Chapter 55

Title: Discussion


"Hehe." Shun chuckled nervously before saying. "It's just for a few years. You guys don't need to take it too seriously."

Tsunade looked at Shun for a good while before sitting back down on her chair. Sighing deeply, she said.

"I have been told not to mess with you, Shun..." She began

"As you should." Shun nodded.

"...but even I can't look over these statements of yours. Uchiha Sasuke is a Chunin of Konoha..."

"He's a Chunin? Who decided that?" Shun interrupted again.

"I did! Now stop interrupting me!" She slammed her hand on the table causing Shun to raise his hand in surrender.

"As a Chunin, and an Uchiha at that, he's a valuable asset to the Village. Now explain yourself and convince me not to attack you on the spot, consequences be damned." Tsunade demanded as she looked at Shun intently.

Kawaki also paid attention to Shun, and the same could be said for everyone in the room.

"Well, ahem... I would like to believe you all know the story behind the Uchiha massacre?" Shun asked Tsunade who didn't show any reactions.

"Itachi went mad and killed his clansmen before leaving the village. What other story is there?" She asked, causing Shun to shake his head disappointedly at her.

"What?" She asked in annoyance as she saw his disappointed expression.

"Hiruzen and the elders really did deserve to die." Shun said with a smile. Shaking his head, he threw the thought out of the window as they were Sasuke's to kill should he deem it necessary.

"Before I begin, send out everyone in the room except for those you truly and fully trust. I'll even give you the opportunity to call for others you can trust as well." Shun said and crossed his hands.

"And why would I do that? For all I know, you could-"

"Try attacking you? Don't overestimate yourself. Just do as I said or I'll tell you the story here and now, consequences be damned as well." Shun said with a tone of finality.

Tsunade looked at Shun for a good while, but since she couldn't look him in the eye, she didn't exactly know what he was thinking. After a few seconds, she motioned for everyone to leave the room other than Kawaki and Shizune.

"Send for Jiraiya and...No, only Jiraiya then." Tsunade said to no one in particular but everyone knew she was asking the departing Anbus.

The four stood and sat in silence for a good while before Jiraiya jumped in through the window with an annoyed look on his face.

"Tsunade! This better be serious. I was in the midst of something very important." The man complained while wiping his nose with his clothes.

Everyone in the room tacitly decided to ignore him other than Tsunade who began insulting him to which he reciprocated, before it turned into a squabble.

"Ahem!" Shun coughed and the two looked at each other before they harrumphed and looked away.

"Anyways, why did you ask me here, Tsuna?" Jiraiya asked again and Tsunade told her side of the story causing Jiraiya to look at Shun coldly.

"I know I can't possibly defeat you alone, but if you do that, the whole Village will take you as an enemy." The Toad sage said.

"Now now, that's not why you were called here, I just want to tell you a story, and after I'm done, I'll be leaving with Sasuke." Shun said nonchalantly as he didn't take the threat seriously at all.

"But before that..." Shun took out a rectangular shaped metal object and pressed the screen causing it to light up.

"What's that?" Tsunade asked.

"A device I created to communicate with my circle of friends." Shun said succinctly.

Hearing this and seeing the way he spoke, they all knew he wouldn't elaborate on the matter and kept mute.

Not long after, a knock sounded on the door causing Tsunade to frown.

Shun nodded at her before she beckoned them to come in.

The door swung open to reveal a one eyed man who had spiky black hair and a well proportioned woman with similarly black hair. They were both garbed in Uchiha attire and wore a Konoha headband.

"Hokage-sama." They both greeted before looking at Shun with inquisitive stares.

They didn't know why they were here in particular. Both had retired from active Shinobi duties while maintaining their posts as Konoha's police department.

"Shisui, Izumi, I asked you here to stand witness to what I am about to say. Feel free to add if you think I omitted something while also correcting me If I misspeak." Shun said with a serious tone causing them to also turn serious.

"You're using the Uchihas as witnesses in an Uchiha matter?" Jiraiya couldn't help but ask to which Shun raised an eyebrow.

"Who else do you want me to ask? The civilians?"

