Dove Restaurant

The light of dawn seeped into Ella's room, and she rubbed her bleary eyes. She sprawled in her soft and warm bed feeling so blissful. She twisted a little, stood up, and walked to the window. There was a pearly glow in the sky which made her feel tranquil within.

A gentle knock on the door startled her and she walked over to see who it was.

"Good morning gorgeous, hope you had a lovely night's rest." Leon walked up to her and kissed her gently on her forehead.

"Good morning," Ella smiled. "I can see you're up and ready to go out." She wiped an invisible speck off his blue well-tailored three-piece suit.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I have to be at the airport in...' he glanced at his Rolex designer wristwatch, "twenty minutes."

"I'll be away for three days, but I'll keep in touch. I just wanted to see your beautiful face before I leave." Leon stroked her cheeks tenderly. "I hope you won't miss me that long?" He half smiled and stared into her eyes affectionately.

"I'll try very hard not to miss you," she smirked. "We may not see each other when you return because I'll be traveling to see my sister and mother as I mentioned earlier."

"We'll see about that," he tenderly planted a kiss on Ella's lips and left briskly.

Ella was about to enter the bathroom when a strange number called her. At first, she was unsure of whether to pick it or not. After a short deliberation, she picked up her phone and received the call.

"Hello Ariella," a soft and calm lady's voice greeted her. "How are you this morning? You know, the last time we met, we never got to introduce ourselves properly. How about correcting that?"

Ella was alarmed, as she was unsure of who she was speaking to or where she had met this person. She took a deep breath to regain her composure and spoke calmly. "Please, may I know who I'm talking to?"

"Oh! Where are my manners? Forgive me, my dear. This is Marissa Treshvire and we met two days ago in my garden at my country home."

"Mrs. Marissa Treshvire?..."

Ella's eyes widened and her heart thumped loudly inside her chest.

How did Leon's mum get my number?

Why was she speaking to me nicely after our unpleasant encounter the last time?

Should I end the call?

Should I pretend it's a wrong number?

Different questions clamored for attention in her head, until Leon's mum broke the silence between them.

"Ariella, I'm aware my son just left the villa. He doesn't know I'm in town and I would like to keep it that way. Can you come down to the dove restaurant alone for a brief meeting? I promise I won't take much of your time. I want us girls to talk."

"I... I'm not sure that is a good idea Mrs. Treshvire. Leon would not be happy if he finds out and I may..." Ella was interrupted by Marissa.

"It will be fine dear. What Leon doesn't know can't hurt him. Moreover, I am his mother, and I want to familiarize myself with my son's fiancee. Would you consider that a crime?" Marissa's voice was softer with a tiny hint of irritation.

"Not at all, I..." Ella was interrupted again.

"Splendid! Meet me at 10:00 AM sharp. Don't keep me waiting." Marissa hung up.

Ella was stunned as she stared blankly at the phone in her hand. What if Leon's mother was up to no good, What if she conspire with Chloe to see her threat through?

"What am l going to do?" She massages her temple in anxiety. "And why does she want me to come alone? Surely, this is not a good sign or am I overthinking this."

She quickly scrolled through her phone contacts and dialed Denise's number.

"Hello sweetheart, hope you had a great dinner with your prince charming fiance?" Denise sounded cheerful as always.

"Denise, there is trouble."

Ella narrated all Marissa said in a heartbeat.

"Don't stress your beautiful head, sweetie. I'll be coming to that restaurant with you in disguise. If anyone tries any stupid thing, they will have me to worry about."

"Are you certain about this Denise? Don't you think I should inform Leon?" Ella's brow furrowed.

"I thought you stressed that your mother-in-law doesn't want you to inform Leon? Moreover, you have two unmovable bodyguards; who only take orders from Leon. Hence, you can't tell them to sit back." Denise tried to encourage her.

"You have a point there." Ella felt calmer.

"Take a chance to get to know your mother-in-law better and hear whatever she has to say. Even if Leon finds out, which I'm certain he will, thanks to the bodyguards, you will have a good excuse to give."

