CHAPTER 24 (Have Mercy On Us)


Bell chiming…

Choir singing…

Piano playing…

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, with the sun shining and the wind embracing the leaves of the trees, some of which were falling to the ground. Jerusalem is where Jesus was crucified and where it is believed he was buried and resurrected. They built a small church for those who wanted to take a Sabbath. Since they cannot build a big church because of the Jews, nevertheless they still build a church away from where the Jews live. But unknown to the people, Sebastian built an underground cult where people secretly sign Sebastian's seven contracts emphasizing the seven deadly sins and the blood to blood sign. Sebastian named their cult The Body Temple. People who are there have their own beliefs and some are Jews. They are an unknown cult yet they have been operating for years already and no one suspects them because of how Sebastian runs the cult. He was smart and knew how to create strategies. Also, in that city every year, but the same month and day, they sacrifice at least one person, maybe it is male or a female.

But their cult was still searching for a human who they believe is close to becoming a god or close to the god that they believe.

The priest, whose name is Sebastian, believes that there is still a miracle happening in their town and secrets to unveil. Sebastian grew up from a common family in the Philippines. His mother was a Filipina while his father is a Greek. When Sebastian grew up he decided to become a priest because he felt it was his calling and that is also when his parents both died. So then, Sebastian did what he wanted to do in his life. After many years of studying to become a priest, he was then finally called to be one. He first became a priest in the Philippines.

He was born on February 14, 1876 and was missing and declared dead in the year of 1926. It was a year then, because people who believed in him did not accept his sudden absence and he had gone missing. Sebastian studied at Don Juan La Nuestra Señora of College and the University Of Notre Dame of Manila, earning a doctorate of philosophy and a licentiate of canon law. He then served in the cathedral of Manila and was known in every region of the Philippines. He flew to Arizona together with Sister Mary because of a mission. They heard that this person was getting the life of a person of his experiment and Sebastian believes that this person is a god.

Unknown to the people, Sister Mary was a sacrifice to Father Sebastian. Father Sebastian with a sexual activity to Sister Mary because he believes that it was also his right to have a woman to satisfy his needs but they always do this activity in front of the persons who are part of the cult.

As Father Sebastian and Sister Mary departed for Arizona in the year of 1925, they began searching for Dr. Wilson, who they believe is taking lives but giving them back again. But little that these two know, Dr. Wilson already knew that they were coming, so he was a step ahead of them. Also Dr. Wilson knows what the two are doing that most likely doesn't appeal in their profession. Dr. Wilson already knew that these two were sick because of their beliefs and instead of killing them he thought of a better way. Dr. Wilson uses the two for his experiment other than the astral. He thought that if his first experiment was a total success, then he should make a group of people who would guard the subjects from the people who would threaten his experiments in the future. For Dr. Wilson visualized it as a fun part and his first subject for his monstrous experiment had just arrived for him and that was Father Sebastian and Sister Mary.

At first, when Father Sebastian and Sister Mary found Dr. Wilson was greeted and welcomed by the doctor whole heartedly. Dr. Wilson offered them a house to stay in that was exclusively just for them. Their needs are given and they have supplies of food and everything that they wish for and that is when Father Sebastian shows his true color. He was greedy about money and so was Sister Mary and that was not a secret to Dr. Wilson because he already knows it. Dr. Wilson keeps on giving them all of their wants and needs just to get their trust and everything. They have been there for a week and it seems like they already do not have a plan for going back to Jerusalem and to their cult, but still Father Sebastian wrote a letter to the person who manages the cult and says they have found the said god and are still in the process of convincing Dr. Wilson to come and visit the cult and if he was willing to be a god to them forever.

Year 1925 of February 13th

It was Friday when Father Sebastian and Sister Mary landed in Arizona. It was his birthday and that was a great sign for Father Sebastian. As they landed in Arizona, they began their search and, to their surprise, they did not have difficulty finding Dr. Wilson.

Dr. Wilson welcomed them and toured them to his building where he began his experiments and searches.

"Welcome to my place. It was great that you have come far away from here just to visit me," Dr. Wilson said as he welcomed the two.

"It is like god who had sent us here and here you are welcoming us with your glorious heart. I do not regret our visit here," Father Sebastian said as he smiled and gestured a handshake to Dr. Wilson, which he gladly took. "I am father Sebastian and this is Sister Mary," he added as he introduced Sister Mary who was standing next to him.

Dr. Wilson took her hand and kissed her knuckles, which caught her by surprise because it was not the proper way to be a nun, but Sister Mary did not mind after all, because she also believed that it was an honor because a god had just kissed her hand.

Dr. Wilson smiled and gestured to them to enter the building. The building was far away from the city but it was located in a beautiful place so that no one would suspect that something was up there. And that was a threat to Dr. Wilson that he would soon fix it.

As Dr. Wilson tours them inside. He was also interviewing them, which made the two really welcome.

"Where did you two come from?" Dr. Wilson said, which made Father Sebastian look at him questioningly. As far as Father Sebastian heard from their first conversation, he had said that they had come a long way. Then how come he had already known that when now he was asking where they came from? Father Sebastian was then in an abrupt full of questions but Dr. Wilson immediately lighted up the whole conversation.

"We have come from Jerusalem," Sister Mary answered instead.

Dr. Wilson wowed as he heard her answer, which made him think how on earth they had known his whereabouts and his experiments? But Dr. Wilson remained calm and had to gather a lot of patience in order to know who the person told these two about what he was doing.

