Chapter 37

Title: Chunin Exams 9


Stealthily creating a clone and slipping out, I arrived at the room Sasuke was resting and placed a finger on his forehead before scanning his body.

The feedback I received was that the serum had only managed to contact less than a percent of his Chakra.

Hmm, what an interesting situation. Seems like I really need to put his body and mind in pretty stressful situations. But should I send him over to Orochimaru's?

I know putting him under his tutelage would go a long way in molding him into a good Shinobi but would Orochimaru expose him to the environment that would bring out his full potential?

But now that I think about it, Orochimaru does have an entire Hideout, The East Hideout, he calls it, filled up with outlaws he had captured for his experimental purposes.

I had once asked him why he didn't use animals for his experiments and he said they couldn't fully simulate the effects said experiments would have on the human body.

So instead of using the relatively innocents Shinobi or civilians, he choose rogue ninjas and bounty hunters.

Those one, he was sure had a lot of blood on their hands and wouldn't be missed.

Well, after putting Sasuke through the grind during this one month, I'll see whether he'd like to go over to Orochimaru's or remain with me.

'Hmm? Why'd he shiver?' I wondered as I noticed Sasuke's body shiver for a split second...He wouldn't be scared of me, would he...?

It can't be, who doesn't love my way if teaching?

Sparing one more look at the star shaped mark on his neck, I smiled and disappointed from the room.


Back at the arena, Sakura surprisingly managed to win over Ino in their round of selection.

Guess Sakura really did put in some efforts into her training afterall.

And despite my closeness with the Ino-shika-cho families, I hadn't actively asked the trio to train.

I had hinted to their parents once, but as people who wouldn't want to see their children go through the kind of pain they went through, they just waved off my concerned.

To them, the kids would grow as they should. Well, it's not like I'm overly interested in making all these clan kids stronger than they want.

What's pretty disappointing about this is that most of the Techniques I had taught their ancestors had all been dubbed 'Kinjustu' simply because they couldn't use it.

As of now, no one in the Nara clan can access the shadow dimension or shadow walk.

In the Yamanaka clan, non of them could project their souls out of their bodies nor manipulate their opponents soul.

This is considering the fact that no one in the Shinobi world trains their souls, except for that Dan. Pity he died early.

And finally, in the Akimichi clan, no one has been able to reach a Hundred Metres in height.

In one of Indra's reincarnations, an Akimichi once went toe to toe with Indra's Full Susanno for a full 2 hours before succumbing to his injuries.

Unfortunately they can't harden their bodies no matter how much they grow.

Despite their increase in strength, an attack from a body similar in mass would result in injury.

This was what made them different from the Uchiha Susanno.


Yakumo VS Tenten


Was the first thought that came to my mind as I saw the match up. This was supposed to be between Temari and Tenten, however....

'What a boring match it would be.' I thought as I shook my head.

Despite the potential in Tenten, she wouldn't be able to even make Yakumo-chan take her seriously.

This wasn't her fault actually, it's basically due to Guy's inability to train her.

'Hmm, she looks like a good specimen. Guess I'll have a chat with her after her defeat.' I thought as I saw the two walk into the arena.

"It's Yakumo-chan." Naruto excited said. "I haven't seen her since the exams began, where has she been?"

"Hmm, she's been standing over there all this while." I said and pointed to a spot behind Kurenai making everyone to look at me in askance.

"What? I'm her teacher so I know." I shrugged and turned to watch the two exchange words.

"I didn't expect to see you here... Last I heard, you were kicked out of the academy." Tenten said in mild mockery to which Yakumo shook her head and brought out a brush.

"I wasn't kicked out of the academy... The academy had nothing to teach me so I left." Yakumo said and lazily looked at Tenten. "There's a difference."

"Well, it doesn't matter to me either way. You're going to lose to me." Tenten said and brought out a scroll and prepared to perform a Summoning Jutsu.

However, Yakumo merely raised her brush and quickly made a drawing of a flaming eyeball.

"What's tha-?"

"[Great Flame World!]" Yakumo interuppted with a soft whisper, and immediately, the eyeball shone with a resplendent light that caused Tenten to look at it.

And as soon as she did, she stopped moving.

Seeing this, Yakumo turned to leave as she said. "Call the medical team. I've won this match."

Seeing the lack of response from the Proctor, she frowned and shouted. "Be quick! Or her death is on you."

As soon as she said that, Tenten who was just standing there dazedly, began whimpering as her skin began taking on a reddish hue.

"What's happening?" Lee and Sakura basically asked at the same time.

"It's Yakumo's Kekkai Genkai." Kurenai answered with a worried expression. "She's able to draw anyone into her Illusion. This illusion is so strong that it affects the human body."

"What!? An illusion that can't be broken?" Sakura asked in shock

"Yes. Her Kekkai Genkai is so strong that she could basically deceive the brain to make it believe whatever it's going through is real, therefore affecting reality." Kakashi answered.

He too was aware of Yakumo's unique ability. If not for Shun's insistence that year, they would have sealed away her chakra for good.

"That Genjutsu is formidable one that ensnares its target within an illusionary realm of intense, blazing flames. It transports the victim into a world consumed by towering flames."

