A Bouncing Baby Girl

Paul stood transfixed on a spot trembling at Leon's deadly scowls while wishing he had kept his mouth shut. Although he was puzzled by Leon's reaction, he quickly thought of the best way to salvage the situation before it got out of hand.

"I'm very sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to upset you. I will quickly take your briefcase to your office." Paul attempted to dismiss himself but Leon stopped him.

"Hold it right there! Leon commanded in a threatening voice.

"Have I asked you to leave?"

"No sir, I'm sorry, sir!"

Paul was on the verge of having cardiac arrest due to Leon's ferocious ire. He still couldn't understand the reason for Leon's anger.

'Did he have a bad day at the office this morning? Did someone else in his family die? What could be eating him up that would warrant this anger? Isn't pregnancy supposed to be a thing of celebration? Doesn't he want to be a father?'