Chapter 52



Tsunade's question hung in the air as the occupants of the room exchanged puzzled glances. Jiraiya, ever the sage, sighed before offering some insight.

"That kid, one of the most unpredictable and powerful individuals I've encountered. Despite his young age, he could probably defeat all of us here." He said with a chuckle.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Explain."

Jiraiya leaned against a wall, crossing his arms. "Shun has a history with Konoha, dating back to the time of the Fourth Hokage. He played a role in certain events, though the details are shrouded in mystery."

Tsunade's gaze sharpened. "What events?"

Jiraiya hesitated for a moment before continuing. "He was involved in the circumstances that followed after the Fourth's death."

Tsunade mulled over this information, her mind racing to connect the dots. "So, he has a history with Minato?. Why haven't I heard of this before?"

Kakashi chuckled dryly. "Shun is a genius. According to intel, he Awakened the Tengoku clan's strongest ability at the age of four. You should have watched his battle a few years ago. Keshiro told me that back then, Shun could already defeat him if Shun was ever serious."

Tsunade frowned, feeling a mixture of curiosity and frustration. "And what about his comment regarding Naruto and making a point?"

Shikaku answered this time as his expression grew serious. "Shun has a peculiar way of handling situations. He made a strong statement to protect Naruto a couple years ago. According to him, Minato entrusted Naruto to Shun. Any and all forms of harm brought on Naruto were repaid a few fold more."

Shikaku said and looked at Danzo. "A couple Konoha nin paid dearly for it. Whatever he meant by 'making a point,' it likely refers to the forceful message he delivered that day."

"That day...huh?" Kakashi muttered.

"What day?"

The atmosphere in the room shifted as the gravity of Shun's involvement became clearer.

"That day, after the Uchiha massacre, Naruto went to visit Sasuke as he usually does and was obstructed and wounded by an Anbu team." Kakashi began.

"Unfortunately, Shun came to the village a day later in worry due to the news of his friend, Itachi. Upon seeing the bruises on Naruto, he stormed the Hokage office and made sure Lord Third handed over the culprit before he let matters rest."

"And what did the old man say?"

"They fought, the results were unknown but lord third acquiesced to his demand and hand the man's chakra coils disabled and permanently crippled."

"What!? The old man lost?"

Shikaku shrugged and said, "No one knows, but we were sure it wasn't an illusion, after all, Shun had his eyes blindfolded throughout the battle."

"So he's dangerous?" Kawaki simply asked after being silent for so long.

"Very. And from what we know, he has never used that Sage Mode transformation since he revealed it." Jiraiya said. "Not to mention the Kekkei Genkai able to recreate matter."

Tsunade's thoughts raced, contemplating the implications of Shun's presence and his connection to the village.

Meanwhile, outside the Hokage office, Shun strolled leisurely through the village, his hands in his pockets. He couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia mixed with amusement as he observed the reactions he left in his wake.

"Hmm, maybe I stirred the pot a bit too much," he mused to himself. "But where's the fun without a bit of chaos?"

As he continued his stroll, Shun's mind drifted to the promise he made to Naruto and Sasuke. There were matters to attend to, and Shun was ready to navigate the intricate web of Konoha's affairs in his own unpredictable way.


As Shun strolled through the village, he couldn't help but anticipate how Tsunade would react to his request on Sasuke.

His destination, clear in his mind, guided his steps towards the residence where Naruto resided. A well built house personally bought and designed by him a few years back.

Konoha's bustling streets seemed to part effortlessly for him as though he was a member of the village. No one thought him suspicious as no one could even see him.

Upon arriving at the familiar door, Shun rapped on it with measured confidence. Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing Naruto with a quizzical expression.

"Shun! You're back!" Naruto greeted, a mix of surprise and delight evident in his voice.

"Just heard you came back from a mission and thought to come catch up a little," Shun replied. "Mind if I come in?-

"Of course, Sasuke is here too." Naruto answered with an annoyed pout at his best friend.

"Oh? Better, I don't have to stress myself too much." Shun said and strode in.

"Naruto, you're bac-? Eh? Shun-nii?"

Sasuke," Shun greeted with a casual nod, acknowledging the Uchiha's presence. "Hope you've been well?"

Sasuke's expression remained stoic, but there was a subtle hint of curiosity in his dark eyes. "What brings you here, Shun?"

