Chapter 81

Title: Battle continued and another Dimension


"Fine, have it your way," Shun muttered, sensing that negotiation wasn't going to be an option. The battlefield was filled with tension as Jashin prepared for another assault. Shun took a deep breath, focusing his chakra and entering a battle stance.

The air grew heavy with anticipation as the two powerful foes faced off. Shun's golden lightning crackled around him, forming a protective aura. Jashin, shrouded in his red mist, exuded a menacing presence.

Without a word, Jashin unleashed a barrage of attacks. Red lightning spikes shot towards Shun, each carrying the intensity of his malice which Shun swiftly dodged and countered with precise movements, utilizing his lightning speed to his advantage.

In this situation, teleportation wasn't an option for our resident genius. Despite it being his domain, there was a thrill that came with moving at fast physical speeds rather.

The battlefield transformed into a chaotic dance of elements. Lightning clashed with blood-infused attacks, creating dazzling displays of energy. Shun's Senjutsu-enhanced techniques clashed against Jashin's centuries-old mastery of his abilities.

Abilities that surpassed normal Jutsus and threaded on a path not so different from Shinjutsu.

As the battle raged on, the ground beneath them suffered the consequences. Cracks formed, and the surrounding landscape bore witness to the clash of two formidable forces. 

Jashin, fueled by his long-standing grudge, pressed on with relentless determination. His attacks became more precise and destructive, pushing Shun to his limits. The red mist around him seemed to intensify, reacting to the surge of emotions.

Amidst the chaos, Shun's mind raced. He needed to find a way to reach Jashin, the damage they were causing to the land around them wasn't something minor that could be rectified with mere Jutsus.

The damage was similar to those age-old battlefields where ancient beings fought in the past, leading to the creation of some form of forbidden ground.

The two weren't using conventional chakra that could be rectified by nature, they were using personal energies. Domonic Blood against Divine Lightning. Attributes that weren't supposed to be a norm on the planet.

In a moment of stillness, Shun lowered his guard, offering a brief respite. "Jashin, I don't want to fight you. There has to be a way for us to find common ground," he called out, hoping to cut through the animosity.

Jashin, however, remained unyielding, his eyes burning with a fervor that seemed to defy reason. The battle continued, with both using every technique in their arsenal.

Ranging from Taijutsu to Fuinjutsu to Nature Intrusive attacks. 


"Wha-?" Shun's confused and surprised voice rang out as a slashing sound rang past him. The surprise however, came from the fact that he was now missing an arm. His left arm to be precise.

"You- What did you do?" Shun asked, genuinely surprised at his lack of perception towards the attack.

"You've let your presumed invincibility cloud your senses Kuchiki." Jashin's sinister aura intensified with the glee sounding from his voice.

"This is impossible. I'm in my domain..." Shun muttered to himself in confusion only for his eye to widen in shock as he noticed something. "You...when did you do this?"

Shun's perception spread, and only then did he take notice of something...This wasn't his Domain. Or rather, this was a Domain within his Domain. And from the looks of things, this one was strong enough to go against his.

Shun's realization struck him like a lightning bolt, ironically fitting for the ongoing clash. He focused on the intruding Domain within his own, trying to unravel its origin and intent. Jashin's sinister laugh echoed through the ethereal battlefield.

"I must say, Kuchiki, you're quite slow in catching up to the changes around you," Jashin taunted, reveling in the newfound advantage.

Shun, undeterred by the loss of his arm, calmed his mind and analyzed the situation. The invading Domain was like a foreign entity, distorting his perceptions and limiting his control. He could feel its oppressive force, threatening to overpower his own domain.

This was a first for Shun. As the creator of the concept of Domain, he had never had to face off against someone with a domain as powerful as his. In this situation, despite his invincibility, his senses really had been clouded.

"This isn't good. I can't let him control the battlefield," Shun muttered to himself, eyeing Jashin who seemed to gain more confidence with each passing moment.

As if the heavens responded to Shun's determination, a surge of golden lightning enveloped him. The divine energy resonated with his resolve, and a new arm formed seamlessly, crafted from pure Senjutsu chakra.

The sudden regeneration took Jashin by surprise, momentarily breaking his composed demeanor. Shun seized this opportunity, launching a counterattack with renewed vigor. The clash resumed, both combatants pushing the boundaries of their abilities.

