When Red and Terra went through the other side of the portal, to Reds planet Terra couldn't believe her eyes. They were inside some sort of giant crystal. It was Reds apartment. Terra was amazed, she looked around and saw furniture made of crystals, looks uncomfortable but at least the cushions look cozy. She saw a big computer panel powered by an electric crystal, Red kept her away from it. It was shocking. Literally. Then she looked at the window, pressed her hands against it and saw the view in awe.

"Where are we?" Terra asked.

"Welcome to Galactica, my home world" Red answered.

"This view is incredible".

Indeed it was, Terra saw the Crystal City sparkled under the sun, she saw other aliens with different colors. It looked a bit similar to earth but it was more colorful and more beautiful. It had some kind of magnetic transportation crystal floating high.

"Come on I'll give you the tour" Red insisted.

They went to the balcony outside of the crystal building, it was big, and Red tapped his foot on the crystal floor and it lifted them away.

Terra was so excited. She saw shiny bridges spreading to the alien's destination and down below she saw markets and merchants selling different looking types of food and stuff. She saw a flock of alien birds with different colors even the sky color is different, like a mixture of bright pink and dark purple. All of these colors are making Terra go color blind.

"Wow! So cool! What is that, who are they, where are we going, do you use spaceships to travel somewhere?" said Terra, feeling overwhelmed.

"Come down Terra, one by one" said Red, slowing her down. "As you can see" he began "This planet is a bit similar to yours except shinier, different rules and with more advance technology and with good transportation".

Reds first stop was below, he took her down for a better look " down here are our markets where the merchants sell fresh fruits and vegetables, and that distance over there is the village where the villagers grow the food and deliver it to the markets".

"Like a farm" said Terra.

"Exactly" replied Red.

They moved to another destination. Terra saw beautiful girls wearing fine dresses coming out of that crystal building. She saw them with wings and wands.

"Hey Red" said Terra, stopping Red "who are those alien princesses over there" she asked.

Red felt insulted and said "Okay first of all don't call us aliens, we're Galactanians alright"

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to be rude" Terra apologized.

"And second" Red continued "Those aren't princesses they're Lady Royals".

"There what?" said Terra, confused.

Red explained "Lady Royal, a girl who serves the king and queen of our planet, those girls already earned their wands to serve royalty".

"Can they do magic with it?" Terra asked.

"Um... sure but not the kind of magic the way you think" Red answered "It's power comes from royalty".

"What about the wings?"

"Oh, earning their wings isn't that complicated in their lessons. It's simple. Just earn someone's trust. Even a child can do it".

"So wait you have a king and queen?!"

"Of course, they live in the Diamond Castle over there" Red pointed at the castle. It wasn't that far and it was so big.

Terra stared at it with eyes wide open, and with an open mouth. It was a castle made of huge white diamonds. It was beautiful and shiny. Red smiled with arms crossed, he let her enjoy the beauty of the palace. There was a silent.

"So..." Terra spoke finally "Do they have kids, a prince or a princess?" she asked curiously.

Reds smile disappeared, he looked at the ground and said sadly "Um... They had a princess but I'm afraid she's... gone".

"Gone!" yelled Terra, shocked "What do you mean gone?"

Red told her the sad story about the king and queens daughter. Princess Galexia. "She went missing after she left Galactica to visit someone, after that she never returned. The whole planet searched for her but no luck, they never found her and they'll never know what had happened to her. Some think she's... she"

Terra stopped him there, she had to change the subject. "What was the princess like?"

Red pulled himself together and said with a cheerful voice "she had a kind and pure heart. She loved her family, her people, her planet and her galaxy. The people of Galactica loved her. The whole galaxy in the Hidden Galaxy loved her. She would've made a great leader in the future".

"Red I'm so sorry" said Terra, looking ashamed. She wished she hadn't asked that question then Red wouldn't feel sad about the princess missing.

"It's okay Terra" said Red, calmly "you're new here, in our planet... I mean galaxy, when people loose their loved ones there not really gone they are always with us, as long as we remember them. They become our lucky stars".

"Hey just like on Earth" said Terra, interested. "I mean mostly Mexico does that remembering thing but other humans do that too. I think.".

"Hey I thought you couldn't remember anything" said Red.

"I don't, but when you told me that emotional tale, somehow I remember something" said Terra. There was a long silent.

"So... um, shall we go look for my sister?" Red spoke, finally.

