An Unleashed Bulldog

" want to s...see Maggie!" Reuben asked in a dumbfounded voice. His eyes widened in terror as he imagined the horrible things that were about to befall his family if anything bad happened to Ella. Also, he wasn't sure whether to let Leon in or politely send him away for fear of how Maggie would treat him.

Reuben knew of the enormous hate Maggie bore against the Treshvires. He knew how much effort it took for him and his wife to convince Maggie to allow Ella to be when she refused to divorce her husband. He knew that Maggie would literally pour hot coal on any member of the Treshvire if given the opportunity. Hence he was apprehensive about allowing Leon into his home and turning it into a combat ring.

"Mr. Newman, are you going to leave me standing here all day or grant me access to your home?" Leon asked calmly.