Chapter 3: Short Journey

As Shun and Feathers made their way to the Hidden Sand Village, they were greeted by an unexpected challenge. The normally arid desert landscape had transformed into a turbulent sea of swirling sand, a formidable sandstorm that engulfed the village and its surroundings.

Feathers, ever the indomitable spirit, responded to the hostile weather with its own brand of defiance. The swan flapped its wings with determination, sending gusts of wind in all directions.

Unbeknownst to Feathers, its efforts only served to create a miniature sandstorm around itself, the grains of sand caught in its feathers adding to the spectacle.

Passersby and villagers stared in disbelief as they witnessed the surreal sight of a swan flapping its wings amidst the tempest, feathers ruffled and wings stretched wide. The sand danced around Feathers, giving it an almost ethereal appearance.

Shun, ever the resourceful ninja, realized that standing out in the open during a sandstorm was not a wise choice. He skillfully maneuvered through the swirling sands, his now brown attire blending seamlessly with the environment as he sought refuge.

After a few moments of navigating the tumultuous weather, Shun found shelter in a quaint tea house. The cozy interior provided a stark contrast to the chaos outside. Patrons, huddled around low tables with steaming cups of tea, looked up in surprise as Shun entered, a cloud of sand trailing behind him.

As Shun settled into an unoccupied table in the cozy tea house, the patrons around him couldn't help but steal curious glances at the mysterious newcomer.

A cloud of sand still clung to his attire, a testament to the sandstorm they had just navigated. But Shun's grin was infectious, and there was an undeniable air of charisma about him that drew people in.

The tea house owner, a middle-aged woman with a warm smile, approached Shun's table. "Welcome, traveler," she greeted, setting down a steaming cup of tea. "It's not often we have ninja drop by during a sandstorm. What brings you to our humble village?"

(PS: He isn't wearing any headbands so he's taken as a random rogue Ninja)

Shun accepted the cup of tea with a polite nod. "Thank you. Well, you see, it's all thanks to my feathered friend here," he said, gesturing to Feathers, who had perched itself on a nearby chair. "Feathers here has a talent for creating quite the sandstorm, unintentionally, of course."

The patrons who had gathered around began to chuckle at Shun's remark, intrigued by this unusual ninja and his even more peculiar swan companion.

A man with a hearty laugh spoke up, "A ninja and his swan? Now that's something you don't see every day! What's your story, friend?"

Shun leaned back in his chair, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he launched into his tale. "Well, it all started when I decided to take a break from the life of an assassin. You know, spread my wings, so to speak. And that's where Feathers and I began our whirlwind adventure."

The tea house echoed with laughter as Shun recounted their journey, from the parade in the village in the land of Lightning, to the sandstorm they had just braved.

He embellished his story with comical details, making even the most mundane moments seem like scenes from a comedic play.

A young girl, barely able to contain her giggles, asked, "But why a swan, of all things?"

Shun grinned mischievously. "Ah, the swan, you see, is the epitome of stealth. No one would ever suspect a swan of being a ninja's companion. It's the perfect disguise!"

More laughter erupted as Shun's sense of humor resonated with the villagers. They listened intently to his stories, enchanted by the whimsical nature of his journey.

As the evening wore on and the tea flowed freely, Shun's table became a center of merriment. He regaled the locals with anecdotes and tales of his adventures, leaving them with smiles on their faces and hearts warmed by the camaraderie of an unexpected encounter.

For some reason, no one questioned or even found it strange that he told them everything as though it held no meaning.

But of course, To Shun, the greatest misdirection always lie in the fact that you say nothing but the truth. In trying to find the loophole in this truth, overthinkers tend to be driven further from it.


As Shun and Feathers continued their travels through the Hidden Sand Village, they inadvertently crossed paths with a trio of young Genin who were on a mission in the same area.

Unbeknownst to Shun, these three Genin were none other than Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari, who would later become some of the most formidable ninja in the Hidden Sand.

Shun had decided to take a moment to appreciate the serene beauty of the desert landscape. He and Feathers found themselves on a secluded dune, basking in the gentle warmth of the sun.

Shun was sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed in meditation, while Feathers waddled about, curiously inspecting the sand while trying to see if it could swim in the sea of sands.

Unbeknownst to Shun, his presence had not gone unnoticed. Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari, clad in their distinctive Sand Village attire, had been tracking a target in the vicinity.

They had taken a break to rest and were perched on a nearby dune, their eyes scanning the surroundings.

