Rebranded Chloe

Chloe's life had been transformed ever since the day she was rescued from her oppressors.

Reconnecting into the sane human world was like taking her first ever baby step.

She had to learn how to talk, walk, eat and act normal all over again.

One of her muscular, gruff and short-tempered tutors, who gave his name simply, Z, did his best to teach her so many things the evil doctor and his devil incarnate wife had tortured out of her system.

Within a space of three days of free sunlight, free natural air, healthy and delicious food, freedom to wake up and sleep at will and above all, no more torture, Chloe slowly regained herself.

She remembered who she was and what her parents did to her. She remembered all her past friends and foes. She remembered the life she had once lived as the well celebrated A-grade model. She remembered all the chaos she had caused by attempting to fight her one-time rival, Ella.