Chapter 5

Read extra 20-50+ Chapters on my Patre@n


Title: Meeting the Group.


The night was calm and serene as Team Seven gathered in Tazuna's small house. Exhaustion hung heavy in the air after their intense battle with Zabuza earlier that day.

Kakashi, ever the stoic sensei, had succumbed to his never-ending need for sleep, leaving his students to find solace in their own thoughts.

Shun, the enigmatic main character, sat perched on the windowsill, his gaze fixed on the mesmerizing glow of the full moon. His expression, tinged with a sense of wonder, seemed almost otherworldly.

Quak. Quak.

"I know. I know. But I can't help it, Feathers, I'm just that otherworldly." Shun sighed at his companion's reminder.

A sudden rustling of blankets and a groan from the nearby futon mattress signaled Kakashi's awakening. He blinked his tired eyes and surveyed the room, only to meet Shun's gaze. A smile cracked across the jounin's face at the sight.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Kakashi quipped, his tone laced with playful mockery. "Caught up in the moon's beauty, I see."

Shun turned to face the silver-haired ninja, a smirk playing on his lips. "Can't blame me for appreciating such a splendid sight, Kakashi. It's fascinating how the moon can illuminate even the darkest of nights."

Kakashi rolled his eyes at the melodrama but couldn't help himself from engaging in the banter. "I suppose you're the type who finds inspiration in everything, huh? Even the phases of the moon."

Shun shrugged, still fixated on the moon's ethereal glow. "There's a certain tranquility that emerges under the moon's light. It makes you pause and reflect on everything happening around you."

Kakashi, his curiosity piqued, leaned against the wall opposite the window. "So, what brings you out here, Shun? Are you just wandering around aimlessly, or is there a purpose to your moonlit musings?"

Shun chuckled softly, his eyes now sparkling with an intensity that surprised Kakashi. "Coincidences sometimes turn into opportunities, Kakashi. I just happened to be in the vicinity, attending to a mission of my own, when I witnessed your battle with Zabuza."

"A mission, huh?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "Please, do enlighten us on this sudden convergence of destinies."

Shun offered a wistful smile, his gaze now fixated on the moonlit world beyond the window. "Let's just say I'm a wanderer with a knack for finding interesting encounters. The world is full of unexpected meetings, Kakashi."

Kakashi's one visible eye twitched, observing Shun intently. "Alright, that's enough. What actually brings you here?"

Shun chuckled at the Jounin. "Nothing really. I was actually on a mission. Anbu secret and all, but i'ma still tell ya. There's a rogue Merchant doing some unsavoury things here that caught the villages attention."

Kakashi shook his head at Shun's blatant disregard for protocol. "Aren't you supposed to be keeping a low profile or something? You're on a intel gathering mission, right?"

Shun looked at Kakashi as though he was seeing a stranger for the first time. "What part of my very existence made you insinuate that I would be keeping a low profile when I am on a low profile mission?"

"Oh. Right." Kakashi rolled his eyes at the enigmatic young man. "So you have some free time on your hands?"

"Yup. And I decided to meet with my two little bros. How've they been holding up?" Shun asked

"They've been good. Got tired of repeating D-Rank missions for three month and finally blew a gasket...and here we are." Kakashi answered with a shrug.

"Then that's good... Our two mission somehow coincides, so I'll be staying with you lot for a while." Shun said and climbed down the window and into the room. "Knowing you, I doubt you've actually taught them anything since they've been under your tutelage."

"Been busy." Kakashi said as he avoided eye contact with the other white haired teen.

"Yeah... Right." Shun said, not interested in pressing the issue. "Not like you need to teach them anything though. They're geniuses in their own right."

"That's right..." Kakashi said with a fond smile which made Shun raise an eyebrow. "Especially that Naruto. I really doubt I could actually beat him if I was his age."

"Haha, he's the perfect definition of a Ninja isn't he?" Shun laughed with pride. "Unpredictable to a fault." He said.

They both shared a laugh before Shun offered. "Need a hand with your recovery problem?-

"Nah, I'm good. I'm nearly recover-" Kakashi began but before he could finish, a pill was stuffed into his mouth.

"Save that for someone who was born yesterday." Shun rolled his eyes. "it's time to go down. You have to prepare a good enough introduction for yours truly." He said and walked out of the room.

Sighing in defeat, Kakashi followed behind Shun as they went downstairs.


