Chapter 13

Title:Haku's Ice Dome and Naruto's Arrival.


It's your choice. You decide whether you want to be affected by your circumstances. You decide whether people are able to hurt you or not. Life is in your control. Be kind at all times, for it is effortless. Set a price on your anger, rather than your kindness.



The sound of Kunais clashing rung out as Sasuke and Haku, the masked boy clashed in a feat of remarkable Taijutsu unseen in common Genin..

'He can keep up with haku's speed...' Zabuza thought in wonder as he spectated the clash between the two boys.

'Hmm...' Kakashi idly thought with his one exposed eye dripping with boredom. "Sakura, we have to cover Tazuna-san. Take that side and stay close. Let Sasuke handle Haku."

"Hai! Sensei!" Sakura replied.

Meanwhile, Haku who was in a deadlock with Sasuke spoke softly. "I didn't want to have to kill you, but... You probably won't leave quietly, will you?"

"Don't be stupid." Sasuke smirked as he replied.

"Just as I thought . However, you won't be able to match my speed for long. And I've laid the groundwork for two attacks." Haku spoke.

"Two attacks? Other than the water around here, what other means of attack do you have?" Sasuke arrogantly asked.

"Hmm. As expected of an Uchiha. Yes, the water is the for the second, I've trapped one of your hands with parrying this move..." Saying that, Haku proceeded to form a handsign with one hand, much to Sasuke's shock.

"This leaves you only with I e hand, free to defend yourself from my attacks."

'What? With just one hand, he's...' Sasuke thought in mild shock as he re-evaluated the boy opposite him.

Shun had made mention that at a certain level of chakra control, one could ignore handsigns. But that was a Level even Jounins find hard to accomplish.

To find someone not much older than him using one had to make handsigns, was a blow he didn't expect and didn't know how to react to.

Kakashi who was also spectating the battle couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock. "He's making signs with just one hand? I've never seen anything like it..." He said but paused as the figure Flashed in his mind.

"Suiton: Sennen Guruguru no Hari.[Water style: Thousand Stinging Needles of Death]

With a subtle control of his chakra, the water scattered around the two rose and formed a dome of water needles, all pointed at Sasuke in the middle.

'So... 'I don't want to have to kill you'..? I wonder if he truly meant that.' Zabuza thought as he saw the spectacle created by his protege.

"Sasuke!" Sakura cried out while Kakashi was mildly alarmed, but still remained on his spot as he wanted to see how the Uchiha would escape his predicament.

Meanwhile, Sasuke, who was in the midst of the needles, remained calm as he formed a one hand sign, usually used to focus one's Chakra.

'Come on... Remember the training,' he thought to himself as he closed his eyes. 'Summon just enough chakra and focus it on my feet...'


With no intention of allowing the Uchiha to survive any longer, Haku released his Technique as he moved back to avoid them, however...

"...!" Haku didn't look assured and looked around. "Where did he...?"

Thuk! Thuk! Thuk!

Before he could look around to ascertain Sasuke's position, his instinct falred and he flipped backwards three consecutive times to evade the three shruiken aimed at his life.

However, the moment the last one was about to make contact with the ground, a fourth one made contact with it, changing the trajectory and making it shoot directly at the now standing Haku.

However, Haku being as experienced as he was, deflected the Shruiken quite calmly.

"You're not as fast as I had thought." A chilling voice rang out from behind him as soon as he had just calmed down. "Now, you're the one who has to worry about defending yourself from my attacks."

If Shun were here, he would've smacked him for this, as he had broken the basic rule the weak should always adhere by.

-You don't talk to your opponent when you think you're about to win-

It was that simple. You only had that luxury when you're strong enough to guarantee your victory.

And as if to prove him right, as soon as Sasuke made to go for the kill, Haku expertly twirled his body fast enough to intercept his Kunai.

However, Sasuke seemed to have expected this and released his Kunai from his grip.

This move confused Haku, and in that moment of confusion, Sasuke turned and used the heel of his right foot to kick the Kunai, aiming for her throat.

With speeds uncharacteristic of a Genin, Haku bent his body backwards and narrowly dodged the attack, while using the momentum to move back.

'H-He's fast..!!' Haku couldn't help but acknowledge. But in that moment of acknowledgment, Sasuke appeared once again and leveled a kick at the boy's chin, effectively kicking him back to Zabuza.

Zabuza had a bewildered look as he saw this scene play out. 'What..?! Haku is actually losing a battle of speed?!' He thought in shock.

He had seen the boy in action since he was a kid of seven. He could proudly say that in the whole five great villages, Haku should be unmatched in terms of speed.


"You are fast..." Sasuke said. "...But I am faster." He finished cooly nearly causing Sakura to swoon.

"You had that coming. Underestimating my team." Kakashi, back to his bored out expression said. "He may not look like much, but Sasuke here is the top rookie from all of Konoha, and the girl over there is our sharpest mind."

"And we simply can't forget our own maverick show stopper. The one and only... Naruto." Kakashi introduced his team stoically, but underneath, one could feel his pride.

"Heh hehe hehe." Zabuza laughed in mirth, much to Sasuke's confusion.

"Haha. Do you understand, if this goes on, you could end up dying at the hands of the very person you sought to spare?" Zabuza questioned no one in particular, but...

"Yes I do." Haku, back on his feet replied. "What a pity." He said and formed a sign Sasuke hadn't seen before.

