Chapter 31

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Title: Encounter



Shun was feeling rather mischievous that day. He knew that Orochimaru had left his secret base to attend the Chunin Exams in Konoha. This was the perfect opportunity for some snooping around a little.

He had managed to sneak into the hidden lair without setting off any alarms, and now he was rummaging around Orochimaru's eccentric collection of belongings.

Shun couldn't help but chuckle at some of the bizarre items he found. There were jars filled with strange creatures, shelves lined with scrolls, and a closet full of equally eccentric outfits.

He couldn't resist trying on a ridiculous snake-themed robe, complete with a hood that had a snake's head at the end.

As Shun continued his exploration, he stumbled upon a room filled with snakes of all sizes. They slithered around in glass tanks and seemed to be observing him with curiosity.

Shun decided to have a little fun and began imitating the movements of the snakes. He wiggled his fingers and hissed softly, trying to mimic their behavior.

One of the larger snakes in a tank seemed to take offense to Shun's antics. It pressed its face against the glass and let out a hiss that sounded rather menacing.

Shun quickly backed away, realizing he might have crossed a line while giving the snake a placating gesture.

This wasn't his intention in coming here afterall. He was here in search for Orochimaru's perfected serum, or rather, the serum Orochimaru felt he had perfected after a fusion both Hashirama and Jugo's cell.

This was precisely what he had been searching for. With a sly grin, he carefully examined the contents of the vial, noting its color and consistency. It appeared to be a combination of Hashirama's and Jugo's cellular material infused with Natural Energy.

Unlike the original timeline where Orochimaru sought a means to perfect his being by switching bodies, in this timeline, Orochimaru sought to perfect himself by enhancing his body to what he deemed to limit of human existence.

Like any genius would come to understand, Natural Energy was the answer to nearly everything in this world.

With it, a lot of things were possible, and the combination of a perfect sage and a pseudo-sage body could create something preposterous...not that Orochimaru knew it.

Anyways, I plan of injecting it into Sasuke after the first part of the Chunin exams.

Why? You may ask.

The answer is simple. I need Sasuke and Naruto to maintain their level of power even after they merge with Indra and Ashura's chakra.

There is a slight possibility of them being nerfed after Indra and Ashura's will pass on. That, is something I wouldn't want happening.

In all Honesty, this may actually be detrimental to Sasuke but since the old man and Madara could achieve the Sage body, I sure hope Sasuke could too.

I wouldn't want a situation where his Rinne-sharingan would be put out of commission after one or two Shinjutsu release.

On that same thought, I also need to inject Naruto with a dose too.

Hmm... What to do?

Sasuke already has Yin in his Sharingan while Naruto doesn't. Injecting him with the same Serum would prove to be disadvantageous rather than advantageous.

But now that I think about it, Jugo's Sage Transformation is as a result of an imbalance between Yin and Yang Natural Energy, perhaps I could edit this Serum to only retain the Yin component, giving Naruto a Mental Strength on par with the Rinnegan...

Now That's the genius in me talking.

Kurama alone is already filling him up with Yang Natural Energy, by the time he gets the Yin half from Minato, perhaps his cross-shaped Eye could form a permanent Dojutsu similar to me Rikugan.

Man, I'm almost scared of my Genius.

But still, I almost feel like I'm cheating right here. Orochimaru jas to go through all this scientific bullshit while I just have to use Creation of All Things to manipulate matter.

Guess being a creator level existence does have its perks." I thought as excitement surged through me at the hax I was about to create once more.


Third POV

Excitement surged through Shun as he realized the potential of this serum. He knew that it could be the key to enhancing the powers of both Sasuke and Naruto, making them even more formidable than they would be.

He took a small sample and began to dissect its composition. With precision and speed that only a genius like himself possessed, he started to decipher the serum's intricate components.

(A/N: In case you're wondering how, imagine the scene of Tony Stark working on an Holographic Projection.)