"Thanks, Denise, you're a lifesaver," Ella smiled.

"Anytime sugar. I can't wait to see Leon's mum. I imagine her to be a goddess who gave birth to such a handsome man."

Ella giggled, "yeah, she is so beautiful...see you later at the restaurant."

Ella stepped into the Dove restaurant about a few minutes before 10:00 AM. She was looking so elegant and classy in her purple short sleeves dress. She looked around and caught sight of Denise seating at a corner table and having breakfast, which made her smile.

She was about to bring out her phone to dial Marissa when a waiter walked up to her.

"Good morning Miss Ariella, madam Marissa is waiting for you," he gestured towards the right and led Ella to Marissa's table.

Ella's bodyguards also stepped into the restaurant and made themselves comfortable, with their watchful eyes fixed on her from a distant table.

When Ella saw Marissa, she greeted her, faking a smile before she took an opposite seat.

Marissa looked magnificent in her floral printed light sea green dress. Her hair was let down stylishly. Even though she was in her mid-40s, one could mistake her to be in her late 20s due to her slender and delicate features.

Marissa looked at Ella from head to toe in a ridiculing manner.

"You clean up nicely, no wonder my son seems attracted to you. But, just like all his former..." Marissa paused for a while staring into Ella's eyes. "All his ex...bed warmers, you will be disposed of," she sneered with every bit of irritation she could muster.

Marissa had tried convincing her husband to disapprove of Leon's engagement to Ariella. But for some unknown reasons, he had simply brushed her off like she was a baby mumbling incoherent words.

What even pissed her off more, was the fact that Rex had taken a special liking to Ariella and had given his approval to Leon.

Hence, it was up to her to save the family from a public disgrace, which only she could foresee. The only way she could do this without hurting the two most important men in her life was by convincing Ariella to back out.

At first, Ella was a bit tense to speak to Marissa. But after Marissa said those hurtful words, an unusual boldness enveloped her.

Ella placed her hands on the table and flaunted the red diamond ring on purpose. "Thanks for allowing me to see and talk to you in private," Ella smiled slyly. "I care a lot about Leon, even with his flaws. It's..."

"Enough!" Marissa's eyes flashed in anger. "Take this," she slid a cheque of one hundred million dollars, "and stay the hell away from my son you gold digger."

"I am aware you are jobless at the moment so why wouldn't you care?" Marissa scoffed. "The only reason you are in this relationship is because of his money. So, if this is not enough, then name your price," she said between gritted teeth.

Ella's smile faded. "You judge me without getting to know the real me. You call me names based on what? I was brought up to respect my elders. So, I won't exchange words with you. But I promise you one thing, you will desperately look for me one day and may not find me."

Ella stood up and was about to leave but Marissa held unto her right hand and terrifyingly glared at her.

"I will give you till the end of today to consider my proposal. After that, the deal is off. But get this into your empty skull, you're playing with fire and will be burnt badly."

Ella looked into Marissa's eyes, daring her to do her worse, then she shook her hand free and walked towards the exit door.

At that very moment, Chloe stepped right into the restaurant and walked toward Ella.

"Hello tramp, you've been one difficult bug to squish. Still in hiding?" She looked superciliously at Ella.

Ella had been looking forward to meeting with Chloe; after she found out that Chloe had been behind the threats and humiliation.

Ella picked up a full glass of red wine from a table close to her and drained it on Chloe before she had time to react. The wine messed up Chloe's hair and sparkling white clothes, which made her look like a white cat that fell into a red pool of water

"Who is the tramp now," Ella glared ferociously at Chloe who was too stunned and embarrassed to speak. "While not call daddy to clean up your mess like always," Ella sneered.

Ella drew closer and whispered into the frightened kitten's ear, "bring on the battle, I'll be ready for you and your daddy this time."

Before Marissa and some of the restaurant workers could come to Chloe's aid, Ella had already walked out of the restaurant with her bodyguards.