"Yes, yes of course" replied Terra.

They left the Crystal City and went to the clear opening field where Sapphire liked to go. Terra saw the field, it was quiet she saw the wind blowing the long soft lemonade pink grass. It was so peaceful there. They walked up hill.

"We're almost there! Come on!" said Red. He was walking up hill really fast, Terra tried to catch up to him. "Hey wait up!" she yelled. When Terra finally got to the top she couldn't see Red anywhere.

"Red!... Red! Where are you!" she called out. She looked around but there was still no sign of him. How could he disappear like that from an open field? Terra thought, until suddenly Red came out of nowhere.

"Ah! Red" Terra screamed in surprised "What is..."

"Oh, this is just the exit place out of the planet" explained Red, coming out of the air exit. Terra placed her hand right towards where Red came out, it looked like her hand was missing. Wow, she was amazed.

"Come on it's perfectly safe" said Red, until a monster dragged him out. Red screamed till he vanished into thin air. Terra was speechless, she didn't know what to do so she began to panic and tried to call out for help. But it was just a joke from Red.

"I'm just messing with you" Red laughed "it's just one of those monster holograms for kids, I kept it for years".

"Not funny Red!" Terra said angrily "you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"I'm sorry" said Red, wiping away his tears of laughter "alright you coming".

"Eh, what do I have to do?" Terra asked.

"What do you mean, just take a step to the other side" explained Red, showing himself out.

Terra wasn't sure about this at all, she's never been to space before, and that's for sure. She felt like her whole life is starting over and she felt scared. But she had to give it a chance, what could happen, she thought. Terra took a deep breath and pushed herself towards the mysterious exit. When Terra almost went out of the other side of the exit she found herself in a strange solar system. When she's about to step out she forgot there's no oxygen or gravity in space, she slipped and fell. She thought she's flouting away and not breathing, but Red walked towards her and asked "Are you done?" Terra realized she was breathing and not floating.

"Where... where are we?" she asked, while she tries to stand up.

"Welcome... to the Hidden Galaxy" said Red, with open arms.

Terra was so amazed, she saw planets that look like giant marbles and you can easily enter like technology magic, and you can walk and breathe in this strange solar system. The Hidden Galaxy is nothing like the other galaxies.

"Wow... this place is incredible" said Terra, looking around. Red gave her another quick tour. "Each planet is unique" he said. They went to check out the first planet nearby. They stepped in a violet puffy world. Terra saw a purple cloudy land with cute fluffy violet creatures.

"Wow... what is this place?" Terra asked.

"Puff world" Red answered.

"Who are they?"

"They're the adorable puff creatures, they may be cute but man do they have violence".


"They are wild animals Terra, don't be fooled by their cute appearance" explained Red. They stepped out of the planet to check out another one, until a poster flew right at Terra's face. "Who is this?" she asked, showing the poster to Red. Red was shocked to see the poster, he thought all of them were gone. "Better you don't know" he said.

"Come on, I can handle it" Terra begged him.

Red sighed "fine but don't say I didn't warn you". Red told Terra the history of that criminal "her name is Darkfire but she is also called The Criminal".

"The Criminal?" mouthed Terra, that didn't sound scary.

"Hey, don't interrupt"


"Like I was saying Darkfire the Criminal is a liar and a thief, she always gets away with everything. She's a real expert on stealing and spying with out getting caught, but she knew she couldn't continue her crime forever, she knew she'll be done for one day, so she had to leave the universe but she didn't want to go alone. She kidnapped one of the Lady Royals and took her with her just for company".

Okay, when he explained it like that it does sound scary, thought Terra in her mind. She just stood there silent, listening to the tale. "What a tuff story" she said out loud.

"Yeah but don't worry she's been gone for eons, no one ever saw her or that Lady Royal" said Red, trying to lighten up like there's nothing to worry about. Now Red had to change the subject. "Hey! Let's check out that planet!"

Terra tried to play along. "What's that one?" she ran inside into an advance world. Everything was happening so fast around her that she came out quickly. "Everybody's working so fast" she said, when she came out her hair looked messy but she tried to groom it back with her hands.

"How do all these planets live in peace?" said Terra, brushing her hair.

"The planets don't live in peace we look out for each other even though we're very different" replied Red.

"Wow that's really nice" said Terra.

"Nice? It's not nice it's important for us to stick together-"

Anyway Red and Terra continued chatting while they were getting close to their planet destination.