Jashin's Domain, while formidable, couldn't fully suppress Shun's. The interplay of their respective Domains created a surreal battleground, an intricate dance of blood-red mist and golden lightning.

The battle reached a peak as Shun unleashed a barrage of advanced Senjutsu techniques. His movements became a blur, striking with precision and speed. Jashin, however, adapted swiftly, countering each attack with a deadly mix of blood-infused jutsus.

It was his domain, so analysis wasn't his problem anymore. Anything Shun did was well within his perception. Countering him was nothing but a thought away.

The landscape bore witness to their fierce confrontation, scars etched into the earth by the sheer force of their clashes. The skies themselves seemed to shudder under the intensity of their chakra.

In the midst of the chaos, Shun found an opening, a brief lapse in Jashin's defenses. He capitalized on this vulnerability, channeling his Senjutsu energy into a concentrated strike aimed directly at Jashin's core.

(A/N: Similar to a dantian or Saketsu from bleach. Just go with the flow.)

The impact sent shockwaves through the battlefield, causing a ripple effect in both Domains. Jashin grunted in pain, his composed demeanor momentarily shattered.

"You're persistent, Kuchiki," he spat, wiping the blood that trickled from the corner of his mouth.

"I told you, it's Shun," came the firm reply. Shun's eyes locked onto Jashin.

The battle intensified, each clash pushing the boundaries of their strength.

As the confrontation continued, a strange phenomenon unfolded. The distorted reality within the overlapping Domains began to unravel, revealing a surreal landscape that seemed to exist beyond the bounds of their battle.

A mysterious voice echoed through the ethereal space. "The clash of...Domains. What an intrigue. You both have opened a gateway to the Realm of Shadows," it whispered, leaving both combatants momentarily bewildered.

"Tch..." Shun clicked his tongue in annoyance at the unreasonable scene in front of him. 

The Realm of Shadows, or as Shun calls it, The Shadow Dimension was a dimension steeped in ancient mysteries and forbidden knowledge. It was said that only those who possessed extraordinary powers could access its secrets. An example is Shun.

Similar to the Below Place of Marvel Universe or Hell.of DC Universe, this Shadow Dimension was basically the realm where the light never reaches.

Shun has access to this place, the Nara clan also have limited access to the plane, but Truly powerful beings in the world could traverse this realm as they please. 

And currently, one such being was spectating their clash, and although said being couldn't really attack them outside the realm, Shun decided to end this battle or take it somewhere else.

Due to spamming Shinjutsu after Shinjutsu with his Senjutsu Chakra, his Reserves were almost a quarter of what they usually were, and despite his absurd recovery speed, he couldn't really do anything about it.

'I guess this is the only way.' Shun thought as a plan came to mind

Determined to end the battle, Shun summoned the remnants of his Senjutsu energy. Golden lightning surged around him, forming a dazzling aura. With a resolute expression, he uttered, "[Senjutsu: Divine Storm]." The very fabric of the Realm of Shadows trembled in response.

The unleashed technique enveloped Jashin, piercing through his defenses with unparalleled force. The blood-red mist dispersed together with Jashin's shattered Domain, revealing the battered form of Jashin within the ethereal storm.

However, the victory was short-lived. The Realm of Shadows, now disturbed by the clash of the two Domains, began to exert its influence. Strange anomalies manifested, distorting time and space.

Shun, caught off guard by the unforeseen consequences, found himself facing a daunting challenge. "Tch. What a pain."

Shun muttered, and with a loud clap of his hands, multiple Yin-yang symbols manifested all around his domain, the entrance of the shadow dimension included.

And with a loud bellow, he said. "[Stellar Transposition.]"

The clash between Shun and Jashin escalated as the Realm of Shadows continued to warp around them. Shun's [Stellar Transposition] unfolded, triggering a celestial dance of Yin-yang symbols that resonated with the shifting energies.

"Stellar Transposition".  An advanced spatial manipulation technique that allows the practitioner to instantaneously shift their physical presence from one celestial body to another within the vast expanse of space-time. By harnessing the intricacies of quantum entanglement and bending the fabric of space, the user can seamlessly relocate between stars, planets, or other cosmic entities.

 This technique requires profound mastery over both spatial and temporal dimensions, something Shun was formidably good at.