Gaara, the enigmatic Jinchuriki of the One-Tailed Shukaku, was the first to spot the peculiar sight below. His aquamarine eyes locked onto Shun and his swan, Feathers.

Kankuro, with his puppetry expertise, watched with a mix of curiosity and wariness. He nudged Temari, drawing her attention to the unusual pair below.

Temari, known for her mastery of wind-based jutsu, furrowed her brow in confusion. "What's going on down there?"

Gaara's voice was monotone as he replied, "It's an outsider—a ninja and... a swan?"

Shun, unaware of the trio's presence, continued to meditate, the sand shifting around him in response to the Genin's curious gazes.

Kankuro couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "Should we approach them? It's unusual to see outsiders in our territory."

Temari nodded in agreement. "Let's go and find out their intentions."

The three Genin descended from their perch and approached Shun and Feathers. As they drew nearer, Shun sensed their presence and slowly opened his eyes. His calm gaze met Gaara's piercing aquamarine stare.

Gaara's voice was measured as he inquired, "Who are you, and what are you doing in the Hidden Sand Village?"

Shun, unfazed by the Genin's intimidating presence, offered a friendly smile. "Ah, greetings! I'm just a traveler passing through with my trusty companion, Feathers." He gestured to the swan, who honked a friendly greeting.

Kankuro, always the skeptic, scrutinized Shun. "A traveler, you say? In these parts?"

Temari crossed her arms, her expression still guarded. "You seem rather unconventional for a traveler. What's your purpose here?"

Shun chuckled, his demeanor disarming. "No ulterior motives, I assure you. I'm on a journey to explore the beauty of the world and share a few laughs along the way. My name is Shun, by the way."

Feathers, sensing no immediate threat, continued to waddle about, curiously inspecting the sand around them.

Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari exchanged glances, still perplexed by the situation. Gaara spoke again, "Very well, Shun. You're not our target. Continue on your journey, but be mindful of where you wander."

Shun gave a gracious nod. "Thank you for your understanding. If you ever need a good laugh, you know where to find us." With that, he returned to his meditation, and Feathers resumed its explorations.

'He's handsome.' Temari thought to herself while checking out Shun, but shook her head as she felt he wasn't a Shinobi and was of no use to her.

"What a pity." She muttered. "You say something?" Kankuro asked as they walked away. Shaking her head. "Nothing, we should focus on our mission. Gaara?"

"Hm. He's dangerous. Even mother was scared." Gaara said with a maniacal smile before walking away, much to the confusion of his siblings.


As they wandered through the world, taking in the sights and sounds it had to offer, Feathers suddenly stirred with agitation. The swan honked impatiently and flapped its wings, drawing Shun's attention.

"What's got into you, Feathers?" Shun asked, puzzled by the swan's behavior. He noticed a scroll tied to Feathers' leg, a message delivered by Kurotsume.

He had placed a teleportation seal on her leg area to receive missions while he was outside. Kurotsume had the master seal while he had the daughter seal.

It was a seal he had created to avoid always returning to the village every so often.

Shun unrolled the scroll, his curiosity piqued by the contents. As he read Kurotsume's message, a grin formed on his face.

Kurotsume's words were direct and to the point: "Shun, I've got a mission for you. There's a rogue and corrupt merchant by the name of Gato. He's exploiting the land of waves and its people, profiting from their suffering. Not only that, but he's hired the hands of some Jounin-ranked Shinobi to protect his interests. Your mission is to infiltrate his operation, gather evidence of his crimes, and put an end to his reign of exploitation."

Shun's eyes sparkled with excitement as he contemplated the mission. 'Isn't this the land of wave mission?' Shun thought to himself.

Feathers honked in agreement, as if urging Shun to accept the mission. Shun nodded in response. "Looks like we've got ourselves a mission, Feathers."

With a given direction, Shun and Feathers set out for the Land of Waves, their path would soon intersect with that of a certain team of young ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village.


As Shun and Feathers made their way through the Land of Waves, they couldn't help but notice the pervasive sense of despair that hung over the region. It was clear that Gato's exploitation had taken a heavy toll on the land and its people.

One day, as they continued their intelligence gathering, Shun happened upon a scene that he had been looking forward to for some time.

From a hidden vantage point, he observed a fierce battle unfolding on a bridge. On one side stood a formidable ninja in a mask of bandages—Zabuza Momochi. On the other side was a silver-haired figure, Hatake Kakashi.


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