Nana Esther's Letter

The atmosphere in Nana Esther's living room was ecstatic, energetic, and jovial, as a fraction of the Treshvire family sat down together, chatting and laughing.

While Maxwell was lost in a conversation with a gleefully beaming Marissa, Ivory was engulfed in the company of her cute chatterbox nephew.

When Leon and Ella stepped into the room, Maxwell paused his conversation and signaled Ivory to go get her sister.

After almost thirty minutes of waiting for Yvonne and her husband to join the family meeting, Maxwell slightly lost his temper because they didn't show up.

"Ivory, please go inform your sister that we do not have the whole day to wait for her. She and her husband can continue their silly business some other time." Maxwell's forehead creased as he checked his wristwatch for the tenth time.

"Not again!" Ivory frowned as she stood up and stormed out, leaving Ethan all by himself.