Chapter 58

Title: Visitors From the Future


"Sigh..." Shun let out a deep sigh as he finished up for the day...or so he would like to believe. As he was now, he didn't really have a closing time, afterall, his instructions could be needed at any point in time.

"Why...? What was my initial motivation in creating this village system?" Shun muttered to himself in regret. Although he didn't need to work too much, he still needed to approve some documents every once in a while, allocate funds when needed and determine the kill level of potential threats to the village.

Pulling off his blindfold, his crimson red eyes pierced through the veils of the office he was sitting in as he watched the starry skies.

" they seem....Yet, the sheer number of apocalyptic level individuals residing in them..." thinking this, his mind was thrown back to the conversation he and an adultSasuke had two years ago.

Flash Back...

It had been a couple days since Sasuke left the village as a rogue Ninja, the Konoha Nine had been assigned the mission of retrieving him, only to fail at the last part.

Naruto did manage to get to Sasuke before he left the borders but after an intense battle, Sasuke managed to tap into his body's new potential, causing his chakra and physical strength to explode to unimaginable levels.

In the aftermath of the battle, Sasuke, who had more cards up his sleeves, managed to defeat Naruto.

A week after that, Shun, who had sent a clone of his back to Hanagakure with his students, decided it was time to leave the village.

As soon as he did, he stopped and called out. "Hime..."


Not receiving any replies, Shun patiently waited for a few seconds before he heard. "What's the matter?"

The voice was cold as usual causing Shun to smile wryly.

"Can you send our two visitors from the future over now?"

"Two? There are three."

"I know, send the Otsutsuki somewhere else, it's not like this little planet will even stop him from finding who he wants found."

"... That's true."

"Of course it is. The only thing that could potentially hold him back would be the drain of chakra as well as the need to gather information...if he's wise. Anyways, send the other two over now."

"Understood." Came Kaguya's cold voice once again, and immediately Shun felt a Temporal Disturbance that spewed across the entire planet and threatened to veer it off its supposed course.

'Oh? Interesting...' Shun thought as he never imagined this as a possibility in this singular universe.

As he thought this, he hid himself within the mirror dimension so as to observe the two visitors properly while also escaping their perceptions.

Afterall, he knew one of the visitors would be Sasuke who possessed a Rinne-sharingan, and although he didn't use it to what he would assume to be its fullest potential, he didn't believe he could see through dimensions yet.

At most, he could feel a dimension if it is close, but seeing was another matter, and he wasn't to be blamed, afterall, he didn't have any teachers to show him the ropes.

As he continued watching, a glowing green vortex appeared high up in the air as two figures jumped out of it.

Sasuke Uchiha, with his iconic spiky black long hair wore a dark, long sleeve outfit adorned with various belts and has his trademark Uchiha crest on the back, and on his side was a sword.

Boruto Uzumaki, a spiky blond haired boy who wore a more modernized version of the Konoha ninja headband, was in his ninja attire, which consists of a black jacket with blue trimmings over a white jumpsuit. His ninja headband is worn as a bandana.

'These two... they're different. And Sasuke... he's wearing one of my five original weapons. The Levitation Cape.' Shun thought as he watched the two that appeared vastly different from their original counterparts.

'At least in style, they're good... I'll have to observe more to understand...can Sasuke even activate the Levitation effect on the cape?' Shun thought as he began watching the two as they tried to blend into the village.

This continued for a good while until Shun decided to make himself known to the Uchiha. To him, interacting with Sasuke wouldn't affect the timeline and Sasuke should know of that since the war has taken place.

"Yo." Sasuke suddenly heard, causing him to scramble to his feet from his initial position in shock.

As an elite amongst elites, he could pride himself with the fact that no one currently alive could walk up to him without his knowledge.

And looking at the direction of the voice, he saw space crack as a figure emerged with a cheeky smile on his face.

Seeing the figure, Sasuke immediately and obviously relaxed, causing the visitor, Shun, to look at him doubtfully.

"So you're here, that's good." The adult Sasuke said.

"Hm? You...know of me?" Shun asked curiously, causing Sasuke to look at him doubtfully.

"Aren't you Shun? Of course I know of you."

"Oh? Then I guess my genius has even reached so far that even cyborgs know of my existence." Shun said proudly with a smirk that made Sasuke's lips twitch.

"Cyborg?" He couldn't help asking as this was the first he was hearing the word.

"Aren't you one? You're a weird mixture between a human, an Uchiha and an Otsustsuki. If you're not a cyborg, then what are you?" Shun asked casually, causing Sasuke to pause before frowning.

Seconds later, he relaxed his face once again and looked at Shun.

"You're messing with me right?" He asked.

"Oh? And why would I do that?" Shun tilted his head in confusion and asked.

"There's no way you're not messing with me. You're Shun, The Shun." Sasuke answered, causing Shun to chuckle dryly.

