Silvia's Mission

Denise walked into Ella's office wearing a priceless smile on her face.

"Good morning, beautiful! Hmm...something smells delicious," Denise licked her lips and took a seat opposite Ella.

"Good morning, mama bear!" Ella said in an excited tone. Her eyes sparkled as she welcome Denise to join her in the meal she was eating.

"You know I can't resist a deliciously made dish." Denise grinned as she took some portion of food for herself and started eating. "Yummy! Your chef is the best in the world."

"Thank you!"

"By the way, are you aware of how beautiful you look this morning? You are glowing, gal!" Denise complimented.

"Oh please, don't make me blush," Ella's cheeks reddened as she smiled.

"I am serious, Ella. Could it be from the excessive and healthy food you've been eating lately?"

"Have I been eating that much?" Ella said quizzically with raised eyebrows.