As Shun and Kakashi made their way downstairs, they found Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Tazuna gathered in the main living area, their eyes still heavy with exhaustion from their earlier battle, with Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter, still fuming at her father's reckless actions.

Naruto's eyes widened as he saw Shun descending the stairs. "Hey! Nii-san! You are here!?" His previous exhaustion, no where to be found.

Sasuke was more reserved, although a bit of surprise shone in his eyes. "Shun-Nii. Why are you here?"

Sakura, however, despite being reserved, her green eyes studying Shun with a hint of suspicion. "Who's this guy, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi stepped forward, deciding to make the introductions himself. "Well, everyone, this is Shun. He' old acquaintance of mine. He's here on a mission of his own."

Kakashi made a small introduction that covered everything they needed to know. This was enough for Tazuna as he was assured since Shun was an adult.

Tsunami gave a small smile to which Shun reciprocated causing the milf to blush and look away.

Shun gave a casual wave, his enigmatic smile in place. "Hey there, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Tazuna and Tsunami. Kakashi here tells me you all did quite a number on Zabuza."

Naruto grinned broadly, puffing out his chest. "You bet we did! We showed him what Team Seven is made of!"

Sasuke's curiosity remained piqued. "So, what are you doing here, Shun? Why are you here?" He asked again. Of everyone he was expecting here, Shun wasn't one of them. Afterall, he wasn't from the hidden leaf.

Shun leaned against the wall, adopting a thoughtful expression. "Oh, you know, just passing through and thought I'd drop by to see how Kakashi and my favourite little brothers are doing."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at Shun's casual explanation but decided not to press further. It was clear that Shun was a master of keeping secrets in plain sight.

Sakura, who had been observing quietly, finally spoke up. "Are you a ninja too, Shun-san?"

Shun winked at her. "I dabble in a bit of this and that. Let's just say I have a knack for finding interesting encounters."

Tazuna, sitting nearby, chimed in, "Well, we're grateful for your help."

Shun grinned at the older man. "No problem at all, Tazuna-san. Just doing my part to make the world a better place. Plus, Kakashi asked for help."

Kakashi exposed eye twitched before he let out a sigh and proceeded to sit down as Tsunami then served the food.

The conversation flowed naturally, with Shun sharing stories of his travels and experiences, and the members of Team Seven growing more comfortable in his presence.

As soon as they finished eating, team Seven as well as Tazuna, Tsunami and Shun sat around the table as they discussed their next course of action.

'Something just doesn't feel right. Could it be..? Is it possible that I've Overlooked something?' Kakashi thought as he assessed his experience from earlier today.

Naruto noticed something and asked. "What's wrong, Kakashi-sensei?"

"Hmm..." Kakashi rubbed his right eye in frustration. "Of course... The Shinobi hunters who manage corpse disposal are supposed to destroy the bodies of those they kill at once, right on the spot..." He said quietly.

"So what?" Sakura asked hesitantly.

"Sigh... Don't you get it?" Kakashi asked. "How did the kid in the mask dispose of Zabuza's corpse?"

"Huh? How should I know? He took the body with him." Sakura replied.

"Yes, he did. Even though all he needed to take home as proof he'd made the kill was the head." Kakashi reasoned. "And there is a mystery surrounding the weapons the hunter used to dispatch his prey."

'Senbon... Acupuncture Needles.' Sasuke thought idly, but his eyes widened the very next second. "No way."

His brother was a Ninja, hell, an Anbu. He knew a thing or two about hidden weapons and their uniqueness. Plus, Izumi made sure he wouldn't forget.

"Yes... Way." Kakashi said.

Confusion could be seen on the faces of everyone in the room except for Shun who had a bored look on his face, Sasuke who had a look of realization, Tsunami who didn't know jacksh*t and finally, Kakashi who had a look of certainty.

"What the nonsense are you mumbling about?" Tazuna asked pensively. He didn't understand what Kakashi was on about, but from the expression on Sasuke's face and the tense voice of Kakashi, he knew something was up.

"That's it's likely..." Kakashi took a dramatic pause for whatever reason. "...Zabuza is still alive."


1.5k words. Promise to release a couple tomorrow. I was busy today with my moving and all.

I just had this little time to myself and decided to write, despite the headache I'm currently experiencing... I mean, I can barely stand the light on my phone right now so... Goodnight...

Also, don't reason why there wasn't much of a reaction from Naruto, Sasuke and Shun. Even I don't know. I have little to no experience in that in reality so...

By that, I mean emotional reunion and shit.
