What About Tom?

Immediately Leon left for work, Ella breathed a sigh of relief. All the while Leon was busy talking to her, half of her thoughts were elsewhere. Her memory kept replaying all Dr. Julie had told her and she became conscious of everything happening around her.

She knelt on her bed and straightened out her loose tee shirt on her body to see if her stomach had started bulging out. Alas, she observe that her stomach looked like someone who had eaten a little bit too much.


Her eyes flashed in terror and her heart started thumping. She hastily jump down from the bed, ran to her bedroom door, and locked it. Then she stripped her clothes off, leaving only her panties on, and properly examined herself in the vanity mirror.

"It's beginning to show!" She screamed in an excited hushed voice and did a victory dance. Although she was having mixed feelings, her excitement at having a gradually protruding baby bump suffocated her fears of Leon's resolve.