Chapter 45

Title: Konoha Crush: Part 1


The once festive air of the Chunin Exams arena transformed into a battlefield, the clash of metal and jutsu echoed throughout the arena as well as the village at large.

Orochimaru's pawns, disguised among the participants, civilians and audience revealed their true allegiance, casting a sinister shadow over Konoha.

As the first wave of invaders descended upon the village, panic and chaos ensued.

The villagers, caught off guard, scrambled to defend their homes. The sounds of battle intensified, the clashes between Konoha's defenders and Orochimaru's forces resounding through the once serene streets.

As I promised Kakashi, I made sure no civilian was harmed during the ensuing battles.

Badly aimed strikes that could impact the noncombatants were all removed before they made contact.

In the heart of the conflict, Shikamaru's strategic mind came to the forefront.

As the person put in charge of pursuing Sasuke and Gaara he knew he needed to put aside his laziness and make sure he accomplished his mission.

The streets of Konoha became an arena of conflict, each corner hiding a new threat. Jutsu clashed, and the air crackled with the release of chakra.

The walls of the village lay destroyed under the might of Orochimaru's summoned animals. Giant snakes who ran amok albeit restrained by Jiraiya.

In the chaos, I moved with purpose, lending support where needed and ensuring the protection of those unable to defend themselves.

This omniscient viewpoint wasn't bad. I was already used to it but seeing an epic anime scene like this really was something.

"Aren't you going to do anything?" Karin asked as she also spectated the battles.

I shook my head at her and said. "Doing anything now can lead to diplomatic problems. Plus, they don't seem to want my help."

After saying that, I shrugged as my attention was drawn towards my students fighting some Oto nins around them.

'Well, they don't represent the village...' I thought as I continued observing.


Within the sealed space, the grand clash between two figures unfolded. The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, faced Orochimaru, his former student in a battle.

Orochimaru summoned the reanimated forms of Hashirama and Tobirama Senju at an impressive 50% of their full power.

The very air seemed to quiver with the magnitude of the chakra these titans possessed.

'This is interesting. I guess he did learn a thing or two on how the soul works in relation to living vessels.' I said as I continued to watch in intrigue while simultaneously keeping an eye on the village.

Hiruzen, weathered but resolute, stood his ground. The weight of his years bore down on him, but his eyes mirrored the unwavering spirit of a leader defending his home.

"What do you aim to achieve by doing this Orochimaru?" Hiruzen asked grimly as he saw the unmoving bodies of the village's previous Kages.

" does it feel? Despite all your does it feel to know you'll end up...dead?"

"It's yet to be known who will die Orochimaru."

"Kukuku, surely you jest Sensei. I know you. I know how strong you are, and frankly, I know I can't defeat you by myself. You're the professor, the Current God of Shinobi afterall." Orochimaru said in genuine praise.

"However...Do you know something I know you love but don't currently possess?"

"..." Hiruzen glared at his wayward student without saying anything.

"Control. That's it. You always loved to be in charge didn't you? But you were so weak Willed that you failed to see the little things going on under your nose."

"Right now, you have no control over this situation, Sensei. Your old mentality is already overdue and needs to be removed. You are a tumor."

Orochimaru said with so much hate that even Hiruzen had to review his life so far.

But like any hardened man grown up in wars, he refused to believe he was wrong.

Shifting his gaze, he looked at the two brothers standing In Front of his student.

The summoned brothers, Hashirama and Tobirama, emanated an overwhelming pressure that made Hiruzen extremely wary of them.

"Well then, Sensei, let's see how long you survive..." Saying that, Orochimaru seemed to phase out of existence, but not before making a hand sign.

As soon as he did that, an intelligent light flashed in the eyes of the two Senju brothers as they immediately attacked the Hokage.


As the battle commenced, Hiruzen showcased his mastery over a multitude of jutsu. His robes billowed with each calculated movement, and his hands danced through seals as he countered the onslaught of the Senju brothers.

Together with his adamantine rod, his mastery over the five chakra natures as well as his years of experience, he was able to keep up with the two brothers without falling into a disadvantage.

