but he was determined to fulfill his mission with as much humanity as he could muster.

The night continued, each house telling a similar story of rebellion, anger, and misplaced vengeance. Itachi's Tsukuyomi showed no mercy, breaking the spirits of those involved in the plot against Konoha.

And in each of these houses, he encountered young children, innocent and oblivious to the darkness that had consumed their parents. Itachi spared them all, unable to bring himself to harm the young and innocent, even as he executed their parents.

As the night wore on, Itachi's heart grew heavier with each life he took, each family he shattered. The weight of his duty as a shinobi and the love for his village battled within him, leaving scars that would never heal.

By the time the sun began to rise, Itachi had completed his grim task. The rebellion had been quelled, but at a tremendous cost to his own soul.

He couldn't erase the memory of the terrified faces, the cries of anguish, and the blood on his hands.

Reaching the estate at the center of the Uchiha Clan, he drew a deep breath and hardened his heart for the challenge that lay ahead.


As Itachi entered the dimly lit room where his parents awaited him, a heavy silence hung in the air. Their red Sharingan eyes met, and it was clear that they had anticipated his arrival.

Fugaku, the head of the Uchiha clan, spoke with a solemn but understanding tone, "Itachi, we've known why you came here. We knew that the rebellion had to be stopped, and you chose to bear that burden."

Itachi, his voice still heavy with the weight of his actions, nodded in acknowledgment as tears pooled in his eyes. He could see in their eyes that they understood the dire circumstances he had faced.

Mikoto, his mother, stepped forward, her eyes brimming with tears. She placed a gentle hand on Itachi's shoulder and said, "Our dear son, we never wanted this for you. We never wanted you to carry such a heavy burden at your young age."

Fugaku joined his wife, placing a hand on Itachi's other shoulder, and continued, "We apologize for our incompetence, for allowing our clan to fall into such a state of despair. We failed you, Itachi."

Itachi's own eyes glistened with unshed tears as he looked at his parents. In that moment, the weight on his shoulders felt a little lighter.

Despite the tragedy that had befallen their family, there was a sense of understanding and forgiveness in the room.

Itachi replied, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and sadness, "I know you never wanted this, Mother, Father. I did what I believed was necessary to protect Konoha and the village. I hope that someday, our clan can find a path to redemption."

His parents nodded, their expressions filled with a deep sense of sorrow and acceptance. They had come to terms with the painful reality of their situation and the sacrifices that had been made.

Itachi made way to leave the building but- "Where are you going, Itachi?"

Halting his steps, he turned and stared at his father. "You haven't completed your mission."


"I am the clan head, and your mother is the clan's matriarch." Fugaku said as he and his wife went back to sit down.

"I don't understand." Itachi asked in a shaky voice.

"One way or another, we have to bear responsibility for this if it gets out." Fugaku said as he closed his eyes. "Come, finish your mission."

Mikoto beside her husband smiled and looked at Itachi with motherly love oozing off of her. "Just promise me one thing."

"..." Itachi, struck by the current situation of things remained silent and just looked at his mother with tears pouring down his cheeks.

"Take care of Sasuke." And with a small line of tear from her face, she said. "And take care of yourself. It's not your fault."

"I promise." Itachi simply nodded. He knew nothing he said now would matter. He was his parents son. He knew that with their mind made up, there was nothing he could do.

He also knew that this was the only realistic solution to things. As the clan head and his wife, they had to have had a hand in the situation of the coup.

"I'm sorry." Opening his Tsukuyomi, he gave both his parents the dreams life they could have ever wished for.

He stood watching them for minutes until their mental lifespan was cut off and their brain, dead.

Knelling down with a thud, he wept tears of blood. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."



Shun's POV.

I've been in konaha for the last two months observing the movements of Itachi and Obito. My mission objective was to kill Danzo, but I honestly didn't want to give him that satisfaction.

I wanted to see his despair when Sasuke does it.

In a way, I wanted to give myself that satisfaction.

Logically speaking, I don't see the man's fault. He was doing everything for his village.

Yes, he has an enormous greed that would put any man I've ever known to shame, but when his dedication to the village was questioned, he was hundred percent doing it for the village.

Unfortunately, he is a man damaged by war. I remember him being the cowardly but low key Jounin under Tobirama. He wasn't as Intense as this.

But like most men who grew up in war, learning to live in times of peace was as hard as deciphering a foreign language with no guide whatsoever.

I guess that's what broke the man.

However, we are all responsible for our actions. Newton's Third laws of Physics state that For every action, there is an equal and opposite reactionv.

Simple put, Karma would come for him, and I wouldn't be the one to bear that karma. Sasuke will.

On another note, I was proud of the growths of Itachi and Shusui. Shusui disappointed me when his eyes were still stolen after my repeated guidance.

I mean, it felt to me like it was a canon event or something. I was almost forced to ask Kaguya to look into all the parallel timelines to see if there was one where Shusui safeguarded his eye.

Even him dying. I made up my mind to save him when he falls but thankfully, Itachi was fast enough to save him and return his one eye back to him.

However, he had been living in hiding ever since, afraid to alert Danzo.

Itachi, however, made me prouder by not jumping into massacring his clan. I would've had to expose myself and give him a good beating.

I dunno if it was me but I was sure as hell Fugaku repeated the same things he repeated to Itachi in the original timeline.

Whether it was Itachi who was shortsighted or just plainly failed to see his father's plea I dunno.

Thankfully, he could see it in this time.

Well, he was 13 years old in the original timeline, and his only friend and mentor was Shusui.

Another person who made me proud was Izumi.


I literally squealed in the mirror dimension as I saw her use her newly awakened Mangekyou Sharingan to battle Obito.

I was like... Damn Girl! Go get that motherfucker!!

She even managed to counter his Kamui. When I meet her, I'm definitely giving her a kiss. Seriously. She deserves it.

And last but not the least, I watched with pity as Itachi killed his parents. I couldn't even bring it upon myself to be angry. I mean, they willingly allowed him to kill them.

I could feel the pain coursing through Itachi. It was heart-wrenching and to add salt to injury, fate decided to play with Itachi as...


"Oh shit!" That was me. I didn't even expect for this little Sasuke to be around today.

Itachi had obviously left him and Naruto in Hana's hand in the Inuzuka clan.

Those three of Naruto, Sasuke and Kiba were the best Frenemies. All of them wanted to be the leader of their group of three and even after every fight, none got that title

Anyways, that was a story for another time.(A/N: Probably.)

Damn! What's Itachi going to do now?


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