Light years away in outer space there was a galaxy hidden from other billions of galaxies, hidden far away from Earth. It's hidden because the galaxy isn't like any other galaxies for example no intelligent life. If there were no other life in the universe it would be a waste of space... get it. This galaxy is very unique and it's called 'The Hidden Galaxy', and it is secretly said that it's the first galaxy in the universe, but there's a reason why it's hidden. In The Hidden Galaxy there was an evil black serpent who can spread pain, suffering, hatred, danger and evil through out the universe, his name was Hex, and he was imprisoned in the Hidden Galaxy for eons, but he plans to escape one day. In the Hidden Galaxy it's not all danger and terror, it's also beautiful and peaceful where the other planets shared that galaxy in peace and harmony, the aliens even visit other worlds. In the center of the Hidden Galaxy was a planet called Galactica and the aliens who lived there were called Galactanians. They look like humans except for their skin color. Their colors are very powerful and they all wear a crystal necklace, it helps them to travel safely through out the universe.

The Galactanians lived in the 'Crystal City' and near the city there was a 'Diamond Castle' and there lived a beloved king and queen who ruled Galactica. They had a daughter, a beautiful princess but she disappeared years ago, they were heartbroken, but they had to move on.

They all had to take care of themselves and to look out for each other, Hex may have been captive but he has enough power to send an army of Hexbots to capture one of the Galactanians, to suck out his/her color so that he could break free.