Hashirama's Wood Release and Tobirama's Water Release surged forth, creating a beautiful sight that tore through the battlefield. Hiruzen's eyes flashed with keen insight as he countered their elemental onslaught.

I observed the battle with keen interest. Despite being a spectator, the weight of their blows reverberated through the arena itself. The clash of these powerhouses painted an awe-inspiring sight.

Hiruzen, however, faced an uphill battle. The sheer might of Hashirama's wooden constructs and Tobirama's fluid precision tested the limits of his endurance.

Orochimaru, reveling in the chaos, observed with a sinister glee. His hand still held in the hand sign for the reanimation jutsu, eagerly awaited the completion of his dark ambitions.

In the midst of the battle, Hiruzen resolved to use the reaper death seal to seal away the two brothers, however, Tobirama was quick to interuppt his attempt.


While the battle between Hiruzen and the reanimated Senju brothers unfolded within the sealed space, Konoha's grounds were a chaotic theater of conflict.

As I maintained my watchful gaze, I watched as the Jounins engaged in brief conversations with some of other Jounins on the front lines, exchanging insights and strategies amid the chaos.

"The village is under attack, and Orochimaru has brought the war to our doorstep," remarked Asuma Sarutobi, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"It's a mess out here. We've got Oto-nin and Suna-nin causing havoc in the streets. The coordination is impressive; they've clearly planned this assault meticulously," added Kurenai Yuhi as she observed the surrounding.

Shikaku, who was coordinating the defense efforts, approached with a stern expression. "This is a real drag, but we've got to push them back. I'll handle the strategy; you guys focus on holding the line."

The streets echoed with the sounds of jutsu and clashes as the defenders of Konoha fought valiantly against Orochimaru's forces.

The urgency in the air was palpable, a stark reminder that the tranquility of the village was now shattered.

On another front, Kakashi Hatake, leading a squad, was engaged in a skirmish with Oto-nin. His Sharingan glowed as he deftly countered their attacks.

"I never thought the Chunin Exams would escalate into a full-scale invasion," Kakashi remarked, a hint of frustration in his tone.

Gai, his eternal rival, joined the fray with a boisterous laugh. "Ah, Kakashi, my friend! It seems fate has once again brought us together in the heat of battle!"

Kakashi sighed beneath his mask. "Save the theatrics for later, Gai. We have a village to protect."

As the chaos unfolded, Hinata Hyuga, a Genin who had shown remarkable growth, faced off against an Oto-nin.

"I won't let them harm the village. I have to be strong," Hinata whispered to herself, channeling the lessons she had learned in training.

The atmosphere crackled with tension, each clash of blades and burst of chakra signaling the struggle for Konoha's survival.

Back within the sealed space, the battle between Hiruzen and the Senju brothers reached a critical juncture. Hashirama and Tobirama unleashed a relentless barrage of jutsu, testing the Third Hokage's mettle.

I continued to observe, my thoughts flickering between the different fronts of the battlefield, each one a testament to the strength and resilience of Konoha's ninja.

Looking to a particular direction I felt a bunch of chakra signatures clustered together in a particular area of the village.

Their chakra were all dull, like living, moving humans in an inanimate body. They chakra lacked the excitement a normal humans' chakra should have.

That could only mean one thing... They lacked the excitement that came with emotions.

"That should be Danzo and his roots. Maybe I should pay him a visit? And perhaps Pick up Sai and his brother before they're damaged by the man." I mumbled to myself and stood up.

"Are you leaving?" Karin asked in alarm as she grabbed my clothes.

"You don't need to worry little red, I'll be back in a flash." I smiled in an attempt to calm her but she didn't seem like it and held me tightly.

"No! No! Don't leave me here." I could feel the dread wafting off her.

War wasn't something pleasant, and as a kid, seeing so many people die without a strong enough mental fortitude, could traumatize anyone.

Itachi was just of a different breed.

"Alright, come with me, we'll be taking out time then." I said and floated her up.


"Don't panic, pay close attention red, this would be a very memorable experience for you." Saying that, I teleported...


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