Jiraiya seemed to think for a moment before realizing something and scratching his head.

"This is a village secret, your Village secret. A secret your elders decided to take to their graves since it's a stain to their reputations. Now..." Shun said as he began his story on Itachi.

The story was both short and informative as he didn't try to make Itachi stand out as the victim or saint in the whole thing. It was all from a logical point of view.

As he spoke, both Izumi and Shusui also added a thing or two about how it affected them, especially when it came to Danzo stealing his eye in the case of Shisui and how he decided not to escalate the matter since it may lead to war earlier than expected.

Izumi didn't add anything substantial other than mentioning how Itachi always seemed detached from everyone other than their circle, and it was only due to Shun that he even spoke to them about his worries.

She also mentioned how she tried to become a Police Vice Captain earlier, so as to help Itachi from the inside, however, everything changed when the fire nation attacked...Cough. cough.

Ahem. Everything changed when she was attacked by the masked man.

She wisely didn't mention anything about their fight as that would mean exposing her Mangekyou Abilities, but the mere mention of the masked man was enough to raise a few doubts.

"So you're saying this masked man attacked a building filled with Jounin level Uchihas and managed to make short work of you all?" Tsunade asked in doubt.

Izumi understood how unbelievable it was but she didn't know how to explain herself and looked at Shun who nodded and said.

"That is the truth. It is also this masked man that attacked Minato on the night of The Kyuubi's Rampage."

"What!?" Jiraiya exclaimed but didn't directly refute. He knew full well that if anyone could say this, it was Shun, after all, he was the only one who managed to survive that fight.

"I saw him from Izumi's memory. It was the same man and the very same Jutsu, however..." Shun paused and frowned.


"From the way he fought the Uchihas, I could surmise he had grown a lot stronger than when he fought Minato." Shun completed his statement.

"What!?" Jiraiya shouted again, causing Shun and Tsunade to look at him in annoyance.

Shun sighed and continued. "You see, when I fought, or rather clashed with him in the past, I could feel his teleportation Jutsu was yet to be fully refined, back then, he could even put up a fight with Minato, The Yellow Flash."

"However, being a Genius, Minato quickly discovered his weakness and managed to injure him heavily... I can't really remember the details, but what I saw from Izumi's memory, he's on a whole other level."

"...And you're sure it's him?" Tsunade asked and Shun nodded.

"A hundred and one percent."

"Then... Itachi didn't really do anything, did he? Can't we just bring him back to the village?" Kawaki asked but Jiraiya shook his head.

"A few weeks ago, I met the kid with one Kisame from Kirigakure. From their attire, they seemed to be in a ban- I mean organization. I don't think bringing him back is an option." Jiraiya said.

Shun nodded. "You're right. He won't be coming back, and even if he'll be coming back, he's resolved to do that dead."

"What?!" This time, it was Izumi's shout that pierced everyone's ears.

"Now I see." Jiraiya muttered in understanding.

"Shun! What does that mean by that? That isn't what you've told us all these while." Shisui asked, also looking confused.

Shun sighed and paused for a while before saying. "Itachi wants redemption. He loves these stupid Village so much that he's ready to give up everything just so that the organization won't attack Konoha."

"Attack Konoha?" The occupants of the room all seemed to have the same question in mind.

"That's right. Itachi mentioned that the leader needed something that the five Elemental villages have in their possession. He doesn't know what it is but as of now, he's the one keeping the leader in check." Shun explained.

"He's keeping the masked man in check?" Izumi asked with an incredulous look. "That masked man?"

"Yup. As someone personally trained by me, although Itachi doesn't have a Space related Jutsu, he's the only one that can deal with someone like that. Similar to how no one could defeat Minato till that masked man arrived, no one can defeat the masked man till I act, or Itachi decides to go all out with him...which he won't."

Izumi breathed a sigh of relief before confusion arose again.

"If that's the case, how would Itachi come back dead?" She asked.

"Yeah, how?" Jiraiya and Tsunade both had the same questions too.

"That's simple actually, he just needs Sasuke to kill him." Shun dropped the bomb that led to the room entering a period of absolute silence.



Itachi and Kisame found themselves on a remote rocky outcrop, far from prying eyes.