As he worked, Shun's thoughts raced. He considered the balance of Yin and Yang energies, the infusion of Natural Energy, and the potential effects on both Sasuke and Naruto.

While analyzing the serum, Shun realized that it was rich in both Yin and Yang components, creating a perfect balance. This was what had allowed Hashirama and Jugo to attain their respective states of power.

With his analysis complete, Shun began to formulate new serums. He carefully adjusted the components to create two distinct versions – one for Sasuke and one for Naruto.

The Sasuke serum maintained the perfect balance of Yin and Yang, enhancing his chakra and physical abilities. Shun couldn't help but marvel at the potential this serum held for his little friend.

For Naruto, Shun concentrated on the Yin aspect, ensuring that it would work in harmony with Kurama's Yang energy. This would give Naruto the mental strength he needed to harness the full potential of his abilities.

As Shun held the two vials, he knew that he had made a significant breakthrough. With these serums, Sasuke and Naruto would be well-prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at his own genius. "Being a creator-level existence certainly had its perks." Shun muttered once again.

"Orochimaru-sama?" A quiet and curious voice broke through Shun's reverie causing him to turn around to the voice's origin, and right behind him was a kid with pale skin, long white hair, wearing a black, high-collared kimono.

'Damn. How did he manage to even approach me with me knowing? Was I to engrossed earlier?' Shun thought as he carefully kept the two Serum into his pocket space.

"You're not Orochimaru-sama..." kimimaro said as bones began protruding from his two hands. "Who are you? I haven't seen you around before. Depending on your answer, I may have to kill you."

Shun was shocked for a moment at the words he heard. "Damn, this is a First." He muttered before he began chuckling to himself.

"You find your situation amusing?"

"Not at all, on the contrary however, I find you words rather... amusing." Shun said with a relaxed air as he conjured up a seat made from the ground.

"Etiquette dictates you introduce yourself before enquiring of the other party's identity." Shun said.

"Etiquette also dictates that intruding on someone's property is wrong." Kimimaro replied causing Shun's smile to freeze for a moment.

"Haha, you got me there, but technically speaking, I actually own this world." Shun said with a small laugh.

"You haven't introduced yourself." Kimimaro didn't understand and neither did he want to understand what Shun was talking about.

"Oh, forgive me. I go by many names, but to you, I am Nanashi." Shun said to the boy with a smile.

"No-name? That's a weird name." Kimimaro said. "and what are you doing here?"

"I'm actually stealing some-"


"Oh? Now that's just rude, interuppting me through my speech." Shun said coldly as he blocked a bone sword making for his neck with his finger.

Kimimaro's eyes widened in shock as he took a step back in shock. "Kekkai Genkai? You're like me?"

Shun raised an eyebrow at the boy's reaction before looking at his grey coloured finger with a hint of understanding. "Oh this? Nah, this is just Earth Release Taken to one of it's extremes."

"The Metal Release. Ever heard of it?" Shun asked but kimimaro shook his head.

"Well, this release entails I never die as far as I know an attack is coming. So, do you wish to test your bones against my metal?"

Kimimaro remained silent as he observed the blindfolded intruder.

His earlier attack was actually unleashed at his fastest speed in an attempt to catch Nanashi off-guard, however, not only wasn't he caught off-guard, he managed to block his full strength attack with just a finger.

As someone of the Kaguya clan and also somone who has been with Orochimaru, he has fought his own fair share of battle, so he knew a losing battle when he saw one.

To make matters worse, he didn't feel the fluctuation of chakra from the seated intruder at all.

"Fear not little Kaguya, I have no intention of harming you or your master. I, however, am interested in you." Shun said with a smile as he felt the uneasiness wafting out of the boy.

"In me?"

"Yup." Shun said and stood up. "Have you ever wondered, how strong or let's say, dangerous you'd be, with an increase in the quality of your bone release?"

Kimimaro simply kept silent as he didn't understand what Shun was getting at.

