Chapter 69

Title: Title at the End


In a hidden training ground, a flurry of leaves danced in the air as Naruto and Sakura faced Kakashi with his Sharingan exposed.

They had all exchanged words and now, they were all focused on the imminent battle.

Naruto, channeling his chakra, unleashed a swift Shadow Clone Jutsu, creating duplicates that encircled Kakashi. Sakura, seizing the opportunity, charged in with precision as she executed a set of punches, aiming to break through Kakashi's defenses with her raw strength.

Kakashi effortlessly dodged Sakura's assault with a well-timed bodily movement, reappearing behind her in an instant while also keeping an eye out for Naruto's clones who hadn't done anything but observe him.


From the ground directly beneath Kakashi, Naruto jumped out with a spiraling vortex or chakra humming with raw power.

Recognizing the imminent danger, Kakashi activated the substitution jutsu, leaving behind a log as the Rasengan collided with empty space.

'They didn't really plan before the spar...did they?' Je wondered as he hid atop a tree to observe their reaction to his disappearance.

"He's over there!" Naruto immediately pointed to the spot he was hiding in. Immediately, his clones went in for the attack while Sakura circled around the tree in case he jumps.

Kakashi was impressed by their teamwork, decided to escalate the encounter.

With a fluid hand gesture, Kakashi activated the Chidori, lightning crackling around his hand.

As the chidori's electric hum filled the air, Naruto's clones engaged in a coordinated assault. Each clone executed a synchronized Rasengan, converging on Kakashi from different angles.

Kakashi, reading the incoming threat, swiftly maneuvered through the onslaught. His Sharingan whirred as he anticipated the clones' movements, evading the Rasengans while attacking with the Chidori with a combination of agility and precise timing.

Amidst the chaos, Sakura, recognizing the need for a strategic shift, focused on enhancing her physical strength. She activated her Chakra Enhanced Strength, empowering her strikes with an explosive force.

Kakashi however managed to continuously dodge her attacks despite her efforts.

"You're making too many wasted movements. Try to control it a bit more." He advised as he focused on the most troublesome of the duo.

The clash intensified, the battlefield echoing with the sounds of jutsu and physical blows. Naruto, despite lacking the Rasenshuriken, continued to coordinate his clones, strategically placing them to limit Kakashi's options.

Kakashi, impressed by Sakura's enhanced strength and Naruto's adaptability, decided to test their resilience further. With a sudden surge of chakra, he unleashed a wave of kunai, each imbued with a subtle lightning element.

Sakura skillfully deflected the kunai with her enhanced strength, while Naruto's clones dispersed, avoiding the electrified projectiles.


As the dust settled, the trio stood in a tense silence, a testament to the intensity of their exchange. Kakashi slowly closed his Sharingan with his head band as he regarded Naruto and Sakura with a nod of approval.

"Well done," Kakashi remarked, a subtle smile forming beneath his mask. "Your teamwork and individual growth have surpassed my expectations. Naruto, you seem to have found a way to fight with your clones , impressive. Sakura, your physical strength and combat instincts are truly impressive, however, there is a need to learn control and precision. Don't just throw your punches anyhow. If it doesn't hit, then you're just wasting energy."

Naruto grinned, wiping sweat from his brow, while Sakura acknowledged Kakashi's praise with a humble nod.

Kakashi continued, "Remember, strength isn't just about jutsu or raw power. It's also about understanding your limits, adapting to your opponent, and trusting your teammates." He glanced between them.

"You both have grown into formidable shinobi," Kakashi said, his voice carrying a mix of nostalgia and satisfaction. "Continue pushing each other, and you'll reach heights you never thought possible."

With a final glance, Kakashi disappeared in a swirl of leaves, leaving Naruto and Sakura to themselves.

"Humph, he's probably going to read that book... stupid Kakashi-sensei." Naruto pouted at how fast Kakashi disappeared after advising them.

"Don't be rude, Kakashi-sensei is a busy person." Sakura defended.

As she said that, both Jiraiya and Tsunade accompanied by Shizune and tonton walked out from their hiding places.

"You both have grown stronger, I'm proud of you." Tsunade said, causing Naruto to beam.

"Hehe. It's as expected y'know."

"Thank you Tsunade-sama."

"Alright, no need for that Sakura. Naruto have you gone back home since you returned?" Tsunade asked causing Naruto to look at her with a peculiar gaze.

"Tsunade-baa-san, I just came back today, as I catching up with my friends, you called me here for an how can I have gone back home?"

"Eh? Ah! Oh..." Tsunade blushed

"Don't speak that way to Tsunade-sama!" Sakura immediately came to her defense and hit Naruto on his head

One would think that after his training, he would be able to dodge something as simple as that, but still...'Women are scary.' Naruto made a mental note to himself.