Sitting on the rock, Itachi glanced at Kisame, Sharingan glinting. "We need to report back. The others must be informed."

Kisame nodded, the ominous Samehada strapped to his back. "Let's not keep them waiting."

With a synchronized movement, they both formed the hand signs for the Seijuurogon no Jutsu. A brief moment passed, and their consciousness was transported to a virtual space.


Deidara snorted, glaring at Kisame. "You and Itachi messed up big time! How hard is it to capture one brat?"

Kisame scowled, crossing his arms. "It wasn't as simple as it looked. The Nine-Tails' jinchuriki had a guardian. Jiraiya of the Sannin."

Hidan chuckled sadistically. "Maybe you two just lack the killer instinct."

Itachi remained composed, his Sharingan glowing ominously. "This isn't the time for bickering. We need to regroup and plan our next move."

Konan, normally calm and collected. "We can't afford any more failures. Our reputation is at stake."

Nagato, known as Pain, was in a sitting position, and with a soft cough, he silenced the discord. "Enough. Itachi and Kisame did their best. Our approach needs adjustment. We're going into hiding, all of us."

The room fell into a tense silence as Pain's words settled in. Deidara huffed, muttering under his breath, while Kisame exchanged a meaningful glance with Itachi. Hidan grinned, finding the chaos amusing.

Pain continued, "We've drawn too much attention. It's time to let the storm pass. We'll gather strength in the shadows and strike when the time is right."

Despite the clash of personalities, the Akatsuki members nodded in agreement, recognizing the wisdom in Pain's decision.

Opening his eyes once again on the rocky plains, Itachi glanced at the skies with a weird expression.

"What's the matter, Itachi?"

"I feel... like someone's talking bad about me." Itachi said unsuredly.

"Heh, like anyone would ever speak good about you, clan killer." Kisame smiled and stood up.

"Perhaps." Itachi replied, his expression stoic as ever. 'Forgive me, Sasuke...' he thought remembering how he had manhandled his little brother a few days ago


"So you're saying, he wants Sasuke to be the one that kills him?" Izumi asked much to Shun's dismay.

"For the hundredth time Izumi, yes. That is why Sasuke needs to leave the village." Shun said, looking at Tsunade.

Tsunade understood his intention but shook her head. "If what you say is true, then Itachi is a valuable asset to the village, I can't allow Sasuke to kill him, not to mention allowing him to leave the village."

"Yeah, me too, if he needs someone to beat some senses into him, I'll gladly oblige." Izumi snorted in anger.

"Me too." Shisui supported.

"Not you too." Shun said.

"I'm sorry, but I don't support this one." Shisui shook his head as he took his stance.

"You don't understand do you?" Shun shook his head in defeat as he thought of another way to make these ignorant people understand how ignorant they were.

"I say we allow him to leave." Shun immediately snapped his head to the owner of the voice, and for the first time since his new life as Shun began, he found this snake sage pleasing to the eye.

"What's with that look?" Jiraiya asked in mild annoyance.

"Nothing, I just felt like... you're a good man.... Oddly." Shun replied.

"What do you mean Jiraiya-sama?" Shisui was the one to ask this time.

Jiraiya shrugged before turning to look outside, seeing the bustling scene in front of him, he smiled. "Sasuke... I've met the kid, despite the way he carries himself, he has a lot going on inside him. He's someone with a mission, and to top it off, he's a dedicated one."

"If you lock him up in here, you'll only breed anger, dissatisfaction, distrust and hate in him. That will be detrimental to the village. I say we allow him to leave." He concluded.

"For once in my life, old man, I really admire you." Shun said while nodding.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jiraiya angrily snorted.

"Nothing you don't already have an idea about."

"Humph. Damn kid, I'm pretty wise, just so you know."

"Heh, and I'm a genius, beat that."

The two began throwing words at each other till Tsunade snorted, drawing their attention to her.

"And Itachi?" She asked but Jiraiya shrugged.

"I dunno. They're brothers, they'll figure it out."

"Don't worry about that. If it's Itachi you want, then I'll make sure I deliver Itachi back to you in one....a few pieces, but alive." Shun said, nodding.