'Wh-why does the air suddenly feel so cold?' Sasuke thought as he glared at Haku.

"Ninpo! Ice crystal Magic Mirror Technique!" Haku slowly declared, and to Sasuke's horror, he was immediately enveloped in a dome of Ice.

Sasuke looked around in alarm as he made to understand what was going on. One moment he was standing on the bridge, the next moment he was here... Wherever here was.

'What is this place? Is this..? It can't be..? Right?'. Sasuke thought as he was reminded of One of Shun's scary techniques.

'Is this a Domain?' he wondered as he looked at the mirrors in apprehension. 'Right! That's it! Analyse!'

In that moment, a bright red light shone in front of him with letters written.

[Skill: Analyse–

Name: Haku Yuki

Combat Prowess: C+...

System Description: Slightly Dangerous to Host]

'What is this?' Sasuke wondered as he saw the system's result. This was a first for him, hence his inability to comprehend what he had just seen.

'Slightly dangerous? Which means he's not entirely dangerous.' Sasuke concluded as he reaffirmed his determination. However, the next scene that played out left him disoriented.

Haku's figure, appeared in all the mirrors he was currently looking at.

This was new to him, and his system didn't give him a comprehensive result to work on, hence his lack of reaction.

However, he knew he was still in a life and death fight. And any careless action may lead to his death.

He wasn't ready to die, not before getting some answers form a certain person.



Kakashi made for the Ice Dome enveloping his student in a flash, only to be intercepted by Zabuza who seemed to have anticipated his move.

"I hope you aren't forgetting... I am your enemy." Zabuza said with a malicious tone. "Our children can play together while my boy kills yours."

Kakashi merely glared at the bandaged Shinobi in front of him without saying anything. He was actually thinking up methods to release this weird Jutsu that even he hadn't seen.

He had seen Ice Release, yes. After all, one of the strongest women he knew was ridiculously proficient in it.

However, this ice and her Ice were different. He felt it, but he couldn't tell what it was exactly. He could only hope that Sasuke would be able to hold on for a little while.


"Now that it's all in place..." Sasuke heard the cacophony of voices from the figures inside the mirror. 'What's he planning to do with these mirrors?' Sasuke thought.

"... Let me show you some real speed." Haku finished, and as soon as his voice feel, a cut was made on Sasuke's shoulder.

'Ow!' He grimaced and looked at the figure that the needle had come from.


Shun's POV.

Haku started by creating a series of ice mirrors around him, his image reflected and refracted in multiple directions.

He became nearly impossible to track as he moved between the mirrors, creating a mesmerizing illusion.

Sasuke's Sharingan activated, but even his heightened perception struggled to keep up with Haku's swift movements.

I had once told him, having heightened Perception doesn't mean your body would move according to that speed.

Sasuke launched a barrage of shuriken at Haku, who deftly deflected them using the mirrors.

It seemed as though Sasuke's attacks were futile against Haku's crystal defenses.

Haku then retaliated by launching senbon from the mirrors. They shot towards Sasuke with incredible accuracy, forcing him to dodge and weave between the deadly projectiles.

Yet, he was still struck by a multitude of the Senbon needles.

Sasuke realized he needed a strategy to counter Haku's elusive tactics.


On the outside, Kakashi repeatedly glanced at the dome, not knowing what was going on in there.

"Any sudden move and I'll kill those two behind you." Zabuza threatened the copy Ninja.

Kakashi merely glanced at him before returning his attention to the dome. From his analysis, the Ice Dome couldn't possibly be destroyed from the inside, but needed an external influence.

As he could think this, Sakura, being the intellectual one could also analyse this based on the given information.

"Tazuna-san, I may have to leave your side for a moment." Sakura told the aged bridge builder.

"Go ahead." The man said after a second. "I'll be fine."


With a nod of acknowledgment, Sakura pulled out several Kunai from her pouch and threw them at the mirrors.

However... Several figures emerged from the mirrors and grabbed onto the Kunais before they could make contact with the external part of the mirrors.

'He caught it!!?' Sakura wondered with a bewildered expression on her face.


The sound of something clacking rang out, to the shock of the three teenagers causing a mirror to crack.

"Who..?" Sakura wondered while the two Jounina looked alarmed at the unexpected arrival .

Meanwhile, Sasuke haven gotten to have lived a good part of his life with a certain someone, knew immediately that hee had arrived.

'That idiot...Sho off.' He thought as he gritted his teeth at the searing pain he was feeling.

*Crash! BOOM!

From the debris of the destroyed mirror a figure emerged... "Uzumaki Naruto! At your service!"


(A/N: For referal purposes... This is chakra level, not chakra Prowess. I'll be creating a comprehensive status later. Combat Prowess is all their abilities put into consideration.

Don't forget that Naruto's and Sasuke's system are connected to Shun's System, Eien. And she is basically like the heavenly dao or world system of this world currently so...

Civilian: 1-10

Genin: 10-50

Chunin: 50-500

Jonin: 500-10,000


Super kage: 50,000-100,000

Naruto SM &Sasuke MS: 100,000-200,000

Naruto SM+KM & Sasuke EMS & Jubito: 200,000-500,000

Madara Six Paths & Naruto & Sasuke Six Path mode:500,000-1M

Hagoromo & Hamura: 1M-10M

Kaguya and Sage of Six path Hagoromo: 10M-100M )

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