Consider Me As A Friend

Leon's eyes narrowed and his forehead furrowed. He sat up on his couch and thought briefly about what Tom has just notified him. He could make some calls and the issues will be handled swiftly. But he didn't feel like intruding in Ariella's affairs at her place of work. Especially, after the company denied her the promotion she deserved. She was a talented designer that companies and brands should be fighting over. If he had his way, he would persuade her to work for his company with a mind-blowing offer.

Nevertheless, he wasn't just going to sit down and watch this amazingly beautiful lady, whom he now came to cherish being mistreated once more. He would deal ruthlessly with anyone who tried to make her piqued again, irrespective of whoever the person was.

Leon had subconsciously developed a strong desire to please Ariella. Her enchanting jade green eyes, her pink luscious lips, her calm and relaxing tone, not to mention her sense of humor, all gave her an aura of a love goddess.

Back in the bar, he had been tempted to kiss her while she was speaking. When she started choking on her drink, and he got the rare opportunity to stroke her back, he wished he could freeze the moment and savor every pleasure he derived from just touching her. He had never felt anything like this with any woman. This was beyond lust, he had thought to himself. There and then, he decided he will make this lady, his, at whatever cost.

Initially, Leon had planned on calling Ariella the next day, if she didn't call him. But with the situation at hand, he decided to place a call across to her, under the pretense of finding out how the remaining of her day went. Based on her reply, he would decide on his next line of action.

He picked up his phone and dialed the number Charles had forwarded to him.

Ariella sat on her favorite potato-shaped single couch, eating hot soup and watching the Haze Design Award and Competition review. She was so excited at seeing the CEO of Treshvire fashion company, receiving the award for the overall best design. He was looking so charming as he spoke about the mission and vision of the company.

For a split second, Ella allowed her mind to wander. She forgot about the day's issues and was thrilled that such a personality sat beside her not long ago. Who would have thought that the same person speaking on the television with all degrees of seriousness could be so soft-spoken toward her?

Ella thought about how close she sat beside him, those dreamy ocean blue eyes, his perfectly sculptured face, his husky voice when he spoke and when he touched... Her phone rang, snapping her out of her thoughts. She dropped the plate of soup and picked up the phone. The number displayed on the screen was unknown. It wasn't registered in her contacts. She thought about Adrian trying to call her with an undisclosed number. So, she decided not to pick up the call.

She was about to continue eating when the phone beeped. She checked the message and it simply read;

[It's Leon. We met today at the bar. Please pick up your call.]

Ella read the message repeatedly. She was astonished that Leon was calling her. How did he get my number? She thought. Many questions collided in her head. She didn't remember giving him her number. Why was he calling?

She almost dropped the phone out of shock when it rang again. It was the same number. She took in a deep breath and received the call.

"H...hello Mr. Leon." Her soft voice was polite but curious. "It's nice of you to call although I wasn't expecting it."

"Hi Ariella, just call me Leon. No formality. I hope, I'm not intruding in any way?" Leon listened intently for changes in her voice. He wished they were together, so he could discern all her facial expressions.

"No! Not at all. I'm just having dinner and watching a program. By the way, a big congratulation on winning the Haze Award." Ella smiled amidst a slightly thumping heart.

Her voice was so soft and relaxing that Leon wanted her to keep talking, nonstop.

"Thank you." Leon's heart warmed towards her appreciation. "I just have one question to ask, are you the actual designer of all the dresses displayed today by your company? I've seen the dresses that Charles picked, and I am certain, that whoever designed those dresses is gifted with a rare talent. There are ravishingly gorgeous and scintillating.

Ella's eyes beamed with enthusiasm. The CEO of Treshvire fashion just appraised her work with the kindest words. This day was turning out not to be all that bad.

"I did my best but it was mostly teamwork." Her humility fascinated Leon.

"So he got my number from Mr. Charles," she mused incoherently. She remembered giving Susan her number which Mr. Charles had requested for.

"You don't have to be modest with your answer," Leon was pleased and also intrigued at the fact that she didn't try to claim all the glory to herself. In his line of work, he had come across very proud and even arrogant individuals, who boasted of the little talents they had.

"In my company, I have several designers. All of them are gifted with different talents. And I reward them for their various unique contributions irrespective of who they are or where they are coming from." Leon tried to pass a message across.

