Am I A Fool For Love?

When Leon left the villa with John, simmering with immense rage, he instructed him to drive down to his second apartment.

All through the fifteen minutes drive, which felt like five long hours to a heartbroken Leon, he wallowed in his excruciating thoughts wishing it was a bad dream that he would soon wake up from.

He couldn't accept the fact that Ella threatened him with divorce.

As if the divorce wasn't torturing enough, she was willing to die just to keep the pregnancy.

"What has taken over my love's heart? Why did she choose to hurt me this way without looking back or feeling sorry for me? How did I let things degenerate to this level? How could she choose a thing that is yet to take a complete human form over me? Did she really love like she claimed or am I a fool for love?"

Different questions clamored for attention in Leon's head as he gritted his teeth until his gum began to hurt.