The Proposal

"What do you think you're doing?" Denise flashed an angry stare at Fred.

"Denise, please, I need to talk to you." Fred clasped both hands together like someone praying and pleaded with her. "I'm sorry I acted like a fool some minutes ago, but you were the last person I expected to see in my family house."

"Well, you better get used to it because you are going to see more of me. I'm officially your brother's girlfriend." Denise rolled her eyes at him and tried to walk away but Fred denied her exit.

"Denise, if you want me to go on my knees and beg, I will happily do it. I'm crazily in love with you. You can't be serious with my brother! He's not the right one for you."

"Really! Interesting!" Denise moved closer to him and glared ferociously at him. "Get this into your thick skull, I am in love with Tom and only him. The earlier you acknowledged this, the better it will be for you. Now get off my path, if you don't want me to punch you in the face."