You Left Me!

It is said that, to a friend, a great achievement is good news but to an enemy, it's bragging and a reminder of a score to settle.

The news about the pregnancy of the beautiful wife of the renowned and devilishly handsome CEO/ chairman of the Treshvire empire spread within and across the shores of Amzone city.

Many known and unknown friends of the amazing couple celebrated them by sending heartwarming congratulatory messages. While some decided to reach out to either of the couples.

However, some with a bitter vendetta against the couple saw this as a new opportunity to resume plotting how to bring them down.

Three major enemies out of a host of others were:

-firstly, Rodriguez Sacramento; who was still mourning the brutal assassination of his three sons. Although he was certain that Leon was responsible for the crime, he was aggrieved due to the lack of evidence to back up his claim.