Ella's Proactiveness

"You are such a..."

Yvonne said her intended curse word in her mind. Although her condescending stares communicated what she actually thought.

Ella's killer glares and Leon's disapproving stares forced Yvonne to caution her fire-spewing tongues.

"Yvonne, please, refrain from using any insulting words on my wife during this trip," Leon said pleadingly. He had no intention of hurting Ella or his sister. All he yearned for was peace and a loving atmosphere between his family and his wife.

"Well, for your information, I haven't said anything antagonizing. But I will if she doesn't stay the hell away from my path." Yvonne hissed and angrily picked up her things. "Ivory, let's go!" She commanded and walked passed Leon and a scowling Ella.

Before Ivory ran after her bossy sister, she mumbled an apology to Ella and winked at Leon.