A Lousy Night

Leon tried to maintain a calm disposition in the presence of his father, although, his inner being was raging with anger.

"Noted, dad," he stood up and was about to leave his father's presence when the butler stepped in and announced that dinner was served.

"Join us for dinner son," his dad gestured towards the door.

They both walked silently to the dining room where the family was already seated and happily chatting away, including Chloe.

Before Leon's mum could say anything, Ivory beat her to it.

"Big brother, sit beside me," Ivory smiled mischievously.

She could sense that whatever Leon and her father discussed didn't go well with him. Also, she was conscious of the fact that her mum was trying to set up Leon with Chloe, hence the dinner.

Leon who was already aware of his mother's game decided to play along.

"Thanks, sweetie, he half smiled," but I'll seat beside Chloe so I can get to know her better.

Mrs. Treshvire's eyes narrowed as she shot invisible fiery darts in Ivory's direction, which Ivory responded to by rolling her eyes.

"Okay, Leon," Ivory simply said.

Yvonne appeared to be enjoying every moment, discussion, and expression displayed, as they dined. She chatted freely with her husband, Max, and the rest of her family members.

Chloe couldn't help herself from lusting over Leon. She flirted with him at every slight chance she got. She observe the movement of his lips while he talked, and fantasized about how much pleasure she would derive if those lips were to kiss her right now.

"You seem not to like the food, as you have barely eaten," Leon broke into her thoughts, aware of the spell he had cast on her.

"Ooooh! It's delicious," Chloe responded dreamingly.

"Okay...tell me a little about yourself," Leon asked her, as he carefully observed his mum, watching them and smiling.

"Well, I love photography, yoga, swimming, reading fashion magazines, dancing, the list is endless," she beamed.

"That one interesting list you've got there" Leon noted. "Pardon me, I have to make a quick call," he said and stood up. He was about to leave the dining room when his mum called him to wait up.

"Leon, would you be a darling, and drop Chloe off at her house on your way back to the city?" She asked in a calm but firm tone.

"That wouldn't be a problem, mother, I will be leaving in ten minutes," he avoided her gaze and walked out of the room.

After dinner with his family, Leon said his goodbyes and left the mansion with Chloe.

Leon had always been his mum's favorite for as long as he could remember. She made sure he never lacked anything. She would even go against her husband's wishes to please her son. In return, Leon did the best he could to make her happy.

Seeing her wave Chloe and him goodbye, with her hidden agenda already made obvious, was both entertaining and annoying.

Leon had never appreciated anyone meddling in his affairs especially when it had to do with his relationship with women. But right now, he was not only extremely furious at the ultimatum given by his dad to get married, but also his mum's idea of suggesting the lady he should date or probably get married to.

Leon drove out of the mansion deeply lost in his thoughts, with Chloe seated beside him and trying so hard to strike a conversation with him. Although he wasn't in the mood for any sort of discussion, he decided to indulge her for the fun of it and to make the journey back to the city more bearable.

"So you are an only child, huh," Leon slightly looked at her, and returned his focus to the road ahead.

"Yeah," she half chuckled, smiling sheepishly as though the question caressed her.

Then she looked at him, batting her long beautiful lashes, and said, "I've always dreamt of having a baby sister like Ivory. At least, I'll have someone to share all the care and love that daddy showers only on me," she said with a baby smile.

Leon suppressed a wicked grin at the mention of his sister's name.

"Daddy practically does everything he can to make me happy. Even though mum gets jealous sometimes, it doesn't change his feeling toward me. There is never a no in his dictionary, concerning me. Anything I want or lay my eyes on, I get, it's that simple."

Leon gave an evil smirk at her last statement and said, "wow! Anything you want? It's that simple? Your dad must have magical powers."

"Sure, I like to believe, he does have magical powers," she replied with twinkling eyes.