Jashin, battered but far from defeated, emerged from the remnants of his shattered Domain, not noticing that there weren't on earth any longer,  had his eyes glow with an eerie intensity as he tapped into the arcane powers within the Realm of Shadows.

'He can do that on a fly?' Shun wondered as he tried to recover his chakra as much as possible. He had less than 10% of his chakra, which was still enough to perform casual Ninjutsu, but in their situation...

With his Domain, he manipulated the Energies of the world he was teleported to as well as the energy within the Shadow dimension to fuel into him.

"You think a mere spatial technique can thwart my mastery?" Jashin's voice echoed, dripping with confidence. He extended his hand, and tendrils of shadowy energy began to intertwine with the distorted reality.

"So you did notice that..." Shun said with a smile. "guess you really are something."

Shun, aware of the impending danger, narrowed his eyes. He needed to end this battle swiftly, before the volatile energies of the Shadow Dimension unleashed unforeseen consequences.

'I've said this line a little bit too much now.' he thought with a wry smile.

The battlefield transformed once again, this time merging aspects of both Shun's lightning-imbued Domain and the eerie ambiance of the Shadow Dimension. The result was a surreal fusion of celestial storms and ethereal shadows.

Jashin, seizing the chaotic fusion to his advantage, launched an onslaught of shadow-infused projectiles. Each shadow spike moved with an otherworldly speed, forcing Shun to engage in a dance of dodges and deflections.

The battle became a symphony of celestial lightning clashes and shadowy eruptions, each combatant pushing their limits. Shun's [Senjutsu: Divine Storm] raged against the encroaching shadows, but Jashin's mastery over the Realm of Shadows proved to be a formidable challenge.

"Energy manipulation. You've truly become stronger Jashin." Shun praised as he came to an understanding of what was happening.

"Humph." In a daring move, Jashin manipulated the distorted reality to summon shadowy clones that mirrored his movements. The battlefield became crowded with illusions, making it increasingly difficult for Shun to discern the real Jashin, after all they were all made of energy that not even his Rikugan could discern.

Shun, relying on his enhanced perception and mastery over spatial manipulation, attempted to dismantle the illusions. However, the shadow clones moved with an uncanny synchronization, creating a disorienting maze for Shun.

As the battle reached its zenith, Shun channeled his Senjutsu energy, intensifying the celestial storm around him. The golden lightning clashed against the shadowy onslaught, creating bursts of blinding light.

In a decisive moment, Shun focused his spatial prowess on a singular point within the battlefield. "[Transcendent Dimensional Seal]." The very fabric of space twisted, forming a localized rift that swallowed both Jashin and the illusions.

The Realm of Shadows recoiled momentarily, as if struggling against the intrusion of Shun's spatial mastery. Within the rift, Jashin and the illusions were caught in a suspended state, their movements slowed.

"What is this...?" Sensing his suspended state, Jashin made to ask but his words could come out. Shun however understood his question and answered.

"I've grown beyond the normal human understanding, Jashin, and although not truly a God, compared to you, I am. A true God."

Shun, seizing the opportunity, unleashed a condensed burst of [Senjutsu: Divine Storm] directly into the rift to the shadow dimension. The celestial energy surged through the spatial tear, disrupting the shadows and overwhelming Jashin's defenses.

As the rift collapsed, releasing a burst of blinding light, the Realm of Shadows settled into an eerie calm. Shun stood amidst the transformed battlefield, his golden lightning pulsating with triumph.

Jashin, battered and weakened, struggled to regain his composure. The distorted reality around them began to stabilize, returning to the amalgamation of Shun's lightning Domain and the lingering echoes of the Shadow Dimension.

Breathing heavily, Shun fixed his gaze on Jashin. "It's over, Jashin. I don't seek unnecessary conflict, but I won't let your malevolence harm others."

Jashin, though visibly weakened, smirked defiantly. "This is just the beginning, Kuchiki. I can do this all day."

Before Shun could respond, the rift to the shadow dimension trembled once more as it began to close with Jashin within.

Looking at this scene, Shun was of the mind to allow him to be swallowed and be done with it, listening to Jashin spouting threats of all kinds, his thoughts on allowing him to be swallowed was prevailing, however.

"Dearest Husband...Not to meddle but...are you really considering allowing him to be swallowed?"