"Oh, nothing, just heard that Itachi came around and you went and had your ass handed to you." Shun spoke with a smirk causing the little Uchiha to frown and snort while looking away.

Shun chuckled and sat down on the ground across Sasuke as Naruto came and joined too.

"So, did you learn the Rasengan?" Shun asked the blond who smiled cheekily and raised his hand and slowly, the Rasengan emerged, a luminous sphere of raw energy appeared.

"Not bad, a few rooms for improvement, but still not bad." Shun nodded in acknowledgement.

Naruto dispersed the Rasengan with a pout and said. "What do you mean not bad? This is the Rasengan, is it not?"

"It is, that is why it's not bad. What? Do you want me to tell you it's perfect? Humph, even your father, the Creator knew it wasn't perfect."

Naruto, who looked angry suddenly had a change in expression as he asked. "My dad?"

"Of course. Didn't Jiraiya tell you?"

Naruto shook his head. "He only said the fourth Hokage created this Jutsu. You don't mean...?"

Naruto suddenly had a look of realization as he looked at Shun who smiled and nodded.

"That's right. Your father was the Fourth Hokage. Namikaze Minato."

"Wha-?" Naruto began but was immediately choked as he gazed deeply at Shun. Tears could be seen pooling in his eyes as he processed what Shun had just said.

The room fell into a small period of silence as both Sasuke and Shun allowed Naruto his peace.

And after a few minutes, Naruto spoke. "Why?"


"Why did he seal the Kyuubi inside me? If I was his son, why did he seal the beast inside me? Why did the village treat me like this? Why..."

Shun sighed, his gaze softening. "Naruto, your father had his reasons. It was a sacrifice he made to protect you and the village, and he believed in your strength to overcome it. The villagers' ignorance led to their fear. It's a harsh reality, but your journey will unveil the truth and change their perceptions."

Naruto, still grappling with emotions, clenched his fists. "I don't get it. Why keep it a secret? Why not tell me?"

Shun interjected, "Sometimes, people bear burdens alone, even those they care about. Your father entrusted you with a destiny, Naruto."

Shun added, "Your father had and still has a lot of enemies. What do you think will happen when they hear their dreaded enemy died and left a spawn behind?"


"No buts. This world isn't very forgiving. Take Sasuke over here as an example. You see how vengeful he seems when Itachi is brought up right?" Shun asked and Naruto nodded.

"Then imagine when 1000+ Shinobi hear that the son of the man who killed their fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, husbands and wives is trotting about?"

"This is why no one ever told you. This is why your name isn't Namikaze, but Uzumaki. This is why Hiruzen, despite his twisted personality, allowed your bullying."

"Wha-?" Naruto looked incredulously at Shun. "He knew?"

"He's the Hokage. There is only so much he doesn't know." Sasuke interjected.

"Sasuke's right and you don't have to hate the old man. No spy would imagine that the son of the renowned Yellow Flash was being bullied in his own village."

"You know, I was 5 when I stayed with Minato-nii and Kushina-nee. I watched form in your mom's belly. I was even there on the day you were born."

"Biwako-baa was there too. She would've died if not for my quick reaction. On the day of your birth, an enemy infiltrated the village and aimed at you and your weakened mother."

"How is that possible? That's cowardly!" Both Naruto and Sasuke remarked in anger.

"Of course it was, here, watch." Shun said and immediately pulled the two into an Illusion Scape that showed everything that happened that day from his pov.

From the moment Kushina left the house with Shun following, to the point Kushina met Mikoto carrying a baby Sasuke, to the night of the attack, the masked man, the Kyuubi's rampage, Minato's fight against both the masked man and the Kyuubi.

And finally, Kushina and Minato's last stand against the Kyuubi to Minato sealing it inside Naruto to Minato dying. After that, they were brought out of the illusion.

It took a whole half hour for both Naruto and Sasuke to recover from the shock they had just experienced. Naruto even more so.

But when he did recover, his eyes were filled with so much anger and hate: "That damned Kyuubi!"

"Naruto!" Shun shouted and snapped him out of his abnormal status.

"The Kyuubi isn't at fault here. You'll understand soon."

"It's the masked man." Sasuke muttered and Shun nodded.

