Welcome To The Family

Ella was unsure of a reply to give Maxwell. She stared at her palm blankly; as if the answer to the question was written in them. After a few seconds of critical thinking, she spoke up.

"It's a very long story but I feel they are currently paying for their crime," Ella shrugged.

"Okay, continue with your initial story. I'll find out more about those your idiotic employers later," Maxwell urged her.

Ella inhaled and exhaled before continuing her story.

"To cut the long story short, I unconsciously stepped into the road without looking properly due to my rage and bitterness. Leon would have crushed me if he hadn't been alert. I ended up pouring my frustrations on him but we reconciled our conflict before I left. Ever since then, Leon had been my guiding angel." Ella ended her story with a smile and a few tears.

On impulse, Maxwell did something that shocked him to the very bone. He pulled Ella into his arms and hugged her tenderly.