The Four Miller Brothers

Denise couldn't understand why everyone was gawking at her when she stepped out of Tom's car, holding his right hand. Although Tom had given her a brief rundown about his family, the reception of eye-piercing stares was nerve-cracking. She could see some people talking in whispers and giggling but their eyes never left her for one second.

Tom smiled as he could read the curious stares that greeted his arrival. He gently took Denise's hand into his arm and stared lovingly into her eyes, as though she was the only existing person in the whole universe.

"Are you ready to meet my amazing family? Or, should we turn around and go back to the city?"

Denise, being her usual cheerful self, smiled flirtatiously at Tom and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Let's go meet your family!"

As Tom and Denise were walking towards the mansion entrance, they were accosted by his brothers.