Chapter 7

Title:Lessons Of War and The Way of Shinobi.


"CLIMB TREES!!?" The three Genins shouted on the top of their voice.

"That's right." Kakashi said

'What a waste of my time.' Naruto thought while Sasuke had a look that said the same thing, although they both kept quiet.

"How could that qualify as Training?" Sakura asked.

"Listen up you three, this won't be any ordinary tree climbing. You're not allowed to use your hands." Kakashi replied.

Sasuke has a curious look while Naruto thought. 'That sounds like fun.'

"...How?" Sakura asked while Shun on three wondered why the two boys in the group didn't deem it necessary to raise the question.

"Like this." Kakashi said and made a handsign meant to use to focus ones chakra. "Watch and learn."

'I mean, I get why it is necessary to show them, but does he really think some like Naruto will even know what that sign is for?' Shun thought as he shook his head and Kakashi's teaching process.

Meanwhile, Kakashi walked to the foot of a nearby tree and placed his leg on it, before raising His other leg to do the same.

To the shock of the trio who were expecting him to fall, he stuck, alarming them greatly.

Kakashi however continued his trek up the tree and then to a branch where he stood upside down while looking all Badass and all.

'No wonder Sasuke did the same thing when he was hunting Danzo in the Original. He does look cool in that posture.' Shun thought with a smile.

"That's it in a nutshell." Kakashi said. "Focus all of your chakra towards the soles of your feet and use it to cling to the trunk. When you have full Mastery over your Chakra, this is the kind of thing you can accomplish."

There was a moment of silence as the trio Marveled at their Sensei until Sakura asked. "But Kakashi-sensei, how will learning to climb a tree this way make us stronger?-

"Good question, Sakura. I'm just getting to that. Listen and learn. The point of it all... The goal is greater mastery of Chakra. To use no more than necessary, but to maximize effectiveness in where and how it is applied."

"That subtle control is the most critical aspect of every Jutsu and technique you'll ever apply. It is also the most difficult skill for even a Jounin to command. The type of tree climbing we are doing here requires the most fine and delicate application of Chakra energy imaginable."

"Especially because the bottom of the foot is an area where it is most difficult to manipulate ones Chakra..." Kakashi pasued and looked over his students. "In other words, if you can master the control needed for this skill, no Jutsu should ever be beyond you."

"Ooh." Naruto ooed.

"The second objective is to build enough stamina necessary to complete your task once chakra is focused. If you think this looks hard, it's even more difficult to maintain your chakra when using Ninjutsus." Kakashi went on to explain.

"In battle, circumstances are constantly changing, and a true Shinobi has to be able to manipulate and maintain his chakra on the fly, if he ever hopes to prevail. The time you need to just stand around trying to summon and control your own powers is a luxury you won't have."

"So while you're climbing those trees, you'll also be mastering skilla that'll probably save your lives. Now, no more talk, it's time for action... Is what I would like to say but... This still won't bring you three up to par against Zabuza and that boy."

"Eh?!" Naruto and Sakura cried out while Sasuke frowned.

"Then why the exposition?" Sakura asked with veins popping out of her head.

"Because you're supposed to know that." A familiar and unexpected voice answered from nehind the boys.

Turning around, they saw Shun, lying on the foot of a tree behind them while stroking his swan.

"Shun-Nii!" "Nii-san!!"

"Yo." Shun greeted with a cheeky smile.

"When did you get here?" Naruto asked and Shun shrugged. "I've been here since yesterday."

"Eh? For Real?" "Yup."

"So kids, Shun here will be teaching you three how to be strong enough to face the boy that is with Zabuza." Kakashi said as he walked past them.

"Really?" Naruto asked and even Sasuke had a look of expectation.

"For Real. But do you remember what I always say about training, Naruto, Sasuke?" Shun asked as he slowly stood up and stretched.

"Hai. Hai." Naruto raised his hand excitedly. "Yes, Naruto."

"No pain, no gain." Naruto smilingly answers.

Shun smiled brightly. "Correct... Then as your trainer for this period of time, prepare to meet Pain!" Shun said and began walking towards them.

With each step he took, the three children felt an intangible heaviness acting on them, and as they were about to ask what was going on, they heard.

"First lesson of the day, force your chakra out to resist my pressure. The last person standing by the time I reach you, will get a gift from me." Shin said as he took his third step.

He was originally only ten steps away from the kids, and with each step, he released enough pressure to push them down to their knees.

This wasn't gravity acting on them, but pure pressure targeting them specifically. The grass and trees around them just flew about normally as though only a soft wind was affecting them, but by the third step, Sakura was already on all fours.

"Not bad..." Shun commented and kept walking. By the seven step, both Naruto and Sasuke were already sweating buckets with their entire body trembling.

This caused Shun to smile as he took the eight step that threw the two boys face flat into the ground. Immediately, the pressure disappeared.

"Not bad, you three have potential, and I'll be making sure I bring out enough to put you out there." Shun said and he turned to Kakashi. "I'll leave Tazuna to you."