Chloe went on and on, talking about her childhood days, teenage years, travels around the world, her modeling career, and how much she loved dancing. The list was endless. As if it couldn't get worst, the cold and calm night suddenly turned cloudy, and then, there was a heavy downpour that forced Leon to leave the highway, and take refuge under a not-so-popular motel.

"What a lousy night it turned out to be," Leon mumbled as he walked into the small but cozy reception office, with Chloe tailing behind him.

A mature male receptionist welcomed them. He addressed them as though they were a couple. Suddenly, the sky ruptured with a clap of loud deafening thunder.

Chloe, seizing the opportunity, quickly wrapped her hands around Leon's waist from behind and held on firmly, as if her life depended on it.

Leon was infuriated by this behavior but kept his cool as he gradually but firmly freed himself from her tight grip and reassured her like a child that it was merely thunder and they were safe In their current location.

Chloe smiled knowingly and played with her hair in such a seductive manner that the receptionist was mesmerized for a moment.

"Thanks," she said, "I was frightened."

Leon turned his attention back to the receptionist and flashed an angry look and words at him when he failed to respond.

"Have you found your soul in her eyes?"

"Huh... Ohh, sorry sir, may I suggest our best room for the beautiful couple?"

Chloe smiled broadly at the word, 'couple', but Leon was so disgusted that he almost lost his temper. He scolded the innocent well-meaning receptionist and ordered two rooms pending when the rain subsided.

"I... I'm sorry about that Sir," the receptionist half stuttered and swung into action. He then offered his guest their respective keys and directed them to their rooms.

As they walked down to their rooms, Chloe expressed her fears about staying in such a lonely and low-standard motel. She wished they were in a more exquisite and luxurious hotel where she would be more relaxed and order certain services that were not common in motels.

Leon reassured her they were there for only a short while and would be gone at the slightest moment the heavy downpour declined.

"May I have your number, so I can call you if something goes wrong?" She asked with puppy eyes.

"Certainly, but nothing will go wrong and I am a room away from you," Leon was getting tired of her acting.

Finally, they exchanged numbers, but before Leon could say a brief good night, she beat him to it as she quickly kissed him on the cheek and dashed to her room.

Leon smirked at her childish behavior for a second time and lazily strolled to his room. He couldn't help the fact that ladies flirted with him at any given opportunity. If not for his family's undue influence on Chloe, he found her very attractive and would have eaten her up this night. But right now, he had to set things right and put her in her place. She wasn't the type of girl he would love to hang around with for anything more than a day. She was perfect for a one-night stand.

Leon picked up his phone and dialed Tom's number.

"Hey Tom, what's new?"

"Well, the good news is that I had found your girl, and yes, she works at the F&K fashion home. She was on the line to be promoted to creative director but was denied that position. As at the time my informant spoke to me, the lady in question had left the premises."

"Good job man," Leon said as he now understood the reason for her behavior earlier.

"Thanks, bruh."

"So what's the bad news?"

"I never said there was any."

"Sure you didn't," Leon said in a sarcastic tone.

"So, how did the family reunion go?"

"Hmm, it was indeed a reunion." Leon smiled.

"The old man wants me married before the year ends. He calls it a final responsibility test, can you imagine that?"

Tom laughed uncontrollably to the point that Leon threatened him.

"Okay, am very serious now," Tom said still feeling amused, "when do we set the next ball for all the beautiful maiden in town to attend," he let out another row of laughter.

Leon couldn't help it, instead, he joined in the laughter.

"Guess what happened next?"


"Mum already has a choice wife for me."

"Wha....h! Are you for real?"

"You're damm right, I am."

"And now, I am stuck in a godforsaken motel with her, all thanks to the bad weather."

"Hey man, I feel your pain. But how would you rate her? Is she a ten out of ten or something lower?" Tom struck another cord of laughter.

"You decide for yourself, whenever you see her. I'll be coming into town immediately after the rain subsides."

"Alright then, bruh, see you later."

"Sure, man," Leon ended the call.