Seven Years Ago...

Ella's eyes became misty as Leon apologize for the fourth time in a row. She didn't need much convincing to see that he was truly sorry for his actions. She watched as the shower water fell with such a heavy torrent on his head, smoothening out his hair and flowing freely on his face and body. She was drawn to the humid atmosphere in the shower room and the sweet-smelling fragrance of the table soap nearby.

Feeling unperturbed by the previous incident, she threw the bedsheet that she had earlier used to wrap her body, on to bathroom floor and walked into the shower. She slowly slid her hands around Leon's waist and wrapped them up tightly. Her bare breast glued themselves to Leon's back as the cold water tickled her body and caused her to tremble lightly.

"I'm here for you, my love," Ella said in a hushed voice. "You don't have to carry the burden alone." She kissed his back and slid her hands from his waist to his chest.