A Traumatized State

Leon smirked devilishly at Ella's statement. He walked towards her and stood behind her, admiring the captivating reflection of his pretty wife, holding a gun.

"You look perfect, honey!" He held her by the waist from behind and rested his chin gently on her shoulders. "Tell me, who do you intend to use as a training target? Just mention any name and I'll have them delivered to you."

Ella quivered slightly due to Leon's warm breath that was softly fanning the side of her neck. She gazed keenly into the reflection of his eyes and said, "Frost."

"It will give me so much pleasure to put a bullet through his evil skull." Ella's brightly glowing eyes suddenly darkened as memories of everything Frost had made her go through flooded into her head.

Leon released his hold on Ella and slowly turned her around to face him. He stared deeply into her eyes, searching for any sign of seriousness or weakness.