CHAPTER 7 (Bernard The Teacher)

There were a lot of questions running in his mind. How on earth would he ever take the lead on his brother in this kind of situation? He looked like shit and couldn't even think straight. What will happen to him now and why does he look like a puppet?

He looked again at his reflection in the mirror and averted his eyes back. He couldn't stand what he was looking at. He wanted to scream for help. The place that he is at is surely hell. He was in deep thought and he could even hear his heart beat thumping so fast. He was afraid and he admitted that. He is alive but it looks like he was sent to hell to live because he doesn't know when.

A noise of scissors like it was sharpening it. Footsteps approaching where his direction is. It was echoing in the whole room and he thought that the room was just a small corner, but there it was dark, so he was not sure. It was not a room. There was no light, only in his place.

The footsteps were starting to look near. He saw a pair of black shoes yet he couldn't see the owner of it because of the dark.

"Well… well… well, what do we have here?" His voice was slithering like a snake in whispers. It was chilly to hear. The man cracks a laugh that echoes the whole room.

"Tell me about it. I don't know why, but it still excites me whenever I see someone like you," he said, and the scissors he was gripping made a sound of cutting.

Slowly, the man in front of him walked past in the light and there he saw his face. It was gruesome to look at, but his eyes were fixed, he couldn't see his face and he couldn't seem to avert his eyes away from that man.

Half of his face was cut and a lot of skin was peeling. And not any peel, but it was thick skin hanging out. You even see the tissues in his face and some are still bloody. It looks fresh. The man in front of him noticed that he was looking at his face and smiled slyly.

"Oh this?" he pointed out the hanging skin. "I was peeling it out for an experiment. It was funny since I can't even feel anything though, so it is okay as long as I am breathing, right?" he added as he laughed at his last words.

The man looked at him as if he was waiting for an answer but waved his hand and kind of touched his forehead like he had forgotten something.

"Oh! My bad I forgot that you can't even talk. Your lips are sealed, which explains why you can't even make a sound. And I am surprised that you have the power to open your eyes, huh? Well, maybe I haven't tightened the stitch and that is why. But it is all thanks to me since I have injected you with some of my perfect hidden pain, which we all called anesthesia," he said and laughed hysterically like there was no funny thing in his words at all.

His head moves down to his left side as he looks at him.

"Silly me. How rude of me not to introduce myself to you. I am Dr. Samson, yes, yes. I am a doctor now. Back then I was a teacher. I love my job out there teaching things to students that they don't know, but I was sick of it. They keep asking what and how. I mean seriously, I already had it explained how many times and yet they still don't get it? But right now, this profession that I am in is what I love the most. It is like my passion for all of those years. It is like my calling, you know what I mean?" Samson said as he waved his hands in the air with his scissors. The skin that was peeled on his cheeks also did the same. It was sickening to see.

"But you," Samson said as his face changed into a serious one and pointed the tip of the scissor at him.

"You are different. You are the special one that I have been waiting for this year. You know maybe this was totally your fate. This is your destiny, to be my subject. I mean you should be honored because I am the one who is handling you. I am gentle to my patients… Slasher," he said, and the last words made his heart drop.

How did he know his name?

Slasher slowly blinks his eyes due to dizziness and it seems the place started swirling from his sight. The place started to get blurred but he wanted to open his eyes. What is happening to him?

"You two, together with your twin brother, have been quite popular in this town since we got here. You two are the reason. Uhm well, you are not the reason for more flames in the fire. You and your brother are quite smart asses. But the government did not even bite your articles. What you two get are the pleas of the people who talk trash," Samson said, and waved the scissors from left to right and right to left again and again.

Slasher wants to say something but all that comes out of his mouth is a murmur.

"Oh, you want to say something. You know Slasher, I know w-wait… what I mean is we know who you are. You are Slasher Daemon, the two famous twin detectives in this city. You humans totally don't know art. The true art. This is art! Science is art. The world would be amazing if all people cooperated. This project of ours is genius. You know if you have the eyes to see what I mean, you will get it. You will get it," he said, and slowly started to walk to where Slasher was.

Slasher started to get dizzy and wanted to doze off. But he wanted his eyes to be wide open but what he felt was betraying him. He could see Samson with a sly face and his scissors started to make a sound again.

"I know, I know you want to sleep. In case you didn't know there was a needle in your arms from the time that we were just talking. I flicked them in there and, of course, you did not feel it. Quite a ninja for me huh. Sleep now because we will have a tour later," he said, and lifted his scissors right in front of Slasher's mouth.

And then he blacked out. All he could hear was the whispers of whatever Samson was saying.

Samson cut the thread that was stitched in Slasher's mouth. A drop of blood came out of the lips of Slasher which was immediately wiped away by Samson using his thumb and smiled wickedly.

Samson fancies seeing blood and gets crazy that he will sniff it and instantly knows the scent of whom it belongs to. It is crazy, but that was Samson's special skill.

It was Samson who had his hair balded. It was usually the other staff who should do it but Samson insisted that he should do it. Samson untightened the belts that were supporting Slasher and put him in the wheelchair. Slasher was all the way down naked . He was asleep and Samson slowly strolled the wheelchair out while humming.