For all he knew, the bone release was the bone release, there was no other room for growth other than just Strengthening the amount he could Summon.

"I see you don't believe me." Shun said with a smile and tapped the chair made of earth, morphing the armrests into two black metal swords, much to the amazement of kimimaro.

"Now watch this." Shun said and randomly slashed at the chair, effectively cutting it in two. "That's the normal usage of my metal release."

"Now watch this." Shun said and immediately, the black sword turned grey, or rather, it had a grey coating to it before Shun slashed at the chair once again.

This time however, the chair crumbled to dust and disappeared with no sign it was ever there before.

"This, my dear Kaguya, is a qualitative leap in Elemental Manipulation." Shun turned only to see a sweating kimimaro.

"Daijobu. Daijobu." He waved his hands at him. "I'm not here to attack you."

"What do you want?" Kimimaro asked

"Didn't I say it earlier? I'm interested in you." Shun replied.

"What was that thing?" Kimimaro asked again to which Shun nodded and explained. "That is the Dust Release. You see, after the Kekkai Genkai, is the Kekkai Tota, and after that is the Kekkai Mora."

"The Kekkai Tota is the combination of three elements, but what Shinobi don't understand is that, the Kekkai Tota is an ability that borders concepts. Like this Dust Release, it contains a concept known as Destruction."

"The Second Tsuchikage created it and named the only technique he could come up with as: Atomic Dismantling. However, nothing in this World can ever truly be destroyed. Everything, be it matter, time and space, are energies that move from one form to another."

"When I first saw the Atomic Dismantling Technique, I was reduced to nothing but ashes, you see, but unfortunately for my opponent, I had my eyes opened, so I casually creates a counter for it. Aquinox Release: Minor Reality Manipulation."

Saying this, Shun's right hand suddenly shone with a sky blue coating before which he waved his hands at the area where the chair once stood.

With a flabbergasted expression, kimimaro watched at the chair repaired itself to the state it was before the second slash.

And to make matters worse, Shun had it rewind in a slow pace, allowing kimimaro to marvel at the spectacle Infront of him.

"Now. What if you could incorporate one of this two Kekkai Tota into your bones?" Shun asked the boy as he sat down on the chair.

They both stared at eachother for a good While. Shun wore a smirk as he took in kimimaro's emotionals swings while kimimaro tried his best to keep a stoic expression as he stared at the blindfolded man in front of him.

This little conversation with him allowed Kimimaro to gleam into many things.

One, this man was a monster. He could actually survive from being destroyed to his very last atom.

Having stayed with Orochimaru, he understood what it means for something to be an atom, but for something or rather, someone, to have the ability to reconstruct atoms into a whole was...

Two, this man was extremely dangerous. The first point also covered this but kimimaro didn't want to experience this by fighting this man.

Three, this man was actually a genius. Since he could create a Kekkai Tota just from watching a Kekkai Tota and reversing it, didn't it mean him being blindfolded was him basically giving anyone he fights a handicap?

"Oh-ya? Seems like they'd encountered Orochimaru. Hmm, I gotta watch this fight. Think through my proposal, little Kaguya, next time we meet, I hope you'd have created something other than just... bones."

After saying that, kimimaro saw the space between them both shatter like glass, and as it mended itself, the intruder was gone.

Kimimaro was almost forced to believe that this encounter was a Genjutsu, but remembering his bones were active throughout, he threw away that possiblity.

Then was this a transportation Jutsu?

He wondered, afterall he had, they too had a Teleportation Array Orochimaru had always used to stay one step ahead of his pursuers.

(A/N: Don't question it. Teleportation Array and Teleportation Jutsu are different. In the first, you create or draw a large amount of seals in two places, thereby connecting them, whereby in the second, you literally move from one place to another through means known to you. Examples are Kamui, Hirashin and Shun's space Folding.)

"A Kekkai Tota, Huh? I wonder."