"Hence the Name: Great Flame World.' For as long as the eyes can see, it's all flames."

"Within the Great Flame World, the target perceives the scorching heat, hears the crackling of the inferno, and even feels the illusionary warmth against their skin."

"The intensity of the illusion is such that it can evoke a genuine sense of panic and urgency, compelling the victim to believe they are surrounded by an inescapable sea of fire."

"It'll do you all well to quickly call the medical team. Thankfully Yakumo-chan was kind enough to put a time limit to it." As soon as I finished speaking, Tenten immediately stopped screaming and fell to the ground.

However, her skin wasn't burnt much though it was steaming, showing the effectiveness of the illusion.

It took a great deal of time for everyone to recover their senses at the unique show of strength Yakumo just showcased.

"She's too strong isn't she?" Shikamaru muttered with a serious look, unlike his usual lazy expression he always sported.

"Of course she is. I trained her myself." I said with pride. "In fact, you haven't even seen 10 percent of what she can do."

"Seriously?" Kurenai asked as she looked at me together with the others on the platform.

"Humph. With the Bankai I taught her, she could solo an entire Village alone." I exaggerated.

"Aren't you exaggerating her a little?"

"Heh. Of course I am. She could at most take on most Jounins." I said before continuing. "Don't look at me like that, she almost forced me to go all out on one of our training sessions that year."

"That means she's probably stronger now?" Naruto asked to which I nodded and then looked at him. "Why don't you look at her with that.."

He opened his eyes wide as he hadn't thought of that before and immediately did as I instructed.

The next moment, he involuntary took a step back causing everyone to look at him.

"What's the matter, Naruto?" Kakashi asked in confusion.

"Sh-She's a monster." Nauto said. Even from my perspective, her stats were over the top for someone her age. But what Naruto failed to realise was that, what he saw wasn't her stats, but the Ido's.

Strength: ??

Agility: ??

Endurance: ??

Defense: ??

Skill: ??

Chakra: ***

This was what Naruto probably saw when he looked at her, and according to the [Analyse] skill, this only occurs when the person he's looking at is at a much higher level that he is.

In most Jounin cases, he and Sasuke could see at least one of the stats, but in her case, he could see nothing.

This alone, told him he had zero chances of winning in any form of battle.

Unfortunately for the kid, he hasn't seen his own stats.

"Why is she in the Chunin exams?! She should be well over Jounin!!" Naruto cried out causing everyone to look at him once again in confusion.

Yakumo who was also leaving the arena looked up and then smiled before waving her hands causing the Genins to shiver but I smiled and waved back.

"Naruto, what are you talking about?"

"Naruto is a sensor so he merely saw what was inside her." I said to avoid unnecessary questionings.

"He is?" Sakura asked

"No wonder..." Kakashi muttered as he scratched his non-existent beards.

"Yeah. He can tell the abilities of a person depending on how much chakra they show. Isn't that right Naruto?"

"Uh-huh. Yeah." Naruto nodded but anyone who knew him who know je was suspicious.

"As for why she's here, remember what the Hokage said about the Chunin exams?" I asked and the Genins all looked confused.

"About the missions?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yeah. She's here to showcase his powerful Konoha's Genins are and to attracts more missions to your Village." I said and then looked at the other end of the platform where my team were standing looking all downcast and shook my head.

"Is that so?"

The group began throwing their thoughts on this while both Lee and Neji were looking at Yakumo with murderous intentions to which Guy bonked on their heads.


"Don't even think about it. You're not her match yet...." Guy seriously told them but I begged to differ.

Lee alone defeat her if she doesn't materialize her illusions into reality.

With the second gate opening, no form of illsuion could possibly affect Lee or Guy. That gate literally opens the floodgates to the spiritual energy.

"In your set, she's probably the strongest..." Guy finished and to that, I couldn't agree more.


Uzumaki Naruto VS Shirogane Takashi

'Oh?' I thought as I looked over to my team and then at Naruto before smiling and disappearing.

"Yo." I greeted the trio as I appeared behind them.

"Sensei..." they all greeted.

"So... Do you think you can fight the kid?" I asked Takashi but he looked unsure.

"Sensei..." he called out but I just ruffled his hair.

"He's a kid your age. I've trained you so much in close quarter combat, that's what he specialises in. You have an advantage in your crystal release, he doesn't even have a technique other than the Shadow Clone Jutsu."

"Honestly, I believe you can win, the question is, can you?" I asked the kid as I locked eyes with him.

Their earlier defeats in the forest of death was mental block to them. These three had never left the village on any life threatening missions.

This was one of the disadvantages of Peace.

Back when I was Kage, of every thousand graduate from the academy, only 50 or less end up becoming prominent in the village,

The rest end up relaxing and indulging in the peace the village provided. Unfortunately, these three were part of the rest.

They didn't have any grand goals or desires. They were pampered by their clans since childhood since they possessed the clans Kekkai Genkai.

Luckily, the clan found out about their mindset early and handed them over the the Hanakage who then handed them over to me.

"I wouldn't go out of my way to help you overcome your mental blocks, but when you do, I would be here to help you with the physical blocks. You three have potential, you just have to find the right motivation."


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