Falling Out

Leon let out a bitter chuckle before turning all serious again.

"Of course, you are my wife, there is no denying that fact. However, there is this saying that; 'respect is reciprocal'. So, let's analyze the issue before us, my dear wife. How does pretending and concealing information as crucial as that..." He pointed at her womb with irritation. "...how does it amount to respect for your husband?"

"I don't like your tone and behavior, Leon. I never meant to hide this pregnancy from you. I was waiting for the right moment to tell you."

"So you call this, the right moment?" Leon shot back at her.


"Then when is the right moment to tell your husband that you are two months pregnant for him!" Leon boomed at the top of his voice. "You chose the day I lost my dad and Nana to tell me that you are pregnant! Where is your empathy!"