"So? Is there anything I should be worried about?" Naruto asked as he rubbed his head.

"Not at all. You're free to leave."

"Yosh! See you guys later!" Saying that he bolted away to go and greet the few others he hadn't greeted since he returned.


The Hokage Monument stood tall against the sunset, casting a warm glow over the Hidden Leaf Village. Naruto, after two years of intense training, finally returned, a mixture of anticipation and weariness etched on his face. The familiar sights and sounds of the village stirred emotions long buried beneath the surface.

As he approached his house, memories flooded back—of his lonely childhood, of the struggles that shaped him. Pushing open the door, he was met with a profound silence that hung heavy in the air. It was the familiar silence he always came home to whenever he opened the door...Or so he thought.

"I'm bac-" he instinctively said but the words got stuck in his throat before it could be let out.

His eyes widened as he spotted a figure sitting peacefully in the room, her red hair a stark contrast against the muted tones of the surroundings. It couldn't be—

Kushina Uzumaki, sat there seemingly awaiting his arrival with a soft and loving smile on her face.

"Naruto... you're home, Welcome back." Her soft voice spoke, and Naruto stood there, not knowing how to react to this sudden revelation.

The room seemed to brighten as their eyes met, a mix of joy, disbelief, and overwhelming emotion washing over him.

Tears welled up in Naruto's eyes as he rushed to her side, embracing her with a fervor born of years of yearning. Kushina, though surprised, reciprocated the embrace, her touch a balm to Naruto's weary soul.

Despite having watched Naruto grow from the little baby he was till the point he left the village on his training arc as Shun had told her, she still felt that Naruto might have some problems accepting her as his mother, hence her surprise.

"I thought... I thought I lost you. Nii-san, he said you.." Naruto whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

But seeing him being overwhelmed with emotions made her throw away those thoughts as her motherly instinct kicked in

Kushina gently brushed a hand through Naruto's hair, her eyes reflecting a mother's unspoken love. "I'm here, Naruto. I've been waiting for you."

"Kaa-san..I thought I won't be able to see you anytime soon." Naruto said as he pulled away from the hug to look at Kushina's face properly so as to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"I'm really here. I've always been and still will my little Naruto." Kushina said, her voice choked with tears as she caressed his face.

Sixteen years.

For sixteen years she had yearned to physically touch her son, but all was denied by that space she found her self in, courtesy of Shun.

Although she felt her soul get stronger during her stayin there, she still couldn't help but be a little but resentful towards both Shun and that space.

She had learnt a lot in there, but can that compare with the lack of physical touch...more so, the feeling of watching your son...the son you never had the opportunity to raise, grow, suffer, accept abuse and still, remain powerless to do anything.

She couldn't console him when he cried, she couldn't cook for him when he was hungry, she could have sing him songs when he felt couldn't she feel resentful?

"I missed you so much, Kaa-san!" Naruto finally managed to express himself, his voice muffled against her shoulders.

Despite Naruto's strong exterior as well as his cheerful and jumpy character, he was still someone raised in an environment devoid of parental love. Motherly love no less for a boy like him.

Kushina held him tighter, her embrace a reassurance that transcended words. The emotions held within Naruto, a mixture of longing and the relief of finding what he thought was lost, poured out in silent tears.

"You've become so strong, Naruto. I've watched you from afar, and I couldn't be prouder of the man you've become," Kushina murmured, her fingers gently tracing circles on his back.

"Hehe, of course I'm strong. I'm the strongest!" Naruto laughed cheekily at the praise, causing Kushina to laugh too.

"You picked that one from Shun, didn't you?" She asked. Naruto turned red in embarrassment at being caught but he didn't refute.

"But still, my Naruto is the strongest. Even if not now, soon, you'll become the strongest." She said in assurance.

After learning the things she's learnt, there's no way she hadn't put two and two together.

Years spent going through memories upon memories of past Wills of Ashura, there was no way she couldn't come to a conclusion that her son was the son of prophecy.

Although she felt afraid of the fact that he was bearing the Will of someone from centuries ago, she still held hope that like his predecessors, he'll overcome any and all challenges that he would come across.

Just like the Famed Hashirama.

As Naruto and Kushina held onto each other, the silence spoke volumes—a narrative of love, resilience, and the enduring connection that transcended the boundaries of time and distance.


"Kekeke! It's that abominable woman! Naruto! Let me out! I demand it! Let me out this instant!" An enraged fur-ball in a certain sealed space roared in anger as he felt the familiar and hateful presence of the second woman who held him prisoner for the longest time.


He continued to scream but all of it fell on deaf ears as Naruto and Kushina finally calmed down and began taking about the past.

Kushina was reminded of her husband as she saw his uncanny resemblance with Naruto. Kushina talked a lot while Naruto just sat there with a bright smile as he listened.


Title: Reunion and Mother's Love