"Exactly. And this is where I will tell you about Itachi." Shun said and faced Sasuke.

Shun began by recounting his days with Itachi, Izumi and Hana in the academy for a year before he left.

But even leaving didn't tear them apart since Shun always returned on a yearly basis. Shun reiterated how Itachi always confided in him and Shusui on matters relating to the clan and their hubris.

Shun explained, "Itachi's kindness, though admirable, led him to make difficult choices. He attached great value to human life, which ultimately made him susceptible to manipulation."

"He was easily manipulated due to this kindness. His kindness was one major reason I didn't really like him. He attached too much value to human life."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Naruto asked with a frown which made Shun smile.

"It is a good thing. But attaching value to human life is the very first step to depravity. When you get put on a spot, you'll be forced to choose whose life has more value."

"So in the end, he chose the lesser evil—sacrificing his clan for the village and his little brother, Sasuke."

Naruto and Sasuke were visibly stunned by this revelation. Shun then transported them into an Illusion Scape, revealing the untold story behind Itachi's decisions and his encounter with the masked man. The illusion stopped short of showing the tragic event of Itachi killing the Uchiha civilians.

But since he didn't watch this one in this reality, he showed them how it went down in the Anime.

After seeing the schemes made behind the scene and how torn Itachi was, Shun also showed them the scene of Itachi meeting with the same masked man from the night of the Kyuubi rampage.

However, he didn't show them how Itachi killed the Uchiha civilians but showed them how Itachi had been torn in killing his parents, and when he thought it was the end, Sasuke entered and the illusion broke.

Another period of silence befell the trio as they ruminate over the scenarios they had both seen in the two separate Illusions.

"Now, in the future, you'll come to understand why all this happened, but for now, you're still too weak to change anything."

"Naruto, there was once a prophecy told by the Sages from time long ago. Jiraiya told your father about this prophecy, but in his dying moments, he told me that he was entrusting the Kyuubi to you."

"He did this, not for you to hate the Kyuubi or anything, but for you to master its chakra. Your mother could use it, the Jinchuriki before here could too, but they couldn't use it properly."

"It's left for you to find how to use this chakra. Whether you take it by force, peacefully or mutual trust is up to you. After this, Jiraiya will probably take you out for a training program. Learn everything he has to offer, and then learn some more from the system. That was your mother's and my gift to you."

"You too Sasuke. Anything your Sensei teaches, absorb them all while also learning from the ones given by your system. I hope that when that prophesied period of war arrives, you two will be at the forefront, fighting for the future."

Shun said with an earnest smile that left both Naruto and Sasuke unable to respond. They didn't even know what Shun was talking about.

One moment they were going through a rollercoaster of emotions, the next they were being given an explanation on how and why those actions had to happen, and the next he was telling them about a prophesied war and them both Fighting in it?

Not to forget the training part...

"We're leaving the village?" Naruto asked

"Hm. Your Sensei and Godfather, Jiraiya, will be taking you on a journey. Despite my dislike for him, he is a wise and knowledgeable old man. You'll learn a lot from him."


"Eh? Don't interrupt me kid. And yes, he's your godfather. Remember what I said about him being your father's Sensei?"

Naruto nodded and Shun continued.

"Well, after reading his first book, Minato-nii decided to name you after the Main Character. Jiraiya became embarrassed on the spot, and to put a cherry on top of it, Kushina-nee then offered him to be your Godfather which he gladly accepted in tears." Shun recounted.

"Then where was he all this time?" Naruto couldn't help but ask with a downtrodden look.

"Don't worry about that, ask him when you meet him, or you can observe him for yourself. Maybe you'll understand why he wasn't around." Shun said.

"Apart from a few abnormal people, he's a Normal person who managed to reach a level of strength that I find admirable. You'll learn a lot from him, however, remember not to learn the vast 92 percent from him." Shun said with a severe expression that caused the duo to look at him in confusion.

"You'll understand soon enough." Shun said and looked at Sasuke.

"As for you... You'll leave when I tell you to leave. Remember that."

After saying that, he stood up and looked at the two. "I'll leave you two to ponder on what I've told you. But before I leave the village, I hope you two will come and tell me who your anger and hate should be directed at."

Saying that, he disappeared from the room causing Naruto to shake his head. "He didn't even use the door. So much for walking being a Jutsu."