Saying that, he and the three Genins disappeared causing Kakashi's one exposed eye to twitch repeatedly before calming down. Releasing a deep sigh, he turned around and left.

As soon as he left, Shun and the trio appeared again. Sakura ring the only one that saw our exchange asked with a little fear in her voice.

"Where is Kakashi-sensei going?"

"Oh, I just made him think we're gone. That aside, you're quite good to survive for that long. What's your name?"

"Sakura. Haruno Sakura." She answered with still trembling voice.

"Hmm. Fine name. Reminds me of home." Shun Said as he looked towards a certain direction.


"Yup. Hanagakure. The village Flower Village. Sakura Flower is the most prominent flower over there." Shun smiled charmingly at her, causing her to blush begore hurriedly shaking her head.

"Are they okay?" She asked as she crawled towards Naruto and Sasuke.

"Of course. Why would I hurt my little brothers." Shun replied as he created a chair for himself and three beds for them with Earth release.

"Rest up. My training will begin in a few." Shun said and closed his eyes, ignoring the young girl looking at him in suspicion, curiosity and confusion.


Roughly an hour later, Naruto and Sasuke stirred awake. Sasuke abruptly sat up quietly while Naruto shouted at the top of his lungs and jumped out of the bed.

"First lesson." The all heard and turned to the direction of the voice. "When you awake in an unfamiliar environment, rely on your senses to detect any potential threats or changes in your surroundings."

"Training to sharpen your senses is crucial." He finished and stood up. "Second lesson. Observation. Pay close attention to details in the environment. Look for signs of danger or clues about your location."

Looking at Sasuke he said. "2/10. At least you were quiet. But abruptly sitting up as soon as you awoke would tip of enemies if there were any. Naruto... Sigh."

Without saying anything, everyone already knew what Naruto's score would be if Sasuke's was 2. Afterall, the blonde literally alerted the entire Wave country of his Location.

"Nii-san. That's not fair. I thought you were supposed to teach us Shinobi stuffs about control and all." Naruto pouted and asked.

"Yes. Shun-Nii. Kakashi-sensei hasn't taught us anything since we became his students, and when he decides to teach us, he teaches us control." Sasuke said in indignation.

"Well, you all want to be Shinobi right?" Shun asked and they all nodded. "Then, effective immediately, you're forbidden to speak without permission. If you wish to speak, say 'Reporting' and only when I say 'permitted.' are you allowed to speak."

"Am I clear?!"

"Yes!" Sakura immediately answered to Shun's tone of authority while Sasuke and Naruto looked even more indignant.

"But Nii-"

"I didn't hear a permission to speak!" Shun cried out startling Naruto who immediately stood at attention.



"But that isn't reasonable." Naruto whined. "Why would I have to ask for permission to speak?"

"Good question Naruto. Sasuke and Sakura, I know you three are also thinking the same thing and I'll tell you now..." Shun began. "Children these days dont know what it means to be Shinobi. If I were to ask, you all probably think it's all about the cool Jutsus right?"

Naruto scratched his cheeks while looking away while Sasuke neutral as always when he's focused. Shun nodded at that disposition. Sakura on the other hand was paying attention.

"Do you know how many people there are in the world right now?" Shun asked, and as though to emphasize his question, he waved his hand and said. "The entire planet. Do you know?"

They all shook their head and Shun nodded. "Millions. That's how many, but do you know how many actually have the opportunity to have and use chakra?"

The shook their head once more and Shun answered. "Close to a million. But out of that million, do you know how many successfully utilizes it?"

They shook their head once more. "Hundreds of thousands. And out that number, do you know jow many people, die before they can actualise their ambitions?"

Without waiting for their answe, he continued. "As you breathe now, do you know that over a thousand human beings just died?"

The trio had a frown as well as a look of mild horror as they imagined this.

The mild horror came from Sakura while the frown came from Sasuke. As for Naruto he just looked seriously at Shun.

"Hmm, unlike Kakashi, I hold a pragmatic way of approaching children like you."

"Pragmatic? What's that?" Naruto asked and Sakura replied. "It means a realistic way of approaching something."

"Exactly. I make decisions based on what is most effective or efficient rather than relying solely on ideals or emotions. I prefer to consider the consequences of actions and prioritize practical solutions." Shun paused... "In this case, you three."

"What do you mean Nii-san?"

"Minus two points from you Naruto. The lesser your points, the lesser your food and mission Money at the end of this mission." Shun barked

"Y-You wouldn't dare..." Naruto had a look of horror

"Oh I would..." Shun loomed over him menacingly before looking at Sakura. "Minus for you."

"Eh? But why?"

"That's two. You didn't ask for permission before answering Naruto's stupid question."

Sakura came to the realisation and looked down in disappointment before looking at Naruto with a look that promised pain.

"Now. I believe you three must have heard of the last three wars, right?"


"Sigh. You can talk when I ask a question."

"Yes." X3

"That's good. Now, what do you think that means? What do you think war is?" Shun asked. "Don't bother answering, you won't give a satisfactory answer, but today, I will be bringing you three out to see a little, just a little bit of what wars can cause."