Deep in the Black Hole Red felt dizzy after being sucked in "Where am I?"

"You're in the Black Hole red brain" said a creepy stranger from the Rebellion world.

"Get away from me rebel freak, I gotta get out of here" said Red, trying not to freak out, but the rebel stranger pushed it in him:

"You can't, in few hours the Black Hole turns blacker and we're all going to die!"

"Oh no, no, no, no" Red was trying not to panic, but he did "NOOOOOO!"

Meanwhile Sapphire, Terra and Zircon were at Astrodify each asteroid is lined up its own song, it looked like music streams.

"Wow this is Astrodify" said Terra amazed.

"Yep, every one of those musical asteroid streams has a different song in it" replied Sapphire.

Terra looked worried, when she looked below at the 'dark blue' asteroid stream where they were standing near it she asked "Is it safe?"

Sapphire answered her question with a smirk.

They took the space boat and sailed a rocky song (Whistle while you work it).

Sapphire was enjoying it Terra and Zircon not so much (actually there not enjoying it at all) it was like surfing on a Title Wave.

"Are you sure this is a good idea!" Terra asked Sapphire screaming.

"Fastest way we'll get to the Black Hole dudes! WHOOOO!" Sapphire answered with a scream of joy.

"Can we at least take a calmer, safer not so rocky stream!" yelled Zircon.

Sapphire smiled while rolling her eyes and said "Okay buzz kill", finally Zircon spoke to her. She turned the boat to a light blue asteroid music stream, it was very calm, Terra and Zircon felt better now.

Out of curiosity Zircon had to ask "So I gotta ask, Is it true when a Lady Royal tra la las Space dragons fly down from the stars and-"

"Hello animal expert that is a complete and total myth! I'm sorry" Sapphire answered with a yell but apologized in the end. After some quiet boat time Sapphire decided to share her thoughts with Zircon.

"Did you know at a blind start a Galactanian can be a criminal to survive then suddenly she became a Lady Royal and realized she's not good at it, that's why I need to get to The White, where you can be free and give yourself another chance"

Terra and Zircon were listening until something was coming towards them.

"Huh get ready star makers are coming" said Sapphire

"Wait a star what?" said Terra confused.

"Star makers, they're like space squids that make stars" explained Sapphire. It was true they make stars that you can touch and grab. Sapphire stood up from her seat and stretched her arms high waving, it was like reaching for the stars, literally. After the Star Makers left Sapphire sat down and said "You don't see something like that in your planet, huh Terra?"

"I may not remember but I'm sure we don't reach for the stars like that" replied Terra.

They all laughed.

Zircon smiled and looked at her reflection at the shiny tiny asteroids and thought out loud "It's funny you want to run away from your planet and I want to fit in" Zircon's smile began to fade.

"Zircon that means you can't be yourself what's the point" said Sapphire "besides I think you're pretty cool just the way you are".

Zircon and Sapphire smiled at each other while the calm musical asteroids float them to the other side. Terra smiled and watched them all the way thinking they might finally work things out, until they finally arrived.

"We're... we're gonna need this" said Sapphire holding the rope. They all stepped out of the boat, they were on there way to save Red.