Say One More Thing, I Dare You!

"Why are you taunting Ella this way, Yvonne?"

Ivory asked as tears fell down her cheek. She knew that at this point, there was no need to deny Ella's pregnancy. Her sister had verifiable proof. Hence, she started looking for a way to plead with Yvonne to keep her mouth shut.

"You call this taunting?" Yvonne chuckled wickedly. "Well, I'm just getting warmed up! By the time I'm done with this gold-digging witch that has had my brother under her evil spell for this long, she will be forced to crawl back to her coven in rags."

"Yvonne, you're also a mother and someone else's sister-in-law. Is this how you were treated by your husband's family."

More tears rolled down Ivory's cheeks.