The room was dim yet there were lights. Some are low and flickering but it didn't bother Samson at all. He was used to it but on the other hallway the lights are good, especially in the special area where the Wilson project is.

And that is where Samson and Slasher are heading to.

"How I wish you could also see this too, Slasher. This is so beautiful to miss," he whispers in his ears while strolling him.

Samson was a teacher. He teaches in a university school and is loved by everybody. He was devoted to teaching but he had a way of being a short temper. He had a terrible past that he keeps running and forgetting, but sometimes he remembers every single one of it. But he covers it with what he was as a teacher at the university. He was a good model. The exact opposite of what he is. His real name was Bernard, Bernard Orlando. He was born in the Philippines and was raised there. His father was an American and his mother was a Filipino. When he reached the age of eighteen, they migrated to Arizona, where his father lived.

His childhood was fun and he easily made new friends in the Philippines. A perfect family, that is what he got. But all of those changed when they moved to Arizona. Even his mother was shocked at the sudden change of her husband. And then, as days passed by, his mother was starting to act like his father. Little did he know that they were taking illegal drugs and selling them. At the age of eighteen, he experienced a gruesome thing that he didn't imagine would come into his life. He had been brutally treated. Get tightened by a rope and slashed with a belt, wood, bottles, wires and everything that you can imagine. He had been warned not to go out of the house or he would be killed and that was his father's word. He was afraid, so he followed his orders. He stayed a long year in his room. Their house was far away from the city and, as far as he knew, maybe they were the only ones living there, since he didn't see at least one person passing by.

There was one time because he had been mistreated and couldn't take it anymore, he sneaked out of his room and headed to the kitchen to sneak something sharp like a knife, a peeler or fork. Something that could help him in an emergency but he was caught by his mother. And he got what he was asking for, a slap from his mother. He couldn't anymore recognize the light aura of his mother's way back from their home in the Philippines. Right at those times, he sees only a dark aura. The supposed-to-be trimmed hair that her mother loved was now not even visited by a comb. Her eyes were in dark circles and puffy. She got skinny and seemed sick.

He also watched his parents' sex while he was tightening on rope and his mouth was fed by a cloth. Right from that time and day he did not imagine that life would be this cruel to him. He wishes that they had just stayed in the Philippines.

Also, there was one time when his mother and father wanted to make a lot of money to buy more drugs. They sold him for sex because a client had an interest in him and his mother and his father made a deal with that client. They got a closed deal of fifty thousand dollars (50,000 USD).

He was harassed and raped at his age. But he didn't shed tears and swore under his name that he had his time not today but someday and that someday was now.

After that, the client finished his business and, while she was getting her clothes on, he stood and took what he had hid a long time ago. He had a sharpened pencil and walked to where that person slowly.

As soon as he was beside that person, she looked at her and smiled while she arched her right eyebrow. From what she estimates, the age of the woman was in her forties or fifties. He smiled and plunged the pencil into her throat and there was only a gag that could be heard in the room. She looked at him in shock and he mimicked what she had seen in him earlier. He smiled and arched his right brow. He hid her at the back of the door and gripped the pencil even more in his hands as he walked out of the room. He knows that his mother is in the kitchen preparing a client's dinner.

He killed his parents on that same day and buried them in their backyard. It was only them and no one would suspect. He took a bath and drove off using his father's car. But before that, he gets all the money his parents have. He used it to rent a room and for his everyday routine. He saved all of his money for preparation. He looks for a job after a month of rest because of his wounds and he wants to behave like a normal person. Each day that passed was difficult for him, but he tried his best.

He works as a crew member in a fast food chain and saves money from what he has earned. Months passed and no news came from their house. He guesses that no one still knows about the death of his parents. Once he had saved up a lot of money that he needed. He studied at a university, but before that, he changed his name from Bernard to Samson. He enrolled into a college school and he passed the exam and interview. He was smart and all of the tasks and assignments were easy for him. He graduated with honors and he was immediately taken as a teacher.

He was a biology teacher and applied for a part time job at the WIC Company, which he was immediately hired for. He loves his part-time job. He was an assistant to a doctor and made medicines from herbs. He loves his job and it is also a high-paying job.

It was time for the employees to be out of work and that is when Samson was abducted. He forgot his textbook and test papers at his office and he decided to go back. But when he was there he felt different. It was night and he was not sure if he was on the right track because it was a total difference. He swapped his card and entered the building. It was dark but he continued to walk until he saw a light.

Right from where he was standing he was stunned. The ceiling was full of hanging globe glass and what has been more horrifying is that it has a person on every globe on it. There are wires connecting and it seems like it was all organized. The people inside were all naked.

He took a step back because of horror. He should run as fast as he can before someone catches him. But right before he was about to turn his head a smile was waiting for him.

It was then he had become one of them.

Samson inhales and shakes his head. The scent makes it inviting for him.

"Is that him already?" A man asked as Samson was near his sight.

"Yes Doctor, he is," he responded with a smile.

Samson strolled Slasher to where the vacant globe is.

He placed the Slasher inside carefully and connected each wire to where it should be placed.

And once all the wires are connected, the virtual television will get on and the stats of every subject is now available in their system.

"Tonight you've become a host. Enjoy your stay here, Detective Slasher."