A Surprise Visit.

Richard smiled affectionately at her and sat beside her like they were having a romantic picnic.

"I miss you so much, Ella!" Richard's eyes glinted with so much love. "I never stopped thinking about you or loving you. My heart has been hurting ever since you left Springchad."

Ella looked into his eyes, unsure of what to say. This gorgeously handsome man in front of her had been her first love years back.

Richard was one of the current wealthy and young eligible bachelors in Springchad. He was handsome with an athletic and masculine physique all thanks to his football career. A light beard traced his well-defined jawline and his deep blue eyes were to die for.

Richard was the dream guy of every girl back in their high school years and even to date. But he had always set his eyes on Ariella. He had been crazily in love with Ariella. Even when his friends made fun of him for agreeing to her platonic friendship conditions, he didn't still waiver in his love for her. Although, there were times he had pressurized her for sex, to make their relationship more intimate. But, Ella bluntly disagreed and something threatened to quit the relationship.

"You look great," Ella smiled weakly as she adjusted the collar of his navy blue shirt; which was an old habit.

"Let's take a walk," Richard stood up and pulled Ella up to her feet.

Ella felt lighted-headed but followed his lead. He led her gently in his arms, to a favorite location where they had spent beautiful memories together.

They chatted freely for a while about some happy memories. They talked about their current jobs and challenges. They even talked about future aspirations.

Ella had always found it easy to talk to Richard because he was a good listener. She was thrilled that he didn't make mention of her former law school aspirations. She even marveled at the tips and bits of advice he gave her when she spoke of plans on starting her brand. It was like an all-new understanding and matured Richard.

As he spoke sweetly and softly, Ella inwardly fantasized that they were back together.

"So... Are you currently in any relationship?" Richard asked with a curious glance.

Suddenly, it hit Ella, for a few moments, she had totally forgotten about Leon.

"That was a good sign, right?" She mused inaudibly.

"What did you say?" Richard looked into her eyes.

"I said no, I am not in any serious relationship. Just a business agreement with someone." She tried her best to be sincere.

"What kind of business agreement, if I may ask?" He looked askance at her.

"No, you may not. It's confidential." Ella said playfully and stood up to leave. But Richard caught her by the waist and pulled her back to face him.

Ella frowned slightly at this but allowed herself to indulge him a little. After all, when the contract elapses, she could date any guy of her choice.

"What would you say, if I asked you to be my girlfriend again?" He gazed lovingly into her eyes intending to kiss her.

Ella's eyes widened. Was Richard serious or just teasing? She thought briefly of the offer before responding. "I would say, give me some time to think about it." She half smiled and tried to pull herself free from Richard's firm hold.

"Richard, can you let go of my waist, I..." he leaned forward and kissed her lips tenderly.

Ella was stunned by the sudden kiss. She gently but firmly pulled herself free from his hold and the kiss.

"I haven't said yes!" She pouted angrily. Surprisingly, Ella felt nothing after she withdrew from the kiss. She was worried about this. If it had been Leon holding or even kissing her, she would have melted into his arm. Why didn't she feel any emotion when Richard kissed her? She questioned herself.

An embarrassed Richard apologized and led Ella back to the house to enjoy her family's and friends' companionship.

Maggie, who had been secretly monitoring her daughter since she arrived, was pleased by the perceived chemistry between her and Richard. She planned on helping Richard get hold of Ella. And this time, the result must be marriage.


Back at Leon's villa, he was busy tapping away on his laptop, working on some projects, when his phoned beeped.

The color drained from his face and was replaced by a haunted glare as he stared in disbelief at a picture on his phone. His jaw tightened and he clenched his fist in rage.

He stood up abruptly from his seat and paced around for a while before informing John to take him to the airport.

On arrival later that night in Springchad, Leon lodged in one of its best hotels. There, he was debriefed by his spy on all of Ariella's activities since she arrived in Springchad.

All through the journey, he had been in a foul and unpleasant mood. The thought of Ariella kissing another man drove him utterly insane, and he taught of ways to punish her.

The next day, during an outdoor family fun time organized by Richard, Ella was busy chatting and laughing heartily with Abigail in her room.

Maggie was lost in a heartwarming gossip with Aunt Edna, when a gorgeously handsome man stepped into the living room, causing everyone around to gawk at him.

Leon; whose charm on the ladies had always been effective, smiled bewitchingly and introduce himself as Ella's business partner. He stated that he came down to Springchad for a brief business deal, and decided to stop by Ariella's home for a surprise visit.

Within a short while of interaction, Leon won over the attention of Maggie and the other ladies seated around.

