Surprise Birthday Party Preparation: Day One.

The following day at the APB fashion company, Ella and Denise both working as a tag team informed Tom of their plan to give Leon a surprise birthday party.

Tom who knew his friend better than both of them advised Ella that it was a bad idea.

"Baby," Denise fondly stroked Tom's nape, making him tremble under her tempting touch. "We didn't invite you here to give us a negative answer."

"So true!" Ella concurred. She inwardly felt Leon was sitting in Tom's current position and she was the one fondly touching him.



Denise put a finger on Tom's lips and said, "no 'buts' my dear. Just say yes, you will make this happen." Denise batted her eyelashes playfully at Tom and whispered something into his ear.

"How can I say no to that," Tom laughed feverishly. "Consider it done, ladies." He smiled while holding unto Denise's waist.

"You two love birds are making me jealous," Ella pouted animatedly.