I Am Your Hummingbird

Fred Miller woke up in a hotel room with a splitting headache and an unknown lady on his bed. He massaged his forehead and licked his lips to moisten them. He took in a deep breath and stretched one of his aching arms. Then he turned to his side and stared at the nude lady on his bed.

The lady on Fred's bed was fast asleep and snoring cutely. Her right hand was on Fred's bare chest and her head was turned in the opposite direction. However, due to Fred's sudden movement on the bed, the lady woke up. She sluggishly turned her head back in Fred's direction and gaze lovingly into his curious eyes.

"You were a sex god last night." The nude lady licked her lips seductively and moved closer to Fred until their bodies were locked in an embrace.

"Who the hell are you, and what are you doing on my bed?" Fred queried angrily and push her away. He abruptly stood up from the bed, forgetting that he was nude.