Susan couldn't stop herself from dotting all over Leon. She was lovestruck when Leon walked into the room. So, she quickly took a seat beside him and started flirting with him.

After a while, Maggi instructed an infatuated Susan to inform Ella, that she had a visitor.

"Okay Ma," Susan smiled flirtatiously at Leon who didn't give a heck but seemed more focused, discussing with Maggie.

"Mr. Leon, I'll be right back." Susan unnecessarily excused herself as if she was Leon's date and her brief absence would destabilize him.

She walked briskly to Ella's room and barged in without knocking. Ella and Abigail were stunned by Susan's behavior and excitement.

"Ella," Susan smiled like a child who had received her Christmas present early from Santa, "you have a visitor. I think I'm in love with him.

"A visitor?!" Ella's brows creased and her nose crinkled. "But, I'm not expecting one..."

Before Ella could finish her statement, she was pulled to her feet and dragged to the sitting room by an impatient Susan, while Abigail tagged behind.

Ella wondered who it would be this time. Why was Susan acting funny? Could this person be a childhood friend or Richard's high school best friend?

Ella walked into the sitting room lazily. "Mum, who is it this..." She choked on her word when she met Leon's gaze.

Leon looked absolutely breathtaking in his classy grey color suit. His ocean blue eyes had a mixture of danger, anger, and raw passion, which caused Ella to lose her stamina.

"Ella! Are you alright?" Abigail held Ella from behind as she observed her friend's pale face. While an unbothered Susan, went over to take her seat beside Leon before anyone would steal her spot.

Maggie stood up and walked over to Ella. "What wrong darling? Are you alright?" Maggie placed her hands on Ella's head and neck, to check if she had a temperature spike. While Leon smiled devilishly at the effect of his gaze.

"Mum, I am fine. It is just a migraine," Ella lied as she briefly gave Leon a curious glance.

Leon looked away and complimented the tasty meal he had been offered.

At that very moment, Richard came into the sitting room, holding some barbecue fish and chips. He dropped it on the table and walked up to Ella when he observed her pale look.

"What's wrong with my love?" He spoke fondly to her and took her hand gently, to guide her to a seat. But Ella quickly turned him down reaffirming that she was fine and shouldn't be treated like a baby.

"But you are my baby," Richard said sweetly and innocently, which made Ella almost collapse, as her face turned paler.

Leon was at the edge of losing his mind so he quickly stood up and thanked Maggie for a delicious meal and the warm hospitality. He turned around and spoke calmly to a terrified Ella.

"Miss Ariella, it was nice meeting your family. Sorry, I came in unannounced, I just wanted to surprise you. You have an amazing mum. Please don't forget, our flight will be leaving by 6:00 PM, today."

Leon walked over to Maggie, took her hands, and planted a polite kiss on them. Then he turned around to leave.

"Please stay a little bit." Maggie pleaded with him. But he declined and left abruptly with Susan tailing behind him.

After Leon had left the house, Ella regained her composure. She answered all her mum's questions about Leon, lying between her teeth. The only sincere statement she made about Leon was when she claimed he was her business partner.

Abigail didn't buy Ella's story as she knew her too well. She suspected that something was going on between Leon and Ella. So after Maggie's interrogation and Richard's show of affection, Abigail pulled Ella back to her room and locked the door behind her.

"Alright, we are alone! No more pretense! Start talking! Who is Mr. Leon truly to you?" Abigail folded her hands across her chest and stared at Ella with beeping red curiosity.

"What do you mean?" Ella turned away to hide her face and started to pack her stuff in preparation for her departure. "Everything I told mum is true," she lied again. "The only thing I left out is that I have a crush on him." Ella tried to manipulate her earlier story to her advantage. She knew that her eagle eyes friend would never stop poke-nosing until she got something juicy.

"Hmm... A crush, huh!" Abigail raised an eyebrow, still in doubt.

"Yes!" Ella turned around more confident with her new lie. "A crush! It is a crime now to have a crush on someone that handsome?" She scoffed at Abigail's persistence.

"No! It's not a crime!" Abigail raised her two hands in surrender. "But, what about love," she slides a curious glance at Ella. "Are you in love with him or with Richard?"

Ella became irritable at Abigail's questions. "How can you be in love with someone that is about to get married?" Her eyes shot daggers at Abigail. "Please drop all these unnecessary questions, you are beginning to offend me."

Ella couldn't explain her outburst. Why had she acted in that way to Abigail, she wondered? Or could Abigail be right? Was she hopelessly falling in love with Leon? Why didn't she feel anything for Richard?