Her denial

Zoe's POV

The next day was a Thursday. I made my way to school dropping my brother off before I made my way to mine. As I reached the gate, I paused and inhaled deeply and put my nervousness at the back of my mind.

I planned to thank Louis for saving my butt and then avoiding him like a plague afterwards. I was going, to be honest with myself I didn't want to see him at all. That would give me enough of an excuse not to have to talk to him.

School was relatively uneventful but for some reason, I felt eyes on my as if I was being watched. I hoped my initiation was wrong.

He was not in our grade anyway. He was two grades higher therefore I had an advantage but morally, a disadvantage.

We had a test after recess. When we were done, the teacher called me.

"Zoe, take the scripts to my office."

"Yes ma'am." I took the script and made my way to her office. She followed me and once I finished my task, I turned on my heels on my to class.

Around the corner, I was pulled by someone.

"We need to talk." I heard the person say. It was Louis! He had a hand on my mouth and my back to his chest. He pulled me into class. The moment we entered the class before he even closed the door, I knew where we were. It's rather chocking smell of expensive cologne, the words written conspicuously on the whiteboard;

NO PEASANTS ALLOWED!!! The words spoke directly to me. The place where my 'pauper's imitation' had taken place. The single most humiliating day of my life that had shown me where I stood in this school. The thought alone made me cringe and grit my teeth.

I could still hear the echoes of menacing cackles that made filled the room that day. Even if it had been two years ago the memories still haunted me.

He let me go as he sat on a sit face me. He left me standing and I stood there rigid and quiet. Our eyes never left one another. His voice finally pierced through the odd silence.

"You owe me."

"Owe you?"

"I recused you, didn't I?"

I blinked back at him. I should have thanked him even though he was being a jerk about it but my pride spoke first. "Rescued me? From what exactly. I didn't need your help neither did my brother." I was being unreasonable but something had already taken over

For a split second, shock took over his face and his expression changed again as he smirked at me. Unexpectedly, he started to chuckle as he clapped. His laughter was starting to get hysterical when he got up. Instantly scaring me out of my skin.

He walked closer to me with each step my panic rising as I backed away from him. He had a look in his eyes that I had never seen before.

I turned to run but he had reached for me and caught me. He turned me back around and slammed me against the whiteboard. I opened my eyes to see him towering over me with his arms on either side of my head and effectively trapping me.

The fear I had was now completely overwhelming me. My heartbeat frantically under my breast. Every fibre of my body telling me to fight or escape. Yet, my body seemed unwilling to move any other way.

He leaned close and whispered menacingly in my ear. "So being forced turns you on."

My eyes widened at his remark. Was he implying that I instigated the whole situation?

I tried not to let my embarrassment show on my face.

He laughed loudly. It wasn't a nice laugh. A laugh full of malice. A chuckle that sounded as if it came from the bottom of his stomach. He looked me in the eye and said, "You are really as dirty as your mother."

I kept quiet under an intense stare.

"But that's just a theory, I need to experiment on that."

I raised a brow. What was he suddenly talking about? I had no time to react as his head dropped to my neck.

He sucked gently at a spot below my ear. I froze. My whole body shuddered involuntarily, unable to control it. I wanted to scream out but I couldn't do anything else. All my senses seemed numbed, all I could feel was his warm breath on my neck.

Then I started to resist, pushing against his unmovable chest.

I heard him chuckle against my skin before he buried his face in the nape of my neck. I continued to push and struggle against him, but his body held me in place.

I felt him graze the tender flesh of my neck, slowly nibbling on it like he had all the time in the world.

I wanted to scream but as though he heard my thoughts, he said.

"If you scream," taking a pause and biting my neck again. "I will shut you up with my mouth."

I knew he would carry out the threat. And even if did scream, he would probably turn the tables. Who would believe that a prostitute's daughter in this situation?

He wrapped his arm around my waist my body moulding to his. His mouth traced from my nape and my jaw and nibbled rather gently on my lips. My hands grabbed at his shirt to pull him off me. He ignored my attempts, his lips brushing against mine. A soft moan escaped from my mouth, which startled us both. We separated quickly.

His eyes were filled with lust, and a glint of triumph flashed across them.

"I guess my hypothesis was correct."

I was still dumbstruck by my own reaction that I couldn't speak.

"You didn't need my help after all." With those words, he pulled his arm away. Then he turned around and strutted out the door leaving me frozen on the floor.

It had never happened before. I didn't expect my hormones to react that way but at that moment they did. So much so, that I started shaking, tears gathering in the corners of my eyes.

Again I had made a fool of myself. Off course, I needed his help and he had helped not only me but my brother.

I was afraid that the only reason I was resisting was because I was in denial of what I felt about my tormentor. Yesterday had only left me more confused. I wiped my tears and made my way to the bathroom to clean myself up.