Ella paused for a while, deep in thoughts. Is there something Leon knows that she isn't aware of?

"Ariella... can I call you Ella?"

"Yes you can," her voice was even softer.

Leon suddenly had an overwhelming urge to see her in person. He wanted to observe and absorb all her expressions as they spoke. But, he didn't want to scare her. So, he decided to control his desires and go at her pace.

"Okay, Ella, can I ask a favor of you..." He paused for a while to get her response and read her countenance based on her response.

"Hmm... It depends on the request and if it's within my power to grant," Ella's eyes darted and her lips twitched. She was perplexed by his request. What does she have that the almighty CEO of Treshvire fashion could want from her?

"It's something within your power, I promise." Leon's persuasive voice calmed her a bit.

"Okay, if you think so." Ella took a deep breath.

"I want you to consider me as a friend. Forget about who I am to the public or what I own. Speak to me sincerely as a friend would. Can you do that?"

Ella was triple stunned. Why was he talking to her in this manner? Who was she that a whole CEO of the most reputable fashion company in the country would want her to consider him as a friend? Is this a prank? Was he trying to toy with her? Different questions clamored for attention in Ella's head. And the silence between them lingered for a while.

Leon sensing the tension in her silence decided to explain further.

"The reason why I'm asking this of you, it's because of the next question that I would want you to truthfully answer. So, I will rephrase my question. Can you talk to me in confidence as you would talk to a friend? And, do you promise not to be offended?"

Leon was so amazed at Ella's reaction. He had never experienced any lady in his life who wouldn't jump into a straight positive answer if he had asked them this same question.

Ella took in a deep breath and answered, " I'll try." Her palms were sweaty and her heart threatened to jump out of her chest.

Leon smiled at her genuine response.

"You told me earlier you have worked for five years plus in the F&K fashion company, right?"

"Right," she responded calmly.

"What is your current position? And please, don't feel insulted by this question."

Ella smiled at the word 'please'. Her mind drifted momentarily to the time she was choking on her drink. He had cared for her and even offered her his precious handkerchief.

All of a sudden, she felt calm again and was ready to pour out her heart to this incredible man, who sounded genuinely concerned.

"When I joined the company I was a mere designer working in the creative department and over the years, I have grown to the position of head designer." She was sad as she spoke, realizing she hadn't achieved much.

The head designer was not recognized in the company she worked for as a major position. Hence, there were no privileges attached except for a slight salary increment.

She handled the creative team, trained each member, and provided guidance in every part of the designing process.

This was the major reason she had worked relentlessly, to be chosen as the creative director. This position came with so many privileges attached to the office.

"I don't intend to brag or make you feel sad. But someone with your talent and zealousness would have made creative director in less than two years in my company."

Ella was silent. She believes Leon to be a man of his word. She had seen the happy faces of the designers in the background; in the news review, she had just watched.

"I don't mean to sound intrusive, but after our discussion at the bar, I decided to make further enquiries about your work through an old friend in your company. He confided in me that you had an issue with your boss today. This is the major reason why I'm calling at this time."

Ella was engulfed by another wave of tension. She felt like ending the call as she didn't know what to say.

"Ella," Leon continued, "because I already see you as a friend, I want to assist in solving that issue but I'll need your consent to proceed."

Ella felt like she was in a dream and decided to pinch herself twice. When she felt the pain, she concluded she was speaking to Leon Treshvire on the phone. At this moment, all she could do was agree to whatever he said since her brain was no longer functioning properly.

"Okay," she whispered

"Okay, meaning I should go ahead and assist?" Leon was unsure of her response.

"Hmm..., let me think about it." Ella managed to say.

"Alright, let's do it this way, after your work tomorrow, I'll call you to find out the outcome of the issue and if it is not favorable to you, I'll step in and handle it." Leon wasn't ready to give up on assisting her.

"That will be much better." Ella found her voice. She was more comfortable with the second arrangement.

"Sorry I delayed your dinner with my call, I will make it up to you." Leon didn't feel like ending the call.

"It's okay," Ella smiled. "I'll just microwave it. Thanks so much for your concern about me and this call, I sincerely appreciate it."

"Alright, good night Ella."

"Good night," Ella said dreamingly.

She dropped her phone on the stool, picked up the throw pillow that was on her legs, and hugged it, smiling at the thought of Leon.