Soothing Relief

An alarm rang in Ella's brain as Maggie's first warm hug after months of rejection, made her question Maggie's true intent. She knew that with Maggie, nothing goes for nothing.

The last time Maggie was this nice to her was when she was planning to fix her up with Richard. Immediately the mission turned sour, Maggie didn't hesitate to bring out her claws.

Although Ella had always sought her mother's love, she knew that Olivia was her mum's favorite and that she was second fiddle. She also knew that Maggie had always been at loggerheads with her ever since the day she forfeited law school for fashion design.

Hence, Ella instantly knew that something was wrong somewhere. There was no way in hell Maggie would develop a fondness for her overnight. Not after the cruel words that came out of her mouth the previous day.