"Of course I'm Shun, my mother gave me that name. Who else answers it that warrants the 'The' before my name." Shun asked as he slowly pulled away his blindfold.

The two men, one younger, the other older stared at each other as the air between them grew tense.

Sasuke, despite his weakened state, was a force to be reckoned with, but even then, he knew he wouldn't be able to match up to Shun.

He had seen the horrors Shun could create when he got serious in a fight and not even Naruto, who managed to attain a level so close to him could hold a candle to.

In the aftermath of the Fourth Great Ninja War, when they had joined forces with their Ancestors to battle Kaguya only to lose, she had spared them saying that they had bigger and stronger opponents to face.

It was then that they saw a sight that left them in the deepest part of the abyss of despair.

An entire army of 'gods' they had come to understand to be The Otsustsukis descended upon them.

The mere undulations of chakra that wafted off them was so massive that even the upgraded Naruto and Sasuke felt pressured.

It was basically them both against an army of people at the same chakra level as them, but more experienced.

Despite the reanimated First Generation Kages, they had been met with a crushing defeat.

It was only then that Shun had stood out. He had managed to battle them to a standstill before banishing them into a separate dimension where they would be locked up for as long as he lived to provide chakra to seal them away.

That fear had left him vulnerable as he couldn't use any form of energy again, however the mere sight of him battling those guys was enough to instill fear and respect into the hearts of those who laid their eyes on him.

It was only as he got older that he had called upon a Kage Summit where he told the Six Kages that the seal had begun to be breached and the Otsustsukis had begun sneaking out in small numbers.

They were panicked at first, but he assured them saying that by forcefully breaking out of the seal, they would find themselves thrown to a place far away from them, but it was not guaranteed.

So they had to be on guard.

After that day, their nightmare began. One thing led to another and now, they were chasing an Otsustsuki who managed to get his hands on a time traveling artifact to go back in time.

At the time, Naruto had managed to beat him to retreat on so many occasions, and he had developed a decent amount of hate for the Uzumaki, however, it was unknown whether his aim of traveling back in time was to kill Naruto in the bud or kill Shun in his younger days.


The two continued the stare down causing cold sweats to drip down the Uchiha's back. He was about to say something when Shun burst out laughing.

"I'm just messing with you Sasuke. Damn, look how well you grew up eh?" Shun patted him on the shoulders and put back his blindfold.

" knew?" Sasuke stuttered a bit.

"Of course I knew. I felt the Temporal Disturbance you guys generated as you broke the Temporal Loop of the planet." Shun bullshitted.

He really didn't feel anything, it was only until he was told by Kaguya that he remembered that these two would be coming, but since they didn't know that, he wasn't lying.

"You...are you sure? Risa-san told us there is a possibility you would say something like this and it would be a lie." Sasuke asked, looking at Shun doubtfully.

"Risa?" He asked, confused.

"Yeah. Rin-san, she decided to keep the name you gave her when you did her a favor or something." Sasuke said carelessly.

"Oh? So she's still alive?" Shun asked, and this time, he was quite surprised. He didn't really expect the lass back then to remain alive till the Worst generation.

"Yeah, Obito too."

"For real? I thought he's the one that initiated the Fourth Shinobi war," Shun muttered, and surprisingly, Sasuke didn't react to it. "You know my identity?" Shun asked and Sasuke nodded.

"The 'First Team Seven' alongside Indra and Ashura." Sasuke nodded.

"Oh? Guess my recording did play, and that should mean two died? After all my training?" Shun tilted his head causing Sasuke to look away in embarrassment.

"Madara was too strong. You trained him more than you did us." He muttered but Shun knocked him immediately. "Excuses."

"And you know that too." He said before shaking his head. Turning around, he conjured a pavilion with seats within before inviting Sasuke to join him.

"Tell me how it went down." Shun said as soon as Sasuke sat down.

Sasuke nodded and began telling his tale on how the Shinobi war began and ended from his point of view.

"I see. I guess it really did go as I had imagined. Indra and Ashura...are they still alive?"

"Hn. After the war, they decided to follow your star map and explore the universe. According to them, this was our generation and theirs had already gone. They'd use this opportunity to bond and grow stronger so when your main body arrives, they can follow you on your journey."

"Oh?" Shun was really surprised this time around. For Sasuke to know that this wasn't his main body.... "How?"

"Your recording. The one you left on the Heavenly Steele. As soon as it played out your recording, your main body's projection revealed itself. According to you, you were outside the world and would be facing off against the True God or something like that."

"Oh? True God? I see, so I did later fight him..." Shun muttered. "And I'm not back yet?"

Sasuke shook his head at the question. "However, you did say that your fragment will continue to exist, and even if the physical body dies, you'll keep reincarnating till he returns."

"Then that's good. There's no way I'd lose, but that aside...Why are you giving off a terrifyingly weak energy despite the Rinne-sharingan?"