"Oh! You have come a long journey and maybe you are surprised because here in Arizona, time is nine hours behind Jerusalem. And, from my estimation, it is at your place in Jerusalem. The date is currently February 14, while here it is still February 13. Friday the thirteenth," Dr. Wilson said, and father Sebastian was taken aback by what he had said. He knew that for sure but he was just surprised because how come he, just forgotten such an important detail? He thought it was his birthday and it was a good sign for him, but all along maybe it wasn't.

"Oh, I feel like I have turned back time or have been on a time-traveled plane," Father Sebastian said, which made them all laugh.

Dr. Wilson toured them inside and answered each of the two's questions and he answered them all politely even though Dr. Wilson was raging in anger and irritation but he held on with it in a professional way. After touring the two, Dr. Wilson offered them a lunch, which he insisted on.

Dr. Wilson's work for his experiment had stopped because of that and he promised to avenge the time that these two wasted and he would make it worth it in the future, but in the meantime, he would give the two what they wanted and Dr. Wilson would call him in the end an animal.

Dr. Wilson did his research into the two and also their likings of the food, in order to have their trust and also their liking. After their joyous dinner, Dr. Wilson then insisted the two stay in one of his villas and it was only exclusive for the two.

"Are you sure about this? We can occupy a simple small house Dr. Wilson and it is our honor to be with you already and you are so generous," Father Sebastian said, which makes Dr. Wilson shook his head and still insisted.

"Thank you for welcoming us so much from what we had expected, Dr. Wilson… our god," Sister Mary said in a low tone and her head was bowing to him and the last words that she had uttered were just in a whisper. Which made Father Sebastian nod in agreement, yet Dr. Wilson wanted to slap the nun and his hands were shaking for him to do it, but he composed himself and just relaxed.

And Dr. Wilson believes in a saying that good things come to those who wait.


After Dr. Wilson takes them into the house where they are going to stay. The two still cannot believe that they are staying in such a beautiful villa.

Father Sebastian smiled at Sister Mary and kissed her, since no one was watching them because, as to what Dr. Wilson said they are alone in that villa and that is exclusive just for them. Father Sebastian was calm and had known great confidence that no one knew about them. And now that they are far away from the cult and they are just the two of them, he can do anything that he loves and wants.

"Dr. Wilson is indeed god, huh," Sister Mary whispered in Father Sebastian's ear. They are both naked in bed and enjoying each other's company.

Father Sebastian took a deep breath and smiled. "Yes, yes he is. He sent us here and now we look at us totally free. Look at him and the way he welcomed us. He was a god. And look at where we are now in luxury and only a god can do that. If he was not god, we would be back in Jerusalem by now, because he hates us, but not. And now we know that he is god," Father Sebastian said, and Sister Mary purred into his chest.

And that night was full of pleasures and the rest was history. But little did they know that the villa had hidden cameras that they do now know and Dr. Vega was secretly watching them making a sin and if they wanted him to be god then he would be in their eyes.

"Animals," Dr. Ibiza muttered as he watched the two on the monitor.

IT'S been a week when Father Sebastian and Sister Mary were there in the villa and loving it because they could do what they wanted and love to do. Dr. Wilson gave them what they requested on the condition that they didn't even bother to disagree. The condition was that they were just going to stay there in the villa and would never go out in exchange for what they wanted. They are enjoying themselves so much and have no more plans for going back to Jerusalem.

On that night, while they are asleep naked with each other, Dr. Wilson started his experiment with them. But before he had it injected into them, he wanted first for them to feel his irritation and anger. While they were asleep, he hammered them and saw them until he was satisfied because the vial that he was going to inject the two would cure them and all of those wounds that he had made would be gone. Dr. Wilson just wanted to burst all of his irritation and anger that the two had given him and the time that they had wasted on him. That night was full of screams and horror and the rest is history.

Then Father Sebastian and Sister Mary were late and were reported missing in Jerusalem and the people who were in the cult started their search because the two did not send a letter to them again and that is when they suspected. But nevertheless, the two can never be seen again.

The first subject was Father Sebastian and he was tied up on a stretcher naked and his hair was now bald. His lips were chapped and his skin was also pale. He was awakened by a bite from a mosquito after at least thirty minutes of sipping his blood, but due to his paleness, the mosquito stayed there for a long time and that is when Father Sebastian awakened. He saw himself in a life-sized mirror naked and looking dead, which caused him to scream at the top of his lungs and echoes of the whole room and that was also when he saw Sister Mary next to him. They are both in the same situation.

"What is this… help!" he shouted, which echoed to the whole room and the veins in his neck were showing up, which caused Sister Mary to wake up and she was hysterical and remembered what happened that night but can't clearly remember who was that person.

Sister Mary was crying for help and so did Father Sebastian and, after minutes of crying, until they were exhausted. They had come to stop because of their condition. Silence took them over and suddenly they heard a clacking sound of heels of shoes walking near to them and the two's eyes were fixed in the direction of where that noise was. The room was dark and the only light was on their spot and the rest of nothing. They do not know where they are, but all they know is they have to be scared of what will happen to them and what will come next after that.

The footsteps stop and the only thing that they can do is the tips of the shoes of the owner because of the dark.

"Who are you?! What do you want from us?!" he shouted and strangled from where he was tied up, but the answer that they heard was a laugh.

A laugh that they are all familiar with.

"Who am I?" the man laughed outside of the corner and slowly showed up where the light was and the two were surprised and cried.

"I am your god and you have sinned. And now you will die."