"What's with the pause?"

"Nothing to worry yourself about."

"And the genins... his friends, the village councils... what will you have me tell them?"

"First off..." Shun began, "you're the Hokage, act like one. Second, just tell them Sasuke is being promoted to Jonin Rank, and they all have the opportunity to be promoted too, but only if they are able to stop him from leaving the border."

"Them?" Tsunade asked

"Yeah, them. The Genins who took this exam. You gotta make it believable though. I'll be watching over the whole thing and will ensure he leaves the village without any problems." Shun replied.

"And how will you do that? They'll be attacking to incapacitate Sasuke in order to win, y'know?" Jiraiya asked.

"Simple, I know some mercenaries. I'll just ask them to obstruct the kids for some money. The kids might then have the opportunity to unlock the potential you all are keeping locked away due to all this peace."

"Peace is good." Kawaki, who had been silent for some time, said softly and Shun nodded.

"True, but a little bit of blood and gore here and there will do the world some good sometimes."

Everyone looked at Shun weirdly before Jiraiya said. "No. No it doesn't."

"Keep telling yourselves that." Shun shook his head and looked at Tsunade.

"So? What do you say?"

There was a period of silence before Tsunade opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by Shizune.

"Forgive me for saying this, but I doubt this would work."

"Hmm? Why do you say so?" Shun turned to the silent secretary and asked.

"I've only traveled with Naruto for a few short days but if there's something I know about him, it's that he considers Sasuke his rival. If Sasuke is about to become Jounin, he won't fight against Sasuke but will find a way to become one himself." Shizune reasoned and Shun nodded.

"That's exactly why I proposed this idea."

Shizune however shook her head. "That's also exactly why it won't work. I've also read the profile of these times' Chunin exams participants and will say with utmost confidence that no one would really go after Sasuke to stop him from becoming Jounin. They'd at most envy him before working harder to become one themselves."

"Choji Akimichi wouldn't even care, Shikamaru Nara would consider it a pain, Ino would squeal and say 'that's my Sasuke. Sakura too. Lee, Naruto and Neji would be pumped at becoming stronger so as to become one too..."

As she finished, she looked at everyone only to see them looking at her with varying expressions, but not paying them any mind, she continued. "I don't think anyone would really want to stop him."

There was a moment of silence before someone snickered at the side. "And he said he was a genius."

Shun's jaw clamped, not knowing what to say exactly.

What Shizune said was the truth, an obvious one, but since he was too focused on this arc playing out exactly as it was meant to play out, he overlooked a few critical facts.

"Although I do agree with the fact that these kids need to come in contact with some life and death situations, only then would they really understand how treacherous the road forward is." Shizune added, not minding the damage she was causing Shun.

"Yeah, I have to agree as well. And what better way than to have them go through that under Shun's watchful eye." Shisui also nodded in agreement.

"Then the question now is... how to make them go after Sasuke right?" Kawaki asked and they all nodded.

Shun, who had a relatively ugly face, harrumphed and said, "That's why I said let him go rogue."

"Eh, you said that?" Izumi, Shisui and Jiraiya asked at the same time.

"Yeah. This way, not only the kids, even the Anbu hunters and Jounins would be in on the Search for him, it'll just be a short few years and he'll be back. Tsunade here will then explain everything to the village higher those that actually matter." Shun explained his reasoning.

"And imagine if he comes back with Itachi and the masked man... with you two Sanins vouching for them and explaining the truth, you can pin everything on the masked man while making Itachi and Sasuke noble heroes who went on a mission that made the whole village hate them, however, they were actually doing it for the village."

"Isn't that the Will of Fire bullshit?" Shun didn't notice, but his voice was actually rising as he spoke causing him to lose his composure.


"What you say actually makes sense." Tsunade nodded and reclined on her chair while selectively deciding to ignore Shun's weirdness.


The group then went on to plan the entire thing so that it would go according to how Shun had imagined, and soon, Sasuke left the village.


A/N: That was one hell of a chapter, eh? Anyways, I don't plan on going into the details of this arc so the next chapter might be a Timeskip.
